
Creek and a Frog


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Helena still engaged Petunia in conversation, albeit with a slightly elevated tone than before, a subtle shift that Harry detected despite being surrounded by his friends. It irked him to witness any semblance of condescension directed towards his aunt, a sentiment he bore silently, choosing to focus on the positive aspects of the evening. His discomfort was short-lived, however, as Augusta Longbottom interjected with a commendation that shifted the atmosphere.

"Petunia, the gifts Harry sent, were samples from you sent from your greenhouse right? They were nothing short of revolutionary," Augusta praised, her voice resonant with genuine admiration. "You've managed to use Muggle agricultural techniques with magical herbology together in a way that's both innovative and impressive. I must confess, the Longbottom greenhouses could greatly benefit from such ingenuity. I'd be honored if you'd consider sharing some of your insights with me."

This acknowledgment from a respected figure in the magical community bolstered Petunia's confidence, her posture straightening as she responded with a gracious nod. "Thank you, Lady Longbottom. I'd be delighted to share what I've learned. It's fascinating to see how Muggle advancements can complement our understanding of magical plants."

Helena, upon hearing Augusta's high praise, adjusted her demeanor, her tone softening significantly. "Indeed, Ms. Evans, your work sounds fascinating. The Greengrass family has always valued innovation in potion ingredient cultivation. Perhaps there's potential for collaboration in the future."

The conversation evolved, with Helena and Augusta exchanging thoughts on herbology and the integration of Muggle technology, demonstrating the universal appeal of groundbreaking ideas, regardless of their origin. This exchange not only elevated Petunia in the eyes of the wizarding community but also bridged gaps between worlds, a testament to Harry's belief in the value of cross-cultural exchange.

Amid these engaging discussions, Susan Bones appeared, her enthusiasm unmistakable as she approached Harry, dragging Amelia Bones behind her. "Harry!" Susan exclaimed, her smile wide and bright. "I wanted you to meet my aunt, Amelia Bones. Aunty, this is Harry Potter, the one I've told you so much about."

Amelia, head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, extended her hand to Harry with a firmness that spoke of her character. "Mr. Potter, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Susan speaks very highly of you," she said, her smile genuine, though her eyes held the sharpness typical of someone in her position.

Harry returned the handshake with equal firmness. "The pleasure is all mine, Madam Bones. Susan has been a great friend at Hogwarts," he replied, his tone respectful and warm.

Following closely behind Susan and Amelia were Hannah Abbott and her family. "Hello, Harry," Hannah greeted, a shy smile on her face. Her parents, Thomas and Eleanor Abbott, followed suit, offering Harry polite nods of acknowledgment. "We've heard a great deal about you, Mr. Potter. It's good to finally meet you in person," Thomas Abbott said, his voice carrying a note of curiosity and openness.

The interactions were marked by a mutual respect and curiosity, with Harry finding common ground with each new acquaintance. Nigel commented slyly in Harry's mind, "It seems your fan club is growing by the minute, Master Harry. Shall we start charging membership fees?"

Harry brushed off Nigel's remark with an internal chuckle, focusing on introducing Petunia to Susan and Hannah's relatives. As their table grew increasingly crowded, it naturally drew more attention. At one point, a woman approached them, whom Harry could only describe as resembling a frog in human guise. Something about her immediately set off alarm bells in his mind, prompting him to discreetly use his Observe function.

[System Message: Dolores Umbridge - Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic. Known for her controversial methods and strict adherence to Ministry policies. Slight malicious intent detected.]

Though the system message didn't indicate any external magical influence, the subtle undercurrent of malice in her presence made Harry frown. She began in a voice that was artificially sweet, laden with 'hmm's that punctuated her sentences. "Mr. Potter and…" She looked at Petunia with a greatly failed masked displeasure, "her company… Being invited by the Minister is quite the opportunity, hmm. I see you're taking full advantage of it too," she said, her tone polite on the surface.

