
I'm not ruminating, I'm planning for the future

The next morning Isabelle awoke to the sound of rain pattering against the roof tiles overhead. Not directly over her head, actually, but on the balcony awning outside. It was raining so hard the sound of drops hitting her window glass was louder than normal.

She stretched and yawned, and walked up to the door of the balcony, looking out at the pouring rain. She didn't have any particular desire to go out in that mess, but it was a very lovely sight, and one she'd rarely seen since arriving in this world.

Snowball trotted up to where she stood, mewing and staring up at her with his pretty blue eyes.

She leaned down and stroked the little ball of furry white fluff. She murmured, "Awww. Is it too cold for you today?"

The little creature responded by rubbing its head against her shin and letting out a soft squeak.

That was perhaps not a direct answer, but she couldn't begrudge him acting so cutely anyway.

She was bound to her cute kitten's whims.

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