
Someone Tell Magneto To Chill

We swung towards the Avengers building, eventually landing on it about 10 floors up. We started scaling the building, running up the glass panels.

Hope the cleaning crew doesn't mind.

We made it to the Heli-pad, jumping up past it before firing webs at the ground hand pulling ourselves towards it, landing in a three-point pose.

We walked towards the door, which opened for us automatically. "Welcome, Mr. Huntsman and Miss Spiderwoman."

"God?" I said with a confused tone, looking up for a bright light.

Gwen just face-palmed in the background.

"I'm afraid not, sir." The mysterious voice continued. "My name is F.R.I.D.A.Y. I am Mr. Stark's personal artificially intelligent assistant. I was told to guide both of you to the mission room once you arrived. This way, please."

As F.R.I.D.A.Y finished speaking, a door opened to our left, leading down a Hallway I hadn't been in before. Gwen and I walked down the pristine hallway, our footsteps the only thing breaking the silence other than the constant hum of the air conditioning.

As we reached the door at the end of the hallway, it opened automatically into a dark room. We walked in, taking a look around.

The room was black and dimly lit, with a black, oval table in the middle of the room surrounded by numerous chairs. The walls were lined with multiple screens, each showing different things, such as surveillance footage, maps of regions, satellite imagery and flight traffic patterns. It was honestly impressive. This room gave S.H.I.E.L.D a run for their money.

Present in the room were Tony, Logan, Laura, Scott, Charles and Natasha. Along with them were 2 faces I didn't recognize. One was an African-American teenage girl, who seemed to be the same age as us. The other was what seemed to be a…female cyborg?

Natasha noticed us enter and walked up to us.

"Long time no see, kiddo. Heard you had a close shave with a Hulk rip-off." She said, chuckling softly.

"Don't fall for it, kid. she was the one that was the most worried about you!" Tony yelled across the room. Natasha promptly shot him a look that I can only assume meant 'shut up or die.' Tony immediately stopped talking.

She then turned back to me with a scarily sweet smile.

"Be more careful next time, got it." She said. Her smile was warm, but her vibe was terrifying. She reminds me of someone.

I looked over at Gwen, who noticed my gaze and looked back questioningly.

Oh dear god. I fell in love with the younger version of the Black Widow.

Natasha noticed me look elsewhere, and followed my gaze, her attention shifting to Gwen.

*Gwen's POV*

Externally I was calm. Internally, I was screaming.

It's the Black Widow. The fucking BLACK WIDOW. I know I technically met her before, but that was during a whole lot of bullshit, so it didn't really count. What do I do? Do I ask for an autograph? No, that's way too fan-girly. Calm down, Gwen. Calm down

As I was having an internal meltdown, the Black Widow began to speak to me.

"You must be Spiderwoman. Nice to meet you. I heard you're joining the team." She said, speaking kindly. God, she's so awesome.

"Uh, yes, Black Widow, ma'am." I responded, definitely not stuttering. I heard Elijah chuckling next to me, and shot him a look that conveyed my message, 'shut up or die'.

For some reason, it seemed to send him into despair.

Black Widow seemed to notice our interaction, and gained a mischievous smile on her face.

"Oh, please, you can call me Natasha." She said, before leaning in close and whispering in my ear.

"I heard he pushed you out of the way and took the full brunt of the Juggernaut's punch himself. That kind of love is hard to find, so you better not waste it."

As she pulled back away from me and winked, I thanked the heavens for my mask.

I didn't need a mirror to know I was a blushing mess right now.

I glanced shyly towards Elijah, who seemed to be confused about what happened. I guess he didn't hear, thank god.

Natasha then walked over and took a seat at the table, gesturing us to follow, which we did.

*Elijah's POV*

I walked towards the table and sat down, with Gwen sitting down next to me. I noticed she was staring off into space, so I leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"Hey, everything alright?"

I can't believe I'm saying this, but she quite literally squeaked after hearing my voice.

She seemed to notice what just came out of her mouth, as she immediately put her hands over it. She coughed into her hand, before returning to her normal demeanor.

"Yep, I'm fine. Totally cool. Nothing wrong here." She said, not able to look me in the eyes.

"Okay…" I said, not believing a word out of her mouth.

Tony clapped, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road. As you all know, Magneto and his brotherhood recently attacked Trask Industries. He kidnapped the head scientists and stole the plans for something called Project Sentinel. Everyone got it up till there? Good."

He then directed our attention to the large screen in the middle of the room, wilhich changed to a slide containing what looked like blueprints for a large robot.

"This is Project Sentinel. It contains the designs and blueprints of a hive-mind army of androids."

"That's not good." I said, causing everyone in the room to look at me. "Sorry, I cope with humour. Please continue."

"These androids were being built in order to complete one mission. The complete eradication of mutants around the globe. The plans show that the androids would have sensors that would allow them to detect the expression of the X-gene within people. Upon detection, the andoids would then have one priority. Eliminate."

At his words, every person in the room cringed, disgusted by the prospect of such a genocidal project. The mutants in the room, however, didn't seem shocked. I looked towards Charles in an attempt to understand why, and he seemed to notice my query.

"If you're wondering why we aren't surprised, it's quite simple. We've known about this Project for quite some time. Unlike Magneto, however, we were attempting to solve it in a more civil manner, through lawsuits and legislation."

I nodded at his words. He seems to be more of a pacifist than I expected. However, I couldn't bring myself to agree with his plan. If I knew one thing, it was that truly helpful legislation agaisnt businesses rarely ever passed. The power of money was one hell of a force. I didn't want to agree with Magneto's methods, with him being a supervillain and all that, but I think killing a genocidal businessman was a slightly acceptable idea.

I mean, if you had the chance to kill Hitler as he was planning his genocide, wouldn't you?

The next part, though, showed me why I was thinking about this way too 2-dimensionally.

"After stealing the Project, Magneto and his brotherhood fled on a stolen plane. For the past few days, we have been tracking his movements and finally triangulated his location. He's currently in Iceland, in an abandoned factory near a forest."

The African American teen I saw earlier raised her hand.

"I have a question. I get that he wanted to kill the genocidal douchebag, but why steal the project instead of just destroying the data?"

"That's a good question. Unfortunately, the answer is very, very bad. This is just our assumption, but it has some evidence. He stole the plans and kidnapped some researchers, but the main problem is which researchers he kidnapped. He took with him the scientists specialized in creating the android's target detection software. This, coupled with what we know about Magneto's own genocidal tendencies from Charles, leads us to one conclusion. He's trying to do the opposite of Trask. He's trying to make the Sentinels target non-mutants."

At his reveal, the room once again went wide-eyed.

"That's very not good" I said, but this time people just nodded at my statement.

"It gets worse." Tony continued. "If these plans are complete and accurate, then these Sentinels will be way more dangerous than we thought. They'll be able to adapt to X-Genes. This was planned to make them unkillable by mutants, but if altered correctly, it could make them gain some of their abilities instead. They'd be an army of super-powered genocidal robots."

"Oh this is so not good"

End of Chapter 27~



Gimme powerstones pls, thank you goodbye.

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