
A New CupCake Mission

#Juli’s Office Room, Ayodale City Hospital

Juli and Kim were sitting there with Sgt. Rojas. As she was responsible for security, there was an unasked question in the air, “How could this happen on your watch?”

Rojas was feeling utterly guilty. The other two were having the same feeling. Juli spoke first.

“How can I believe what just happened to my kid. How can we explain what happened. Leaving this to the paranormal is not a solution.” She looked at Kim and Rojas for support.

Rojas remained silent, as she couldn’t say she had a surveillance drone inside Suho’s cabin and they were all spying on Suho. That would definitely violate their trust. Besides, even if she wanted to, she couldn’t because this was a top secret mission directly given to her by Col. Jabari Evans.

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