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Harry sat back, deep in thought. His recent discoveries about the languages of magical creatures and their specific attributes in enhancing spell power had opened a new world of possibilities for him. He realized that, unlike Latin, the base language used by wizards, which was neutral in its effects on spells, the languages of magical creatures like Thunderbirds, Phoenixes, and Unicorns had distinct attributes. Parseltongue, for instance, seemed less effective for light spells, while the Phoenix language faltered in spells that were not related to fire, air, flying, or healing.

Looking at Hagrid, Harry was curious about another aspect of this newfound knowledge. "Hagrid, what about the affinities of these creatures? How does that work?" he asked, trying to keep his recent experiments and findings a secret for the time being.

Hagrid furrowed his brow, a puzzled expression crossing his face. His expertise lay more in hands-on experience with magical creatures than in academic knowledge, although he did have a penchant for reading on occasion. Harry's questions were perceptive, but Hagrid felt that his answers would only scratch the surface. Then, a memory surfaced: a book Dumbledore had once gifted him. It was weighty, and he often turned to it for deeper insights. Dumbledore had told him at the time, "Wizards and Witches possess a wide array of talents, Rubeus. Some excel in charms or curses, some have the gift of prophecy, others are skilled potion-makers, and a few can soar through the skies. Unlike us humans, magical creatures diverse in groups."

Deciding the Headmaster would know best, Hagrid started, his voice deep and warm, "Yeh see, Harry, magical creatures have their own kinds of magic, just as we wizards have ours. Each type of creature has an affinity fer certain elements or types of magic. It's all about what they're naturally drawn to, what's in their nature."

He leaned in closer, his large hands gesturing as he spoke. "Take the Nifflers, fer example. They've got a knack fer findin' shiny things. It's not just 'cause they like 'em – though they do, mind – but because they've got a natural magic that draws 'em to treasure."

Harry listened intently, his mind piecing together the intricate tapestry of the magical world. He remembered the time he had witnessed a Niffler in action during his visit to Diagon Alley.

Hagrid continued, "And thestrals, now, they're a curious sort. Only visible to those who've seen death, they are. Their magic is tied to the unseen, to the mysteries beyond what we normally perceive."

Nigel chimed in Harry's mind, "Ah, thestrals, the taxi service of the afterlife. Handy for a quick getaway if you don't mind the company."

Harry rolled his eyes at chatty AI, his attention still on Hagrid. "What about creatures like Basilisks and Acromantulas?" he asked.

Hagrid's expression grew solemn. "Basilisks, they're dangerous beasts. Their magic's deadly, what with their killin' gaze and venom. As fer Acromantulas, they've got a sort of community magic, understandin' and communicatin' in ways that's beyond most creatures."

Harry nodded, his thoughts still swirling with the insights gleaned from Hagrid's words about the inherent magic of creatures. The voice, it seemed, was a crucial part of "will," one of the most critical elements in spellcasting. While intent visualized the magic, will was the driving force behind it, giving it direction and purpose. In magical creatures, this chanting was carried out through their unique languages. Harry's newfound understanding of the magical world's nuances was deepening, and with it, his curiosity.

His eyes drifted to the newspaper lying beside him, catching a headline that had caught his attention previously. "Investigations continue into the break-in at Gringotts on 31 July, widely believed to be the work of dark wizards or witches unknown. Gringotts' goblins today insisted that nothing had been taken. The vault that was broken into had in fact been emptied the same day. 'But we're not telling you what was in there, so keep your noses out if you know what's good for you,' said a Gringotts spokesgoblin this afternoon." Harry read the paper daily, whether it was Muggle news or wizarding. The incident at Gringotts had intrigued him since he first read about it.

Seeing Harry absorbed in the paper, Tracey approached with a curious tilt to her head. "What is it, Potter?" she asked.

Harry hummed in response, "Some time ago, there was a break-in at Gringotts. Quite suicidal, if you ask me, given how much they care about their reputation. Luckily, the vault was emptied before anything could be stolen."

Tracey mused, her voice tinged with skepticism, "Could it be lies? To protect their name?"

Before Harry could respond with "Impossible," Hagrid exclaimed, "No, it is true." Harry turned to Hagrid and noticed him avoiding eye contact. 'How interesting,' he muttered to himself. His research on facial responses told him Hagrid was obviously hiding something. 'Hagrid's blurt suggests he certainly knows the vault was emptied before the thing could be stolen,' he deduced.

At this time, Nigel's voice echoed, sardonic as ever. "Seems like our half-giant friend has inside news. Peculiar, considering even Gringotts is so secretive about it. What next, Hagrid giving us stock tips?"

Harry smirked at Nigel's remark, his suspicion about Hagrid's knowledge growing. The half-giant was clearly more connected than he let on.

Harry mused in his mind, 'Could it be Hagrid who took the item from the vault? But it doesn't make sense. From the look of it, I doubt Hagrid could possess something enticing enough to force someone to break into Gringotts. "Could it be something the headmaster asked Hagrid to take?" Harry asked in his mind.

"That sounds plausible, Master Harry," Nigel replied with a tone suggested he was jesting. "Maybe our beloved half-giant is moonlighting as a high-stakes delivery-man. The mind boggles."

Harry looked at Hagrid, unsure whether to press the issue or let it be. After a moment's hesitation, he decided to approach the subject from a different angle. "Hagrid, do you know anything about the Third Floor? The one the Headmaster forbids us to approach," Harry asked, trying to sound casually curious.

Hagrid almost choked on his tea, spluttering as he hastily set down his cup. "I...um... well, that's, uh, school business, Harry. Best not to meddle in things that are out of bounds, eh?" He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, clearly flustered. "Eat more cookies. Oh, how late it has become. Yeh need to go back," he added quickly, changing the subject.

Harry's eyes narrowed slightly, observing Hagrid's evident discomfort. It was a clear sign that there was something significant about the Third Floor, something perhaps directly linked to the recent break-in at Gringotts. Nigel's voice, ever ready with a comment, piped up in his mind.

"Oh, subtle as a Bludger to the face, that one. If he's trying to be discreet, he's got the finesse of a troll in a china shop."

Harry suppressed the chuckle forming, maintaining his composed expression. He stood up, brushing off imaginary crumbs from his robes. "Thank you for the tea and the... um, unique cookies, Hagrid. We better head back now. Rules are rules, after all."

As they made their way back to the castle, Harry's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and theories. The item removed from the vault, the forbidden third floor, Hagrid's evasive answers – they all seemed to be pieces of a larger puzzle.

Harry talked in his mind, "I first have to test the compelling zone on the third floor. To see if it's for me or anyone entering the area. Then I can determine how to proceed. If the zone is for me, then whoever put the zone there, it is to pull me there. But for what? If there's a connection between the item that was in the vault and the third floor, then how is it connected to me?" Tracey at this time asked, "Potter, what did you ask about the Third Floor? You're not thinking of going there, are you?"

Daphne was much more careful. She saw how Hagrid spurt the tea and changed the subject. Unlike Tracey, who was a little bit more carefree, Daphne noticed details. "I was just curious," Harry answered. Daphne squinted as she looked at him but didn't say anything.


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