
Just 6 Weirdos in a Hallway

(Elijah's POV)

"Alright, just need to walk around till I find some superhumans. How hard could that be?"

The answer? Very hard. Turns out, unless you see them fight, superhumans are deceivingly difficult to spot. I've been walking around the school for a solid ten minutes, and nothing. Zilch. Nada.

As I mentally curse a certain Eye-patched man, the school bell rings, informing the students that they now had 10 minutes to get to class. As I turned around to start heading to my next class, I bump into someone with a loud *THUMP*

As I look around to see who I bumped into, I hear a female voice speak.

???: "Down here, asshole"

I look down to see the shortest girl my age I've ever seen, with also the most unnerving scowl I've ever seen. Which is quite the contrast, considering she can't be more than 5'1.

???: "Laura! That's rude"

I look up to see 4 people standing right behind her, who I can only assume are her friends.

Laura(?): "What, he bumped into me first"

"Yeah, sorry. I didn't see you there"

Laura(?): "You making fun of my height?"

She replied, her scowl deepening.

"Uh, no ma'am, I wouldn't dare"

Laura(?): "Oh, really? And why is that?"

"...Because you're at the perfect height to punch me where the sun don't shine?"

Laura(?): "Alright, that's it. You're dead"

I immediately got ready to sprint in the opposite direction, but thankfully that wasn't necessary as her friends decided to save me by holding her back.

???: "Can you please stop antagonizing her?!"

"I'm sorry! It's what I'm best at!"

After about 2 minutes, she finally calmed down, to the relief of both her friends and myself. She did not seem easy to hold back, which surprises me as, may I reiterate, she is like 5 fucking feet tall.

???: "Sorry about that, uh..."

"Elijah, Elijah Cole"

???: "Nice to meet you, Elijah Cole. I'm Jean Grey, and these are my friends. The bubbly one there is Jubilee, the one in the red shades is Scott, the one with the white streaks in her hair is Rogue, and the feisty one that almost slit your throat is Laura"

"Nice to meet you t-"


My head, that was wandering to look at her friends as she named them, snapped back to face her as she said something I'm not entirely certain I heard correctly.

Jean: "Nothing. So, I don't think I've ever seen you around before. You new, or just really good at hiding?"

I paused for a moment, still suspicious about what she may or may not have said. Eventually I opened my mouth to reply, but Immediately went on high alert when I felt something I never expected to feel at a high school. Killing intent.

I immediately went to agent mode. I scanned the hallway for threats, looking for the source.

"Nothing in front, nothing behind. Shit, am I compromised? Damn it, Fury. You just had to give them my real name instead of an alias-"

As I finished that thought, I turned my eyes towards the one place I hadn't checked yet. Her group of friends. Upon looking there, I saw the dude in sunglasses staring daggers at me. At least, that's what I assume he was doing due to his furrowed brow. Sunglasses made it kinda hard to tell.

"Oh, just a jealous boyfriend. Shit, I got so worked up over nothing. What am I, some kind of amateur? Wait, how does an ordinary high schooler exert that level of killing int-"

Before I could finish that thought, I was rudely interrupted by Jean.

Jean: "Hey, you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. And to answer your question, yes, I'm new here, although I do think I would be pretty good at hide and seek"

Being an assassin does teach you a thing or two about stealth, after all.

Jean: "Well, I guess we'll have to confirm that another day. We should get to class. See you around"

"Yeah, you too"

As the group walked away, I watched Scott give me one last dirty look, and Laura mouth the words 'Watch yourself' at me. An interesting bunch, that lot.

After that mind-numbing exchange, I went straight to my next class. Well, after 5 minutes of roaming around trying to find it. Gwen had helped me with all the prior ones.

After a few more hours of classes (a.k.a pain), I wrapped up my final class, math, which I had with Gwen.

Gwen: "You ready to head home?"

"You have no idea"

I replied, my forehead on my desk.

Gwen: *giggles* "Well, it's only Monday, so buckle up for 4 more days"

*groan* "Kill me now"

Gwen: "Don't tempt me, I might just do it. Come on, let's walk home. Harry and MJ already left, Peter has club activities and Miles is training with his team. It's just you and me"

"Alright, let's do it...wait what did you say you might do?"

Gwen: "Hm? Nothing. Come on, let's go"

I eyed her suspiciously, but ceded anyway. Better than walking alone, and I found myself actually liking her company quite a bit.

We walked home as we made small talk. She told me she lives in Forest Hills, which is in Queens. It was pretty close to the apartment SHIELD had lent me, so we would walk most of the way together. We made small talk to pass the time, talking about hobbies. She told me more about her band with MJ, which was for some reason called the Mary Janes. As we walked down a street in Brooklyn, we were talking about our favorite cuisine when all of a sudden a loud noise interrupted us.


I turned to the source of the sound, my body tensed and ready for a confrontation, but nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see. A Seven foot tall dude in a Rhino costume had just plowed through a jewelry store. He had a real horn on his head and everything.

"Huh. That's not something you see everyday. Shit, focus. I need to get Gwen out of here"

And as I turned to do exactly that, I was met with the sight of...nothing.

"Where the hell did she go"


I heard a weird sound up above me, and turned to see a woman in a black and white costume with a spider emblem on her chest. She swung with the grace of a trained dancer, and her slim, 5'5 frame...wait-a-fucking-minute. It's probably a coincidence, right? Right.

As I turned to go and search for Gwen, I heard a loud crash behind me.

???: *groan* "Herman? Didn't expect to see you here too. Thought you were still doing time in the RAFT"

The costumed woman had just been sent flying into the side of a bus.

Herman(?): "Today's your lucky day then, bug. I got out just to squish you"

Bug(?): *groan*: "Spiders are arachnids, not bugs"

Another dude in a suit had just shown up, and this guys had some heavy duty gauntlets on his wrists. This Spider lady was now outnumbered. And at that exact moment, Fury's words decided to ring in my head.

'Keep any superhumans with the potential to be heroes alive until we can talk to them about recruitment'

*sigh* "This is gonna be a pain in the ass"

End of Chapter 4~ 

Author's note:

Hey there! I hope you enjoyed the story so far! Please do write a comment if you did, it really motivates me to keep writing these as fast and as well as I can.

Also, if you want to keep up with me or ask questions or even just talk, I'm on twitter!

My account is @spiderkayden39, so if you want to, please do give me a follow!

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