
Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

A Sunny day.

A Sunny day It was another warm sunny day in a summer of days like this. May, June and July had passed in a whirl of hostellers and cleaning for Barbara as she wardened a backpackers hostel for the summer of 2001 and the days had whizzed by. This particular morning was quieter than most as a group had left early. The benefit to Barbara was that she got the cleaning done by 10.30, which left the whole of the day ahead to do with as she wished. "I'll walk to the beach and sunbathe" she thought. And the thought also crossed her mind that when the tide was out the beach was huge and secluded spots could be found to sunbathe naked. To make the walk more comfortable Barbara wore very little, just a T-shirt, skirt and trainers. Underwear seemed unnecessary on such a day. The only other thing to take was a large towel and some suncream. The walk to the beach along the inland valley where it was slightly cooler was delightful. And the feeling of freedom that the wind blowing between her legs and across her bare cunt brought out was quite a turn on. Eventually she reached the beach to see the tide had left a huge expanse of sand with large rocky areas to either side. The usual surfers were already in the water and she watched in admiration for a while, noticing particularly a group of older men amongst them before walking along the beach to the quieter left-hand end. Once there she clambered over the rocks, occasionally disturbing people who had already found somewhere to sunbathe nude, until at last the perfect secluded spot was found, a little island of sand surrounded by high, heat encasing rocks. It even had a large flat rock in the middle, just big enough to spread the towel and lie out on. Without a care for modesty Barbara removed her T-shirt and skirt, hid them under a stone. Some 'proper' part of her made her keep the trainers on and she smiled to herself to think how she could run and hide more easily now if she was caught undressed like this. She lay back naked on the towel and taking a large handful of the suncream she rubbed it across all of her sun exposed skin. The temptation to rub it between her legs and into the crack of her ass was too much to be ignored and she enjoyed the momentary tingle it produced. Time passed and she drifted in and out of sleep in the warmth. Her body got hot and the sweat dribble down her cleavage and between her legs. "Its funny how randy I get in the sun" she thought to herself at one point and that thought led to her hand reaching between her legs where she slowly caressed her cunt, not quite coming to orgasm. After an unknown length of time she heard voices that sounded nearer and coming out of her sexual dozing she sat up. With a shock she saw that a group of surfers were only the other side of her rocky hideaway and preparing to clamber over. With no time to cover up or retrieve her clothes Barbara slid off the rock and hid between two of the larger boulders, which formed a natural and hidden small cave. The surfers, five in all making up the group of older men that she had noticed earlier, dropped into the hideaway and started stripping off their wetsuits. The presence of Barbara's towel was not commented on each presumably thinking that it belonged to another. As Barbara crouched there she had a prime view of five fit male bodies becoming naked. Strangely they all took it in turns to disrobe in front of the entrance to her 'cave'. A peeping tom could not have fond a better place and the parade of legs, buttocks and cocks had Barbara dripping from her already damp cunt. Then, with a laugh and a combined shout of "We know where you are " a hand reached into the cave, caught Barbara by the arm and pulled her gently out. Barbara realised that it had been no coincidence that they had all stripped in front of her. They must have seen her sunbathing before she had heard them. In fact she wondered just how long had they been watching her play with her naked wet body. Five pairs of eyes looked over her body and one then said, "you've got a fit body, how old are you? Barbara told her age and there were appreciative nods. "What do you think of our bodies then?" the same surfer asked. Given the fact that Barbara head just had a close up view of them all she decided to pick out two for especial comment. And, because an idea was forming in her head to use this opportunity to create one of her most erotic fantasies, she picked out the two that she most fancied. "I like your two bodies best" she said. "I have a thing for mature men (they must have been about 35) and what they can do with more experience of the things women enjoy". There was silence for a moment at such a forward reply then the other three grinned and said that they fancied some more surfing. Within a few minutes Barbara was left alone with the two naked strangers that she had just made a pass at. The sun still blazed down making the surfers squint at Barbara and she felt the heat toasting her ass. "I'm going to lie down on my rock again," she said. "I want one of you to rub some more suncream over me as I don't want to get burnt". Barbara lay on her front on the hot towel and parted her legs slightly. She knew that the lips of her cunt would be just visible and she wanted to arouse her two surfers. The suncreams coldness made her jump as it landed on her shoulders but it soon warmed up as the hand that applied it smoothed it all over her back. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the experience and the hands roamed further down and across her buttocks. For many years Barbara had fantasised about what it would be like to have a sexual experience with two men at once, both of them caressing her and then both of them filling her cunt and ass at the same time. Now it looked like coming true, and in such a great setting. She wanted to enjoy it to the full. "After all" she thought, "I'm only alive once!" To get where she wanted she turned around, presenting her front to the two men. Without pause the hands that had fondled her ass moved over her cunt whilst the other man smeared her breasts with cream. He lowered his head and kissed her deeply on the mouth then took one of her nipples in his mouth roughly nibbling on it. Barbara closed her eyes again, sat up, and leaned back on her hands so that her breasts and stomach were more exposed for the men to experience. The men's hands roamed all over her body searching out new places to probe and explore. She spread her legs apart for the sheer pleasure of the sun on her cunt and the hands moved across her lips and a finger slid into her cunt to be joined a moment later by one in her ass. A voice in her ear said, "get up" so she did. On the rock where she had been one of the surfers lay on his back, his cock sticking up. Barbara climbed back on the rock astride this stranger and lowered her cunt onto his cock. It slid into her until she felt her weight resting on his groin. She looked down and he smiled at her and stroked her breasts. Then he put his hands behind her head and drew her down towards him, still with his cock deep in her. Once more he kissed her deeply and then she felt a nudging of something hard pushing at the entrance to her ass. She put her own hands on her buttocks to pull them apart and help this lovely stranger into her. With a hard thrust and with the help of the suncream that was still present he pushed his cock in one smooth action deep into Barbara's ass. For a few moments they were all motionless, each experiencing the fulfilment of a fantasy. Barbara fucked and sandwiched between two attractive kind men, and who knows for the two men? Maybe anal sex for the first time or sex with an attractive unknown lady on a beach was their fantasies made true. Then as the sun toasted them, the three bodies they moved in and out of each other, kissing and fondling as they fucked, until first Barbara orgasmed with a groan and then the two surfers came inside Barbara. Barbara collapsed on her back beside the one underneath and the other man lay across her body. They lay entwined like this for a while then the two surfers got back into their wetsuits and kissing Barbara for a final time said goodbye before making their way to the sea. She watched them go to rejoin their friends and thought about how good sex was in the outdoors and in the sun. And how good it felt to have two men at once!.

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