
Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".


FAT FARM STUD Ben sat nervously waiting for Miss Wilkins to enter the room, he really needed this job, with tuition for his last year in college was due in another two months! This was his last shot, he had looked everywhere for a summer job, but not a one was to be had. He heard of this opening last night in a bar down on Clancy St. He had over heard some guy bragging that he had made over a thousand dollars in just one week working at the Oasis Health Spa, and what's more they needed another guy right away! Ben decided right then and there to be at the spa at eight the next morning to see if he could get that last spot for himself! Now here he was getting ready to be interviewed by the personnel director, Miss Erica Wilkins. In walked an average looking woman wearing glasses and dressed in a dark blue women's business suit. Reaching out her hand she said, 'I'm Erica Wilkins, and you must be Ben Carter!" "Yes ma'am," answered Ben in a low voice. "Well, Ben," said Erica Wilkins, "this is a job that requires the utmost in discretion as well as, shall we say stamina!" "As you were told, this job pays rather well, up to two to three hundred dollars a day!" "Now, believe me when I tell you that you will earn every penny of it and sometimes feel underpaid!" Ben listened to what Miss Wilkins was saying, but wondered what in the world he could possibly do to earn that kind of money and yet be under paid. "Ben, do you have any idea what we do here at Oasis," she asked? Well," Ben replied, "it's a fat farm I guess, you know exercise and eight hundred calory per day diets, or something like that." "That just barely scratches the surface," Miss Wilkins said, "we give a total body and mind rejuvenation so to speak!" The women who come here not only want to cleanse their bodies, but they want mental nourishment as well." Miss Wilkins then reached into a desk drawer and removed a stack of what appeared to be eight by ten photograghs. Handing him the top picture she continued, "This is one of our clients who comes in at least three times a year. As you can see she is still quite over weight." Ben stared at the photo of a fifty five year old woman who must have weighed in at two hundred and fifty pounds, to top that off she was totally naked! "These women come her expecting more than any other facility would or could ever possibly provide them," she added. "Now while not the most attractive of God's creatures, they do have their physical needs. Am I coming through to you now Ben?" I was just then dawning on him! They wanted him to make love to their over weight clients for money! "I think so, yeah," answered Ben! "Could you do it, though," asked Miss Wilkins? "I don't know," replied Ben, "they're so fat, I've never....." "I know it's hard to decide on such a short notice," she said. "What do you say we let you meet one of our clients in a neutral setting so you can get a feel for her as a person. Believe me, that makes a big difference in your ability to perform!" Erica and Ben walked through a campus like setting to the workout room and pool area. Inside were maybe thirty women doing a variety of different exercises designed to shed the unwanted pounds. As they passed through, Erica would stop and talk to the women, giving them some encouragement. Ben had to admit while they weren't particularly attractive, they did seem to be nice people. Some of them in fact weren't what Ben would call fat, more like pleasantly plump! Back in her office Miss Wilkins asked again, "Do you think you can do it?" This time Ben said, "Yes, I think I can!" "Good," she said, "now we'll go over all the details!" "Every time you service a client, you will be credited fifty dollars." "You may be needed up to six times in one day, but that would be very unusual, it's normally only three or four." "You will always be given at least one hour to recuperate from your last servicing, we want you to perform, not kill you!" "You will have no say to who your clients will be, that decision will be made by the administrator on duty at the time." "And finally," she concluded, "you must act as if this were just another part of the therapy being prescribed by doctor in charge!" 'Is that all," asked Ben? "Well, there is one more thing I have to check out, I must inspect your genitals to make sure that they are in perfect working order," Miss Wilkins added. "It is imperative that our clients get nothing but the best service possible!" "Is that agreeable to you," she asked? "Uh, yeah, sure," Ben replied, "like right now?" "If you don't mind." she answered. Ben stood up and walked around to the back of the large desk that separated them. Standing only a foot from the seated lady, he unbuckled his pants and let them slide down his legs to the floor. Stripping in front of a strange woman had caused him to harden, and the outline of his growing erection could clearly be seen under his jockeys. "Let me," said Miss Wilkins, as she reached out to slid off his shorts. Ben's erection popped free and stood up proudly under the watchful eye of his new boss. "Very nice, very nice indeed," she murmurred as she stared at Ben's eight inch love muscle! Leaning forward she took it into her mouth and sucked on the head like it was the last cock on earth! Several minutes later Ben ejaculated down her throat, swallowing most of it, Ben could hear Miss Wilkins moan as the cum filled her mouth. Sitting back up she said, "So far so good!" " Now we have to wait awhile and do it again. I have to make sure of your recuperative powers!" Ben sat back down in the chair with the lower half of his body still naked. "May I make a suggestion," he asked? "Certainly, what is it," asked Miss Wilkins? "Well, we don't really have to wait for and hour to go by, I think we can speed the process up quite a bit with a little help from you!" "How so," she asked? "If you would just take off your top, I'm sure that I would get another erection in a real hurry," he offered. Nodding her head, Miss Wilkins stood up and started removing her upper garments. Off came her jacket, which had been hiding a nice big chest! Ben gave out a low whistle of approval when she got down to her lacy white bra! Miss Wilkins' faced reddened as she dropped her bra revealing a full firm set of boobs that looked ripe for the sucking! Looking at his crotch, Miss Wilkins could see the now semi hard member quickly gain new life! "Let me suck them," Ben asked. She walked over to his chair and he leaned up and took the cherry sized nub into his mouth. It was like someone had put a air hose to his pecker! Hard as a rock and ready to go! Reaching up under her skirt, Ben was met by a thin nylon pair of sheer panties. Slipping his hand inside, he felt a pussy that was in obvious need! "Sit on it," he whispered in her ear! She reached under her skirt and pulled off her damp panties. Hiking up her skirt she revealed a blonde thatch of pubic hair that had been trimmed. Reaching down, she grabbed his cock by it's base and guided it towards her lowering cunt. When his head was just inside, she let all her weigh down and drilled her pussy to the hilt with one plunge! All the air came out of her as she bottomed out on his lap, full of eight inches of cock meat! She ground her hips into his crotch until both of them came in simultaneous orgasm that left her a total wreck!! "You've go the job," she sighed! "You start tomorrow at ten!".

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