
Consequences II

The three archangels battled, with tremors of their clashes filling the void, and sending out waves of destructive demiurgic power ripping through the fabric of reality.

"Sigh…I warned you, didn't I? You would not listen.."

Meanwhile, in the garden of Eden, Adam crouched down before his lover with a sadistic smile on his face.

"Where is he to save you now?" He laughed and got back up to his feet, while he looked towards the sky with a satisfied expression.

Meanwhile, tears flowed from the eyes of Lilith who was bleeding from her nose and mouth, but in that moment, as if nature could hear her cry, a ray of golden light bloomed within her and in a moment, all of her injuries disappeared.

The two angels who were standing behind Adam looked towards each other and nodded, before they stretched out their palms towards her, gathering orbs of destructive divine energy, wanting to obliterate her, as per instructions.


Beams of pure white divine power burst out from their palms and engulfed her, obliterating nearly everything in a 15km radius. Helplessly watching as the beams of light swallowed her figure, a tear slowly dripped down her cheek in sorrow. She closed her eyes to bravely embrace her death, however in that moment, a figure suddenly reappeared before her and with but a glance, a massive dome of energy surrounded their bodies, shielding them from the onslaught.


The two angels looked towards each other once more with surprise and began moving towards the point of collision.

The moment they took a step forward, a pair of multicoloured irises glowed, before a mass of inky black flames suddenly exploded, and swallowed the two angels, while burning away nearly everything in its path.

Within the energy dome, Alan turned towards Lilith who was in his arms with a sigh before he gently patted her head. She hugged him as she cried, and Alan couldn't help but clench his teeth in fury.

"It's alright. Stay here, I'll be b-…"


Alan pulled hismelf away from her and reassured, however before he could even react, a hand suddenly ripped through his energy dome and grabbed him by the face.

A fist crashed into his face and hurled him a few meters away.

Recovering almost instantly, he glared towards his opponents, the two angels who were completely unharmed by his death flames at a point blank range.



The moment the two angels made their moves, Alan moved as well. Strengthening his body with all the energy he could muster at the moment, he seemingly teleported and reappeared before the two angels and smashed out both of his fists.

The earthquakes, while massive tremors burst forth, and while Alan lost in the exchange and was hurled back couple of miles away, he recovered nearly instantly and clashed once more with the both of them.

The three exchanged moves as they zoomed through the skies. Having the ability to see the world in its truest form was quite beneficial to Alan in this fight, as it allowed him to accurately judge the attack power and trajectory of his opponents attacks, while allowing him to manoeuvre and counter equally.

Unleashing multiple punches and kicks without suffering exhaustion, even the two angels couldn't help but be surprised watching him relentlessly fight back.

They suddenly nodded toward each other in tactical agreement and moved back. As powerful as they were, they couldn't unleash their true power and risk destroying the earth.

'I can't take them both at the same time. I need to separate them….'

Alan thought and stretched out his hand. In that instant, a blinding light shot out through the skies from a distance and reached him in the blink of an eye.

Grabbing onto the hilt of his blade tightly, he gently unsheathed it and stretched it out towards the two divine beings in an act of provocation.

They two of them instantly rushed out, towards him, gathering beams of divine energies within their palms.


As the two divine beams blasted towards him, he hoisted his blade and slashed out, surprisingly cleaving through the beams of energy and causing them to explode instantly.

He then disappeared and reappeared in the midst of the two angels and kicked out, catching one offguard and sending him flying. As the other one came to his senses, he suddenly blasted out a beam of energy, aimed towards Alan.


Simply slashing out his blade, an invisible slash swept out and ripped through the energy beam. Before the Angel could react to the slash, his entire left arm was cleaved off, as golden blood spurted out.

Alan who was about to unleash another attack was suddenly smashed into a mountain from a punch from one Angel.

The Angel then continued toward him, summoning a silvery wave of energy within his palm.

Alan smiled, watching the Angel draw closer to him with each passing second, and in that moment, a gleam of energy shone within his eyes, and he disappeared. The Angel who was blasting towards him also disappeared in that moment, and appeared in Alan's place, against the mountain.

'What a useful ability…'

After exchanging places with the Angel, Alan laughed and held up his fingers, summoning a massive orb of golden green energy that distorted space and time.


The foundations of the earth shook, as the massive energy orb exploded, unleashing a wave of annihilation that erased everything in its path.

Alan was about to continue with the assault, when he suddenly paused and turned around. His brows furrowed in anger, seeing the beautiful figure levitating before him with a small smile on her face.

"It would seem that fool, Samael, brought you back from death didn't he?..Not only that, it seems he's made you stronger, seeing as you've been able to defeat two messengers on your own."

The archangel of beauty, Jophiel sized up Alan and shook her head and disgust, before she looked towards the garden and waved her hand.

The next moment, Lilith who was still being protected by Alan's dome was forcefully teleported and reappeared in Jophiel's grip.

"I truly wonder what that idiot of my brother saw in you to make the effort to defile you, however, father has spoken, are you are to be punished!"

She raised her hand to the sky and summoned a long sword that shone with holy light.

"For the sin of getting yourself defiled by divinity, you Lilith, are to be banished to the chaoplasm!"

Jophiel looked Lilith in the eyes with a sadistic smirk, before she waved her sword and sliced through space, revealing the dark abyss hidden within multiple dimensions.


Alan blasted forward with his full speed, Jophiel merely smirked and slashed out with her blade, sending out a wave of energy that instantly engulfed Alan and cleaved the entire earth into two.


As his body slowly disappeared within the wave of annihilation, Alan's did not even pay attention to the fact that wheel had rotated for the first time in a long time, rather, his eyes glanced towards Lilith who was terrified beyond measure as a tear dripped down his cheek. And in a mere split second, his entire being was erased from existence.


Lilith cried out, shocked by Alan's seeming demise, however, Jophiel's grip on her was unshakable.


Waving her hand, Jophiel tossed Lilith into the deep dark abyss without a care, and watched her slowly disappear.

Slowly drowning within the darkness, the sorrow and fear within Lilith's eyes transformed into a deep hatred and resentment, as she gnashed her teeth and swore in her heart.

In a moment, she disappeared, as reality began to mend itself, along with the earth that had been cleaved in half.


Meanwhile the battle between the three arch angels was at its peak. Samael was covered in golden blood as he repeatedly slashed out his blade like a madman, however a bloodied Michael and Camael who had lost an arm were unrelenting. Despite their injuries they still held him back, with all they had.

Raising his sword up to the sky, Samael, summoned all of his might, drowning the entirety of the multiverse in waves of demiurgic power.

However the moment he was about to attack, he halted, and was shaken as his blade dropped from his hand and disappeared into the void.


He cried out and knelt within the void, grabbing his hair, as tears flowed from his eyes which turned deep red in a moment. Meanwhile, Michael and Camael looked towards each other and shook their heads before disappearing from the void, leaving the lightbringer alone within the darkness as he wept bitterly.

A/N: Sorry for not giving you an extra chaoter like I promise yesterday. I was extremely exhausted and fell asleep. Sigh..I might go on a little break this Christmas and resume posting from next year.

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