
Doll’s Jealousy

After his encounter with his past love, Edelweiss Roth, Evan immediately headed home to where his present obsession was, Eternity Doll.

The set of keys jingled as he keyed the door to his apartment before he slowly went inside.

The room was dark since all the lights were off. Usually, if Eternity was lounging in the living room, she would stay on the sofa with the lights and their flat screen TV on, watching MeTube videos or whatever interesting thing she could get her hands on the internet.

Since both the lights and TV were off, Evan assumed that Eternity was probably inside her bedroom, "conserving energy," as she called it.

However, when he opened the lights, Evan almost got a heart attack.

"Christ's sake, Eternity!" Evan clung his hands to his chest for dear life, as if this would help calm down the intense beating of his heart. "Why didn't you say you were there?"

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