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Hello everyone. I'd like to address a few things:

Firstly, the typo in the chapter two chapters ago, "Trick up his slave." Well, I had planned to write this yesterday, but I was a bit busy, so I could only send the chapter swiftly. The story is, years ago, in one of my first stories, I made this mistake again. While writing the chapter, I was chuckling to myself as I remembered that typo and how awkward people's faces were. I thought to myself I wouldn't do it this time. Guess what, chanting "don't look at the tree" kinda makes you look at the tree. Anyway, I decided to keep it like that. It made me laugh a little.

Secondly, the year ends in chapter 155. It's about to end in the Patreon Chapters, and if I have to say so, I really liked how Harry handled the situation. Of course, there are some mysteries and foreshadowings that might seem like plot holes, but I promise you they are not. Since I dare to put this warning early, I can guarantee that I've thought about them, and they will be explained.

Lastly, sadly, the last few days I've been very busy with life, and publishing has been a little inconsistent. The publish rate for novels was 5-7 a week, but so far, I've never published fewer than 7 a week and have even published extras. But yeah, lately I'm a bit busy, and it might be delayed a little. Also, please comment as much as you can, rate this novel, and tell me what you think. I appreciate all the comments, and I read all, even if I don't answer all. Thank you. I still love you all, and sadly, you can't do anything to change it.


The compartment buzzed with shared stories and laughter. Daphne, with a smirk, shared a particularly amusing tale of a failed attempt at a new charm that ended with Tracey's hair turning a vibrant shade of green. "It was supposed to be a simple Lumos Charm with different colors, but well, Tracey ended up looking more like a Christmas tree than anything else."

Tracey, not one to be outdone, retorted with a playful roll of her eyes, "At least I could pull off the green hair look. Remember the time you tried that potion in your father's study and ended up with a voice that could shatter glass?"

Harry, with a mischievous glint in his eye, subtly waved his wand under the cover of laughter, "Colovaria," he whispered, a spark of magic flickering towards Tracey. In moments, her hair took on a vibrant green hue with streaks of silver, much to the amusement of everyone in the compartment. "Oh, Tracey," Harry grinned, "you do have a certain flair for the green."

Tracey, momentarily oblivious to the change, caught a glimpse of her reflection in the window and gasped, her hands flying to her now colorful hair. "Harry!" she exclaimed, half exasperated, half laughing. "You'll pay for this!"

Daphne couldn't hold back her laughter, "You must admit, it's a stunning look. Maybe it'll start a new trend at Hogwarts."

Susan, chuckling alongside Hannah, added, "At least it's not pink. Green is much more your color, Tracey."

Daphne leaned in, whispering conspiratorially to Tracey, "You know, I might just have a potion that could fix that. Or... make it permanent." Her eyes twinkled with mischief, causing Tracey to gasp dramatically, "You wouldn't dare!"

Tracey, attempting to scowl but failing miserably due to the growing laughter, retorted, "Wait till I find my wand, Harry. You'll be sporting a new hair color too."

Harry laughed, waving off Tracey's playful threat with a grin. "I'll be waiting then. Though, I'm not sure the Color Changing Charm is part of our curriculum this year. Might be a bit advanced for us first years, don't you think?"

Tracey, her finger still wagging at Harry, couldn't hold back her laughter despite her feigned annoyance. "Why you! Must you always be so showy?"

Harry, with an exaggerated innocence, gestured to himself, "Me? Show off? Never." His response drew a collective eye roll from the group, sparking a light-hearted atmosphere in the compartment.

As the laughter from Tracey's magically altered hair color settled, Harry shifted the conversation toward a topic he was particularly excited about. "So, how did everyone find the books I gave you for Christmas?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "I thought it might be interesting to bring a bit of the Muggle world's stories into Hogwarts."

Hannah, always eager to share, jumped in first. "I loved mine! 'The Secret Garden' is so magical, it almost feels like it could be set here at Hogwarts."

Susan nodded in agreement, her voice warm with enthusiasm. "And 'The Chronicles of Narnia'! I couldn't put it down. It's fascinating to see how Muggles imagine other worlds and magic."

