The once-renowned Martial Artist, Lu Xinting, the 'Glowing Body' of the Chimei True Heritage, who held the status of Heavenly Man and fought against the Refining God Heavenly Man's prodigy, now looked somewhat like a clown in the eyes of the other martial artists, venting his rage impotently.
On the other hand, Xu Yan portrayed a calm and composed attitude, standing arrogantly with his hands crossed behind his back, as if he were looking down on a furious locust.
The Second Elder of the Chimei Sect killed the Martial Artist who unabashedly expressed his feelings. Although the remaining martial artists dared not speak out, they were thinking the same.
Even the Refining God Martial Artists from the Spirit Sect's noble families had similar suspicions.
Zhu Liang, the Sect Master of the Yushen Sect, and the others also thought it was absurd. They dared not reveal any trace of their emotions and instead showed a grave expression.
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