
Starting Over

(baby crying)

A servant runs through the castle and kneels in front of the queen.

"Your Majesty" He says still kneeling without looking up.

"Don't waste my time and tell me already!" The queen says, already losing her patience.

"It's a girl, Your Majesty"

"Good! Really good! At last, that useless boy of mine did something worthy in his life, what are you waiting for? bring me the girl already!!!" The queen smiles. 'Finally, someone worthy to keep my lineage in power, I must start the preparations immediately if I am to have the little brat under my control' "What are you still doing here? go and get my granddaughter already!!!"

The servant gets up and runs to go get the newborn little girl. 'I'm so sorry little one, but better you than me'



"She doesn't feel like an Adora, Timothy, Jade?"

"Maybe if her eyes were green, it would suit her better my love, Amber?" He plays with his newborn's little fingers smiling at her.

"That one doesn't feel like her name either" She smiles at her little girl. "Natalia?" Her little girl smiles at her.

"Oh my Gods, Are you seeing this Georgia?" He giggles at the sight of his little girl's smile. "Natalia? Natasha?" The baby frowns.

"It's ok my little Talia your daddy is just kidding" Talia giggles.

"Talia?" She giggles again. "I guess we found her name"

"It seems we did, husband" Georgia kisses the top of her baby's head and holds her husband's hand. "It seems our little princess knows what she wants already"

"Wouldn't expect otherwise of our daughter, my love" He kisses the top of both of his girl's heads.

(BOOM) The doors are violently pushed open and the Queen's personal servant runs inside and bows. Talia starts crying scared by the sudden noise.

"I apologize your highness, but your Majesty demands to see the child right away" He goes to get the girl but the prince gets in his way.

"You are not taking my daughter!"

"I'm sorry, your highness, but this order came directly from the queen, if you don't let me bring the baby to her, the guards will have to make you hand her over by force" He gives the prince an apologetic look.

"Then I'll bring her there myself if I have to" He takes the baby from his wife and whispers to her "I'll just let mother see her and bring her right back, It'll be okay, mother wouldn't hurt her own granddaughter right in front of me" He kisses his wife's cheek, who looks at him with apprehension.

"Keep our baby safe Timothy!" She says as he starts to leave with their daughter.

"I'll protect her with my life" He turns away and follows the servant to meet the queen.

"Do you know what she's planning?" He whispers while calming down his daughter.

"Wouldn't bet on anything good for how happy she was to hear you had a girl" He whispers back.

"Shit, Andrew. How worried should I be right now?"

"She smiled, Tim"

"Oh Gods, Okay… She probably won't do much with me there… I hope… While I'm in there you gotta warn Georgia, tell her mother smiled and to get ready for our escape"

"Are you sure about this Tim? It might not be so bad, maybe she is just happy to have a granddaughter"

Timothy gives Andrew a deadpan look.

"Yeah, it's probably bad"

"Please warn Georgia, I'll try to get this done as fast as possible so we can run with our little girl, please Andrew, I can't let what happened to my sisters happen to my daughter as well, we thought we had more time, but it's going to have to be today, warn Georgia, she'll know what to do"

"Yes, your highness, I'll do so while you two are in there, good luck, and take good care of my God daughter" He whispers and opens the door for Tim to enter with the baby.

"Thank you" Tim whispers back entering the room with his baby in his arms.

"Mother, I was told you wanted to see us" he stands in front of the queen.

"Not really, no, I clearly only asked for the baby, but it seems Andrew is too soft to take her from you, now let me see my granddaughter" She reaches for the baby.

Timothy looks at his daughter with resignation and gives her to the queen, watching closely in case he needs to get her back and try to run any moment now.

The queen looks behind the baby's ear and finds the little birthmark that runs in the royal family, a little heart behind the right ear. "Good, someone had to make sure she is actually yours"


"SILENCE" Talia starts crying. "See what you did! Now I'll have to calm her down" She smirks, stands up and starts walking around with Talia, keeping her away from Timothy's sight. 'Perfect' She looks deeply into the little girl eyes. 'Why Is it not working?' She keeps staring into the little girl's eyes as Timothy gets closer and reaches for the girl.

"She's probably getting hungry. I better take her back now" He takes her from the queen.

The queen keeps staring at the little girl in confusion 'why did it not work? Is she too young to be controlled? It's true I never tried this on a newborn… so maybe that's it, not enough of a mind there to control, Oh well, I'll try again later, can't have the little brat grow up thinking for herself now can I? it would ruin my plans after all' When she comes out of her dazed state Tim already left the room with baby.

