
Chapter 13

The doctor left Aaron's room. This was the first time the Omega didn't leave for an examination. He pulled up his pants swiftly with a hint of anger in his body language.

His mind was cycling through what Zeke had told him.

Anna entered his room.

"Do you need anything Aaron?"

He looked to her coldly.

"Did you know I was in heat?"

His question was almost demanding.

"N-no! I didn't know! I was only told to take you to Lord Zane!"

She stuttered as she took a couple steps towards him.

Looking at her: Aaron could tell her answer was genuine. He sighed.


There was a pause between them.

"Are you okay? I mean lord Zeke took you and-".

"I'm fine. He didn't do anything to me." Aaron reassured her.

"Do you mind if I ask you somthing?" Aaron added on.

"Of course". Anna nodded.

"Are you an Alpha? Omega perhaps?"

Anna shook her head.

"Neither actually. I'm a beta."

Aaron gave her a slightly shocked look.

"Actually all the maids here are Betas. And all the guards are Alphas."

He nodded.

"So you didn't know I was in heat did you?"

Aaron sat down in a chair by his window.

"Can I ask you somthing else?"

Anna nodded.waiting.

Aaron took a moment to think over his words carefully.

"What happened to the Omega of this house?

Anna looked as if her blood run cold. She seemed reluctant to answer.

"Both the Alphas told me she disappeared." He sighed and looked out the window.

"And you told me she did as well. What do you mean she disappeared?"

He glanced back over at her. The look in her eyes was one of terror.

Aaron didn't push the issue further. He rolled his eyes back to the window.

"I'm sorry", she said sorrowfully.

There was an awkward silence.

"Is there anything-"

"No. I'm fine" Aaron cut the maid off. He was tired. All he wanted to do was rest.

The remainder of the day and half the next: Aaron didn't emerge from his room. He laid on his side staring at the frosted window. Rewinding the conversation he and Zeke had shared. Wondering why he was even bothering trying to help the Omega. Was somthing going to happen to himself?

The other part of his mind wandering to Zane. He scrunched his face up into a scowl. The thought of him made Aaron want to vomit. The teeth marks were still present on his body.

Taking his hand and placing it on his shoulder, over his shirt, he let out a sharp sigh.

"When I see him again I'm gonna kick his ass". Aaron promised himself. He couldn't believe he had let an Alpha have their way with him. Much less a stuck up rich boy.

He remembered Zane reaching his hand out to him. A gesture of goodwill.

"Goodwill my ass", He turned his body over:now facing the wood door.

"I was stupid enough to trust him." He thought back to hos Zane kept his mouth shut on the Gala incident.

"I guess I paid him back now..."

Wrapping his hands around his stomach: Aaron curled up on the bed more tightly.

Then there was a knock at the door.

"Anna I'm not in the mood please go".

Aaron answered.

Another harsh knocking sound came from the door again.

Aaron sighed in irritation.

Getting up out of the bed he made his way over to the side of the room.

He opened the door.

"Anna please I really don't--"

He stopped. Standing just outside were not his maids, nor his guard dogs.

Instead stood eight new guards surrounding a person in the middle.

Aaron's felt his heart drop to his stomach.

Zane stood looking at him. Him standing elegantly with the same emotionless look on his face.

He could feel his body tremble ever so slightly. He grabbed his own arm to calm his nerves.

"Zane..." Aaron finally spoke. His face glowering at the Alpha.

He took note that the guards between the two of them stood firm.

Two of them were the o es who had drug Aaron from the room that day.

"Omega, I have come to demand your audience with me today. If you would please follow me." Zane spoke.

He motioned for Aaron. The guards had gotten behind him: hindering his escape back into his room.

"You're not giving me a choice are you?" Aaron stated.

Zane made eye contact and turned his back to him.

The Omega didn't have a choice. He followed behind the young Lord as he made his way through the house. He had taken Aaron to the second floor. Around the same hall where Zane and Zeke's rooms were. They all came up to a double wood door. The guards pushed them open to reveal a dark room. The room could have been easily mistaken for abandoned if there were dust. It looked as if it had been recently cleaned.

Zane snapped his fingers.

A couple of his personal maids quickly scurried into the room.

One was stoking the fire. Another went to a Winow and pulled back the heavy curtains. Another lighting the lamps around the room. Both Zane and Aaron stood in silence.

When the maids had finished they retreated back out into the hall.

With guards still standing between the two: Zane looked at Aaron.

"What do you think?"

Aaron raised an eyebrow.

"What do I think?."

Zane nodded.

"This room. What do you think of it?"

Aaron gave a confused look. He really didn't think Zane had honestly pulled him from his comfort space just to get an opinion out of him about some decor in an old room in an old house.

He crossed his arms over his chest.

Seeing that the Alpha was going to wait until he heard an answer; Aaron decided to play.

"I would say it's like the rest of the manor. Decked out in gaudy decoration to please the eye of the rich".

He looked around at the trimming, the large bed and the rest of the items in the room. The room itself was four time the size of the one Aaron had been staying in.

"So it's pleasing to your eye?"

Zane leaned forwards a bit.

"Sure", Aaron said. He figured if he could quickly give him answers that he wanted to hear that going back to his room would happen sooner.

Zane looked around at the room.

"Good. It's yours", He snapped his fingers.

It had taken a moment for Aaron to process what he had said.

"Wait. What?" Aaron uncrossed his arms and looked at the Alpha.

"This will be your new room", Zane responded, almost like he was confirming a transaction made by the two of them.

"Why?" Aaron let the words slip from his lips.

"A gift". Zane replied without delay. Again his demeanor was off.

Some of the staff members began to bring in boxes and began to fill the wardrobe with fine clothing. The mantle was set up with knickknacks and other pieces of art.

Zane didn't know where to look.

"Why are you doing this?" He almost growled at Zane. His hands had been clenched the entire time.

Zane sighed and stepped a bit closer to Aaron. The few guards still making sure to not let Aaron get too close.

"They are apology gifts".

Aaron flinched.

"It seems that I have been majority at fault with what happened between the two of us. So I had this prepared for you as a token of my apology."

Aaron was stunned. He didn't know whether to be sad, mad or even laugh at how absurd this looked to him.

"I hope this brings some joy to you living here now".

Aaron chuckled.

"Happy? You want to make sure I'm happy?"

Zane looked at him and nodded.

"I'll tell you what would make me happy."

Aaron stretched his arm.

"Kicking your ass would give me no better pleasure."

Zane's eyes scanned Aaron up and down.

"Is that so?"

Aaron didn't hesitate.

"Very well."

Zane waved his hand. The guards seemed to hesitate for the moment but he waved his hand for them to move.

"Clear the room everyone".

"But..my lord?" One of the guards said.

"It is fine."

Zane stripped off any unnecessary accessories he had been wearing.

Everyone had cleared the room. The two of them were now alone.

Aaron was even more confused.

"You shouldn't have let your guards leave", Aaron's eyes were digging into the Alpha.

"I'm more than capable of handling you," he placed one hand on his hip.

He nodded to Aaron.

"No going back" Aaron warned.

Zane stood, arms opened, waiting for Aaron to give out the first swing.

Aaron charged.

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