Tracey, still fiddling with strands of her green hair, chuckled. "Harry, only you would think to introduce us to Muggle literature. 'Alice in Wonderland' is... well, it's utterly bonkers! In the best way, of course."

Hermione, though from the Muggle world and typically more engrossed in academics, had received a book from Harry as well. She chimed in, her enthusiasm barely contained, "Harry, 'Treasure Island' was an adventure from start to finish! It's fascinating to see how Muggle stories depict adventure and discovery."

Nigel's voice whispered in Harry's mind, "Ah, the joys of Muggle literature. A treasure trove of adventures and mysteries, quite unlike our spell books and potions manuals. Though, I dare say, none of their tales feature a character quite like me."

Harry nodded at Hermione. "I thought you might enjoy a classic adventure, Hermione. It's a bit different from our magical texts, but just as enriching."

Susan, catching Hermione's excitement, added, "It makes you wonder about all the stories we don't know from the Muggle world. Imagine what else is out there."

Tracey, leaning forward with a mischievous grin, teased Daphne, "What about you, Daphne? How did you find your book?" Daphne, however, remained quiet, her expression thoughtful. Harry noticed her subdued reaction but remembered the sensitive nature of the book's content, which inadvertently paralleled the story of Astoria. Choosing not to press the matter, he gave Daphne a supportive smile, hoping to convey his understanding without words.

Changing the subject, Harry skillfully navigated the conversation away from the sensitive topic. He spoke of his plans for the term, the potion experiments he was eager to conduct, and the upcoming Quidditch matches. The group engaged with his topics with enthusiasm, sharing their own aspirations and worries for the new term.

As the train chugged closer to Hogsmeade Station, the landscape outside their window turned increasingly snowy, casting a serene glow over the compartment. The laughter and chatter continued unabated, but there was an underlying excitement and a bit of anxiety about returning to Hogwarts and facing the challenges that awaited them.

Nigel, ever the observer, remarked in Harry's mind, "Ah, the anticipation of returning to the hallowed halls of Hogwarts. Do you think they've missed us as much as we've missed them?"

Harry smiled to himself, looking out at the passing scenery. "I'd like to think so," he replied silently, the familiar towers of Hogwarts coming into view.

As the train pulled into Hogsmeade Station, the group gathered their belongings, ready to disembark. The platform was bustling with students, all eager to return to the castle and begin the term. Harry and his friends made their way through the crowd, their breaths visible in the cold air, their spirits high with the promise of new adventures.

The journey from the station to the castle was seemingly made in the traditional horseless carriages, which seemed to glide over the snow-covered ground. Harry sat with Susan, Hannah, Daphne, Tracey, Hermione, and Neville, their conversation turning to speculation about what the new term would bring.

Upon arriving at Hogwarts, they were greeted by the warm glow of the castle, its windows alight against the night sky. The Great Hall was a welcoming sight, with its enchanted ceiling reflecting the starry night above and the four long house tables filled with students sharing stories of their holidays.

As they took their seats at the Slytherin table, Harry felt a sense of belonging. The familiar faces, the chatter, and even the stern looks from Snape, who was surveying his house with a critical eye, all contributed to the feeling that Hogwarts was indeed home.

Dinner was a lavish affair, with dishes appearing magically on the golden plates. Harry and his friends filled their plates, their conversation turning to lighter topics. The sense of camaraderie was palpable, a testament to the bonds they had formed.

After the splendid dinner in the Great Hall, where the magical ceiling mirrored the night's sky, Harry found himself approached by several students from other houses. This was somewhat unusual, as inter-house mingling, especially with Slytherin, was not the norm. However, Harry's openness and his habit of visiting other house tables had seemingly broken some invisible barriers.

First to approach was Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff's Quidditch player, who wore his usual friendly smile. "Loved the gift, Potter. Thank you," he said, extending his hand for a shake. His gratitude was genuine, a reflection of the sportsmanship he was known for.

Harry, returning the handshake, replied, "Glad you liked it, Diggory. It seemed right up your alley."


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