Tim gets back to his room to find his wife changed and it's sitting on the bed with three bags beside her. "Andrew told me what she did, we have to go now! Let me see her!" She takes Talia and immediately starts checking and kissing her all over. "Did the bad lady hurt you baby?" She asks her daughter with a baby voice as Talia smiles at the attention.

"Not yet, she was just staring into her eyes, but I don't think she was able to do whatever she planned, I took Talia back as soon as she got distracted and ran back here, but you're right, we should leave now, I can't even think of what she's planning right now, we have to protect our little girl"

And so, they left the castle through their already planned route, to their already waiting carriage which Andrew prepared for them.

"Good luck out there" Andrew hugs then both and smiles at Talia.

"Good luck in here, are you sure you don't want to come with us? she'll make your life hell if she finds out you helped" Tim asks worried about the man that practically raised him.

"No, I better stay, I would only get in the way if I went with you, besides, who would help the poor suckers that stay? I mean, your brother is an asshole but I can't find it in me to leave him alone with her" Andrew and Tim laugh at that.

"I know but I had to ask one last time anyways, have a good life Andrew" He says helping Georgia get in the back of the carriage.

"You too, and you two better take good care of my God daughter or I'll find you myself and kick both your assess" they laugh as Tim closes the door to the carriage and sits at the reigns.

"Yes sir" He salutes jokingly, and so the three start their little journey to their new home on a far-away kingdom where the queen won't be able to reach them.


[I'm here Talia]

'What was all that? What happened? It's like I couldn't even think for a while and everything was just kind of a blur'

[Yes, for you it probably was, you see, when you reincarnated you started over from zero, from nothing, and so all the stuff you know and all the little pathways your brain is so used to take weren't formed yet, so it took a little bit of time for it to do so, that's the blur you experienced, your mind and body were working overtime to catch up with your soul, it was actually quite fast if you think about how complicated this process actually is, it's fascinating.]

'Seems complicated, but I guess it makes sense if I think about it, how long did it take anyway?'

[Since you were born in this world, around 6 months]

'WHAT? Are you saying I'm a six month baby right now?'

[Yes, Talia, haven't you notice anything? you're talking to me via thought because you haven't even learned how to speak in this new body yet, let alone move on your own how you're used to]

'Oh' Talia tries to move around but just ends up rolling from one side to the other, she looks down on herself and sees she was swaddled and her arms and legs are currently stuck. 'uugh, who put me in the baby version of a straight jacket? aren't I six months old? where's the trust?'

[You do remember how many times you hurt yourself with full control of your own body, right? Think of what you must have done with no coordination and not a single clear thought in this head of yours. I honestly kind of pity your parents, they could probably use some rest right about now.]

'Oh' She stops trying to move around. 'Do you know what that whole blurred mess was about? Like, I remember a very scary lady frustrated with me for some reason, a humongous stone building thingy, road, nature, my parents, who are lovely, thank you for that by the way, then just our day-to-day life in this house.'

[I didn't pick exactly where you would end up to, mostly planet, powers, mission and such, the parents you got were from your very own luck. About the blurred time, I know as much as you, maybe we'll remember more if there's a trigger or something. I'm not really omniscient Talia, from the moment we reincarnated here, I'm getting the same information you are]

'Week that sucks, since we're here now, does that mean you'll tell me what kind of world you chose for us and what's this mysterious mission?'

[Sure, I picked the one with the greatest room for self-improvement, there's magic, powers, abilities and technology as well, and the mission is to change the fate of the whole planet]





'Oh, you have got to be kidding me right now!!!'

[What? I thought you might enjoy the challenge]

'How does... why would... what makes you think... FUCK! HOW' Talia takes a deep breath. 'How am I supposed to do that, exactly, Clover?'

[Oh, it's simpler than it seems really, there are steps towards it, events that end up accumulating into the end of everything around here. We'll just fix them one at the time and that's it, I have all of them saved up in my memory so I can direct you, it will be perfectly fine Talia]

'Okay' She sighs 'I guess if we take things one step at the time it doesn't seem impossible, and if you know everything about them already we can go in with a plan and keep everything under control, so it's not that bad'

[Exactly, the first event isn't even for another three years, we've got time to spare Talia]



'Clover, sweetie'

[Uhm, yes? Talia] Clover asks a bit scared by the sudden term of endearment.

'Are you telling me that I'll have to stop the first one of these events in three years?'

[Yes Talia, we've got plenty of time]

'You're telling me I'm to stop this first event as a THREE year old!?!?!'



[Oh, I might have forgotten to take that into account]

'You think!?!?'

[This might be a little more complicated than we anticipated]

Next chapter