
Chapter 81: Rumour 1

"I can help you with your notes, Emily. It's no problem." Said Kevin. I gave him a grateful smile.

"I think I can handle writing Kevin." I was in my social science class, which Kevin was also in. Let's just say Kevin was being very protective today. It was just yesterday I was very down with Orcrex fever but I insisted on going to school. I wasn't going to allow some witchy sickness to make me lose my perfect attendance.

Shawn had some Alpha duties to handle and wasn't at school today. Since he knew he couldn't stop me from changing my mind, he gave Kevin the task of taking care of me. Which he was doing excellently at. In fact too excellently. 

Our social science teacher was rambling about our project that needed submitting in the next two weeks. This was the third time he had mentioned it within five minutes. I was starting to get tired. Looks like I'm still not completely better. I let out a deep sigh.

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