
[Sub Scenario – 'Representative Selection']

The sun reflected from the puddle of water formed by last night's shower. Voices echoed all around me waiting for the next scenario to arrive. Gathering the two tokens to clear the previous scenario had been easy. One surrendered when I used Blood Lust and the other gave up when I sneaked behind him using Time Lapse. Today's weather was one to be admired, with heavy clouds all around but leaving enough space for the blue sky and the life-giving sun to shine. A cool breeze hitting me on the cheeks, a reminder of last night's storm.

If something felt out of place in this beautiful scene it was my thoughts, I barely got any sleep last night. Thalia's words were still ringing in my ears like a reminder of the hell we were living in. "All my friends died because of you". "You inspired people to kill each other". The enormous guilt those words brought was crushing my soul and the empty apartment that was usually filled with Nuve screaming at the computer or doting over his little sister felt like a stab in the heart. I tried to sleep but the silence wouldn't let me, and when the silence was interrupted it was always Thalia's words that did the interrupting.

[Very few Constellation are showing their boredom]

[Very few Constellations are demanding that the scenario be started immediately]

I reached for my pocket and pulled out my phone. The last message was from Nuve. It was a picture he had asked me to get framed on my way back from the interview, probably sent moments before the scenarios started. Nuve the tallest in the group had his hands around a middle-aged pair who I assumed were his parents and standing in front of the group was a little girl reaching Nuve's waist in height, delightfully holding the fingers of her parents. Whether or not they were alive, I had no idea.

[You lot seem to be enjoying yourselves. Just the perfect time for the next scenario]

The dokkaebi's devilish voice entered my ears immediately shattering the pleasant mood in the air. I was thankful for it, an anger rose from within me replacing the guilt from moments ago.

[The next scenario will be conducted across the entire Shuruwat dome simultaneously but before that, we need to select a representative for each area. We can't have everybody laying claim to the Absolute Throne]

[No, That's not quite correct we will be selecting a King for each area and the king will have control over his area's incarnations like a king has control over his subjects]

[The rules are simple enough]

[Sub Scenario – Representative Selection]

Category: Sub

Difficulty: C

Clear Conditions: Take the 'white flag' installed in the center of the platform.

Time Limit: 30 minutes

Compensation: 1,000 coins, Uttarkshetra's representative.

Failure: ―

* The representative of the Uttarkshetra area can exercise strong control over the members.]

As if on queue small pieces of blue holograms started spawning into existence, as if pieces of broken wine glass reverting to its original state, the holograms formed a platform not 20 meters ahead. At the center of the platform stood a small pole, the length of my forearm. Hoisted on the pole was a triangular white flag.

If this was a novel or a game the script writer didn't give much thought to it, everybody knew that a white flag was used to surrender not determine a king. 

Clear Conditions: Take the 'white flag' installed in the center of the platform.

If I just had to take it, it was an easy task.

[Stigma Time Lapse has been activated]

The time around me froze. Droplets splashing from people running on puddles of water hung in the air as if they were never meant to drop. People were frozen in all sorts of positions, trust me you don't want to see their poses. I had a sudden urge to recreate a specific scene from X-men but I was too embarrassed to do it, ultimately I decided to stroll over to the platform and grabbed the flag. There scenario over.

[Stigma Time Lapse has been deactivated]

[You have pulled the white flag from the flagpole.]

[You have become the 'representative' of Uttarkshetra.]

[You are qualified to walk the 'King's Road'.]

This was an easy scenario. probably as easy as it could get. King's Road. I like the sound of that.

[Very few Constellations are shocked by your ability]

[Very few Constellations are questioning the probability of Incarnation Dorain]

Probability, That word alone sent shivers down my spine. I had been hit by a probability storm once and I definitely didn't want to be hit by it again.

[Constellation Prisoner of Paranoia is saying that this is the bare minimum for being his incarnation]

[Very few Constellations are excited by the scenario]

[1,000 coins have been sponsored]

[Incarnation Dorain has occupied the white flag.]

[If the white flag doesn't change owners in the next five minutes, Uttarkshetra will be under his control.]

[If the flag is snatched in the next five minutes, the timer will reset.]

Time Remaining: 5 minutes

I thought this was way too easy to be a scenario. Damn dokkaebi. Screams echoed all around me, screams would be an oversimplification, they were war cries. Barbarians dashed towards me with murder in their eyes, they were shocked by my sudden appearance but the shock was quickly taken over by urgency. At this point, there was only one thing I could bet on. I had received quite a lot of coins in my battle with Thalia and the rest of the 1st main scenario. At least there were no groups yet, to each his own. Individuals are easy to conquer I just need to give them something to fear.

Coins possessed: 5,300

Invest 2,700 coins in magic power.

[Magic Power Lv.10 -> Magic Power Lv. 20]

[Your Magic Power Level has increased dramatically!!]

[Your body is flowing with Magic]

Invest 2,700 coins in physique.

[Error not enough coins]

Shit I needed 100 coins more.

[Your current incarnation body cannot handle your magic power]

[Magic Power is forcibly reduced to lv. 10]

[Constellation Prisoner of Paranoia has sponsored 500 coins]

At this point, I was sure he could read my thoughts. I looked up at my sponsor's star shining in the morning sky, I still hadn't gotten used to stars shining in broad daylight. I smiled while giving a grateful look. Somehow I knew he would understand even if I didn't say it. There was kind of a special bond between us ever since the last scenario. The screams were getting closer, footsteps louder, splashes harder it was now or never.

Invest 2,700 coins in physique.

[Physique Lv. 5 -> Physique Lv. 15]

[Your Physique level has increased significantly.]

[Your body's sturdiness has increased significantly]

[Your incarnation body is now capable of handling your Magic Power]

[Magic Power Lv. 10 -> Magic Power Lv. 20]

[Skill Blood Lust has been activated]

[Attribute Ruthless is significantly increasing the effect of skill blood lust]

[Due to the enormous increase in your magic power the effect of Blood Lust has been increased tremendously]

[Skill Blood Lust Lv. 3(+ 1) has been activated]

[Skill Mana Manipulation has been activated]

I activated mana manipulation and created a mana blade to further intimidate them, although it was for the first time. I gave the best death stare I could conjure.

"TAKE ONE MORE STEP AND YOUR HEADS FLY!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. A complete bluff but they didn't need to know that.

[Constellation Indomitable Champion Of Conflict is staring in awe.]

[Constellation Indomitable Champion Of conflict like your actions very much]

[Constelation Indomitable Champion Of Conflict wants to offer you a sponsor contract]

[Contellation Prisoner of Paranoia is giving a death stare towards Constellation Indomitable Champion of Conflict]

[Constellaion Enchantress Of Folkvangr and Constellation Ruler Of Vanir are expressing their disappointment]

[Constellaion Enchantress Of Folkvangr is saddened by your actions]

Well, you can't please everybody.

Sorry for the delay I was a little busy this week and thank you for reading.

DOPMcreators' thoughts
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