
Devourer of Gods

As the bellow came out of the portal, everyone turned to look at it in fear, "What in the world was that?" Sibley asked in confusion.

A moment after that question left her lips, a gigant Narwal came out of the portal, "Is this something a Gnosis can do!?" Aether questioned Focalors.

"WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK IT COULD!?!?" The Archon question back in absolute shock, at least until a gigantic purple serpent came chasing after the Narwal.

The sight of the serpent shook Akemi to her core, "THE DEVOURER OF GODS!?" She yelled in fear, surprise and horror.

Hearing 'Devourer of Gods' made Furina, Focalors, Aether and Paimon freeze up slightly, "Where did either of these came from!?" Paimon thought to herself, deciding that saving innocence is useless here, revealing her true form

Aether then proceeded to unleash his full power, uncurling his wings, not really caring about Paimon's transformation at the moment, "Hey you seem to know this thing! Is it on our side!?" He questioned Akemi, who nodded uncertainly.

"Then let's focus on the Narwal!" Sibley exclaimed, flying up to said dimensional fish, using her staff to smack it through the roof of the Opera and into the sky, causing the Devourerto growl in annoyance, "Just damage control big guy!" She reassured the serpent before flying up.

Before following, the Devourer chomped on Aether and Paimon to spit them upwards and give them a boost, "OH THAT WAS DISGUSTING!" Paimon lamented, wiping the saliva off of herself as she went up.

When they reached the Narwal, Aether wasted no time in slamming his palm full of electricity in against it's stomach, stunning it in place, meanwhile Paimon flew to it's side and blasted it with enough force to leave a massive hole in it's side.

The sight of the damage made Aether and Paimon surprised cause that was incredibly easy, "Here's your lunch!" Sibley exclaimed, slamming her staff on top of the Narwal, sending it flying down towards the Devourer, which caught it in it's open jaw and swallowing it alive.

Sibley smiled seeing the Narwal get swallowed by the Devourer, but then took a deep breath, "Is it just me or that was incrdibly underwhelming?" She asked the other two who nodded in agreement.

"It was easy." The Devourer suddenly spoke, "I got assigned to it cause it kept blowing holes through reality and killing people." It explained.

Hearing the giant serpent speak was a surprise, "You can talk! That was unexpected!" Paimon commented before processign what it said, "That thing was behind the murders?" She questioned, the serpent as it opened a portal.

"I have no idea what murders you're talking about." The Devourer replied as it slithered through the portal.

Back in the Opera.

"Dealt with!" Akemi reassured as she floated down, "It was a pushover." She commented, still wondering where the Narwal even came from.

"And we found the source..." Arlecchino said with a scowl on her face, looking at a tablet that was just brought in.

Standing in front of the tablet is a blonde boy that's reading what's on it, "It seems that the Narwal was sent from... Celestia..." He read outloud, his eyes widening as he did.

Last Profile.

Name: Freminet.

Age: ???

Occupation: Professional Diver.

Element: Cryo.

"...Alright, Akemi, please tell me if I miss something." Sibley requested of her partner, "Destroyed a whole nation because they're petty, killed Gods because they were being Gods, CURSED a God cause they were being a God, hell cursed the entire popolation of a nation, and now sent that thing... Did I miss anything?" She asked.

"Nope, that about covers the whole thing." Akemi confirmed, "...Your head is smoking..." She commented, noticing that Sibley seemed to be almost on fire.

Without saying anything, Sibley walked to Aether, "Give me your sword." She requested, Aether was about to ask why, but Sibley interrupted, "JUST GIVE ME YOUR FUCKING SWORD!!" She insisted, holding back the need to cough, making herself drool.

Being scared at the sight, Aether did not dare say no, so he handed Sibley his sword, only to regret it when she decapitated herself with it, "Again?" Arlecchino said stupefied.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN AGAIN!?!?" Everyone that heard that yelled questioningly.

Godly Plane.

"So why did you want to see me this time?" Shiva Samba asked, only for Sibley to put her hands on her shoulders, "Wha-" She was saying, but was interrupted by being shaken wildly.

"I'M FUCKING DONE WITH CELESTIA!! GIVE ME PERMISSION TO DESTROY IT RIGHT NOW!!" Sibley demanded angrily, sounding absolutely done with it.

Teleporting away to stop getting shaken, Shiva samba took a moment, "Yeah okay, you can destroy it." She agreed with a thumbs up.

"I- Wait really?" Sibley asked in surprise, "Just like that? Why?" She questioned further, not believing that the one who told her to wait multiple times just suddenly changed her mind.

Shiva Samba got closer to Sibley, putting her hands on her shoulder, "Sibley... You're ready..." She said her voice quivering a bit.

The quiver in the Goddess's voice took Sibley off guard, "Are... Are you crying?" She asked confused.

Lifting her head up, Shiva Samba was clearly crying, "I picked you... I chose you specifically because I knew what you're like..." She explained, "I knew you would get here, but honestly... I wasn't expecting that I wouldn't be ready for it..." She finished, wiping the tears from her eyes.

Floating back, Shiva Samba removed Sibley's front ribcage and replacing it with a Cyan Chestplate, "Sibley... With this I name you... The first Divine Fury." She declared, snapping her fingers and sending Sibley back to the mortal world, "...If this is what a proud mother feels like... Then I hope this feeling never goes away..." She told herself.

Opera Epiclese.

For the people who couldn't see through Sibley's eyes, it felt like a second passed when her head grew back, her staff disappeared and a Cyan Chestplate replaced her actual chest, the people around feeling relieved until Sibley sloched forward, all her muscles tensing up in anger before a cyan flame came out of her mouth and engulfed her whole head, scorching it, while her hair became a cyan flame, then her teeth started becoming sharper until they looked like fangs and cyan fire started pouring out of the sides of her mouth.


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