

" Ayra you wouldn't believe what I just heard? " Ella squealed loudly that kachi who was sitting next to her had to cover her ears for a moment .

" What did you hear this time? " Ayra asked feeding jack her banana.

" Oh I have something to tell you guys as well , more like a testimony to share " Kachi inputed smiling ruefully.

" You guys spill it all out already you all are disrupting my time with muffin plus Ari ,I want to show you something before school ends " Jack murmured rubbing her checks gently.

" Yuck jack stop with the PDA and you should be grateful I allowed you to sit with us" Ella stated imperiously.

" Hold up before you two start fighting once again tell us the stuff you heard " Ayra said trying to calm Ella down.

" I think kachi should go first my gossip is more spicy " .

Kachi giggled heartily " Ella don't get me started I know you can't wait to speak so you go first mine can wait " . The two girls went back and forth for a moment to the dismay of jack and ayra but finally Ella cleared her throat and spoke up.

" I got from a reliable source that Alice was called into the principal's office and was almost suspended because of the fight " .

Ayra swallowed hard and sat upright immediately, this was really bad news Alice always seemed to be annoyed at her for some unknown reason and getting into trouble because of her would only make her to hate me more ayra thought to herself

" I will go immediately and speak with Mrs Louis, I should be the one suspended not Alice after all all these happened because of me " .

" Wait up muffin I will come with you Natasha acted that way towards you because of me therefore I'm to blame too " Jack added standing up with her.

Kachi stood up with them as well lost on what to do but willing to help in any way possible.

" Jezzz the whole lot of you are dramatic " Ella drawled surprised at their reaction and shy on the numerous eyes they were attracting to themselves. " I'm not even done with my story yet " She screeched.

" Wait there's more? " Ayra questioned horrified.

" Yeah according to the student that evesdropped on their conversation, Alice refused to accept the said punishment melted out on her on the grounds she did nothing wrong but was merely defending you " Ella pointed at ayra " Her sister " .

" Your sister is such a badass " Kachi exclaimed " I can't even look Mrs Louis in the eyes talk more of talking back at her " .

" Exactly and the school is not justified in punishing Alice because Natasha is the villain here not Alice " Ella seconded proud of herself on having knowledge of such juicy gist.

" Do you guys think I should go and see her ? " Ayra asked glancing at the table where Alice sat like a queen surrounded by her minions and talking animitadely probably stuffs about her upcoming birthday and looking as beautiful as always.

" What will you say to her? " Jack commented.

" I don't know anything it's all my fault she's in this mess in the first place " .

" It's not your fault ayra " Ella muttered reaching out for her hands " And from the little I have observed from Alice, she wouldn't appreciate your sympathy in front of her friends and she will definitely want to know how you got the gist , I don't want to get into trouble with your sister " She finished off with a tiny smirk.

" Yeah Ella is right maybe you can speak with her about it at home - " Kachi started saying but the remaining words she wanted to say got stuck in her throat on suddenly sighting Patrick and worse he was coming towards their table.

" Hey guys can I sit here?" Patrick questioned pointing at the only vacant seat directly opposite to kachi.

Six pairs of eyes turned to stare at kachi, they all knew the friction between her and Patrick and such wouldn't want to make her uncomfortable . Kachi realizing they were waiting for her approval wanted to disappear from sight but instead she said " Of course you can sit with us " .

" Thanks " Patrick lowered his tray on the table and got comfortable.

Ella stared at the two of them hard and sensed something in the air but decided to remain mute about it for the meantime.

" Kachi it's your turn you wanted to share something with us? "

" Yes it's no biggie I ju- " Flustered by Patrick's intense gaze on her she focused on her food. " I almost got kidnapped, robbed I don't actually know the full intention of the man but thankfully Patrick here saved my life. "

" Oh my god!!! Kachi how- gosh I don't even know what to say " Ayra stuttered alarmed.

" I want to know the full details " Ella demanded agahast and after kachi filled them in on the details, they acted like mother hens pleading with her to be more careful.

" Are your injuries gone? " Patrick said for the first time in the conversation.

" Huh? " Kachi asked finally looking up at him and immediately forgetting his question.

" Your injuries do they still hurt?" He repeated.

" Oh not at all I'm fine now " She replied as normal as possible.

" See you guys later ,myself and ari have somewhere to be " Jack intoned and without giving any more explanation he walked away with ayra .

" Oh me too I'm off " Ella said taking her juice with her.

" Where are you going "? Kachi questioned alarmed at being left alone with Patrick.

" Uhm I have to use the ladies and other stuff see yaa " .

Kachi slumped back on her seat and thought of how to leave the awkward situation without seeming as though she was running away from him .

" It's okay if you want to leave the table stop worrying your brain on coming up with an idea " . Patrick said staring at her intently.

'Christ is he a mind reader? '

" I'm not searching for ways to leave the table " She lied through her teeth .

" Lier " He mouthed gently.

"I beg to disagree and why are you even sitting here? you normally sit down with your jerks of a friend. "

He shrugged his shoulders " I don't know I just wanted satisfy myself you're fine but then I ended up sitting down with you -

guys ".

" Oh " She didn't know what to say to his remark.

Figuring he had said too much and she was uncomfortable he stood up and without thinking about it moved her front braids away from her face to see her brown almond eyes clearly and was gone almost immediately leaving a breathless confused kachi behind.

PDA - public display of affection.

Spoiler : I will introduce a new character in the upcoming chapters, do you think it's a male or a female and how will it affects the lives of the existing characters? please comment your thoughts and opinions and recommend my novel to your friends.

Thank you for reading and stay safe guys. ❤❤

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