Petunia, for her part, maintained her composure, responding with a grace that belied her distaste for the woman. "Yes, it's been most enlightening," she replied, her politeness impeccable yet distant.

Nigel, seizing the moment to inject his unique brand of commentary, quipped in Harry's mind, "Ah, the Ministry's very own toad in the garden. Do be careful, Master Harry, lest we step on her and provoke a bureaucratic squabble."

Harry gave a slight nod, acknowledging Nigel's advice without letting on to their silent communication. He turned his attention back to Umbridge, his expression neutral. "Indeed. Hogwarts has taught me to appreciate every learning opportunity," he said, his words chosen carefully to convey respect while asserting his independence.

Umbridge's smile faltered momentarily, her eyes narrowing as she digested Harry's response. "Hmm, quite. And Mrs. Dursley, it must be a... unique experience for you, being among our kind," she said, her attempt to sound inclusive failing miserably as her tone betrayed her condescension as she uttered the name Dursley.

Harry frowned, his displeasure subtly emerging. "It's Ms. Evans," he corrected with a firm but polite tone, emphasizing the misnomer to assert Petunia's dignity. "And as for being among 'your kind,'" Harry added, his voice carrying a hint of emphasis on the words "your kind," "we're quite accustomed to exploring different environments. I assure you, Ms. Umbridge, my aunt is quite comfortable navigating unfamiliar waters. We've been known to frequent the creeks on occasion."

As Augusta allowed herself a small chuckle, hidden behind her hand, Tracey, Daphne, Astoria, Hannah, and Susan struggled to contain their laughter at Harry's cleverly veiled jab while Neville looked confused. Umbridge, either missing the barb or choosing to overlook it, pressed on, her voice dripping with a condescension that could peel paint. "Ah, the simple pleasures of Muggles, always so... quaint," she remarked, her eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and disdain.

Harry let out a light laugh, leaning into the conversation with an air of feigned innocence that he carefully maintained. "Absolutely," he nodded, his tone carrying a subtle hint of amusement that only those in on the joke would catch. "Just the other day, my aunt and I were playing around with one of those Muggle gadgets—television, they call it. Quite the interesting device, lets you tune into broadcasts from all over. Quite a novelty, wouldn't you agree?" He paused for effect, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But, you see, we got a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of channels—did you know there are thousands of them? So, we decided to switch things up and give an Atari a go. Another Muggle invention, lets you play games right on your TV screen. After trying out a few different ones, we decided to go for a more old-fashioned thrill—a ride in our car. Can't fly, unfortunately, but let me tell you, Madam Umbridge, the speed is something else."

Umbridge's smile wavered, her patience clearly tested by Harry's pointed enthusiasm for the mundane. "Fascinating," she managed, her voice strained with the effort of politeness. "I suppose when one is limited by non-magical means, such... diversions can provide a modicum of amusement."

Nigel whispered with his characteristic wit, "Ah, the boundless joys of Muggle innovation. Who needs a broomstick when you have the breakneck thrill of terrestrial transportation? Watch out, Madam Umbridge, we might just take you for a spin."

Harry's smile broadened, a silent chuckle shared between him and his unseen advisor. "Indeed, Madam Umbridge, we find joy in the simple things. And who knows? Perhaps there's a lesson there about the value of grounding oneself in the basics," he said, his gaze steady, challenging.

Umbridge, sensing the undercurrents of defiance in Harry's polite veneer, huffed slightly, her annoyance palpable. "Well, I'm sure your... adventures are quite fulfilling. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have matters of greater significance to attend to." With that, she turned on her heel, her departure as stiff as her demeanor.

As the group watched her retreat, Augusta leaned closer, her voice low but audibly amused. "Mr. Potter, your knack for handling difficult people with such poise is commendable. And quite entertaining, if I may add."

Harry bowed his head in acknowledgment, a grin still playing on his lips. "Thank you, Lady Longbottom. It's all in a day's work, I suppose."


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