
Chapter 14 Lanteans, Wraith

Rescuing Helia and her crew and then returning to Atlantis took them a day. But in the end, they were there, and Xion breathed fresh air as the city emerged on the surface, now with over two hundred Lanteans on board.

Xion asked the Lanteans to use the portal to call Earth, and they didn't object. In fact, they came to witness his conversation, making him somewhat uncomfortable, as this call was for them to send him his video games. Would the Lanteans think he was lazy? Thanks to Sira, they believed he was an ancient ascended being, and although they didn't agree with his decisions, they seemed to respect him. Xion hesitated, but it had been almost three months without playing, and he wasn't willing to continue like that, so he dialed Earth. When the portal opened, he signaled, and the SGC Command responded, indicating they were listening.

"Hello, people, it's me, Xion," said Xion.

"Xion!" exclaimed Daniel excitedly.

"You don't sound like Xion," Teal'c's voice said. Xion sent a projection of himself.

"I've managed to leave O'Neill's body and create a new one for myself. Not to brag, but I'm about ten times more handsome now," Xion said. There were a few seconds of silence before an incoming signal arrived. It was a projection, and Xion let it through. Everyone was there: Carter, Teal'c, Daniel, General Hammond, and even Dr. Fraiser.

"Sir, you haven't changed," complained Carter.

"Carter, of course, I've changed. You know, I've created new nanites," Xion said, standing firm to greet General Hammond. "Sir, how are things? Has Earth taken any action against the Goa'uld? Is there any problem there?" Xion asked.

"None, Colonel. It's only been two months, and we're just starting to build a couple of ships. The government has made the Stargate project and the existence of the Goa'uld public, and the political situation is complicated.

"As for us, we are temporarily inactive in terms of exploration. We only visit allied or known planets, so things have been quiet since you left," General Hammond responded.

If they published the project, it was a miracle that they continued to operate, but it also had to be considered that the Stargate project was completely different from the original history, with a flawless track record of success. It was likely why politicians were so bold in revealing it. That and the fact that they no longer feared the Goa'uld.

"Xion, although the Tau'ri are still preparing their armies, the Jaffa have already started our attack, and thanks to the Tok'ra, we've dealt some blows to the Goa'uld System Lords, gaining followers for the Free Jaffa Alliance," Teal'c said.

"So you've set things in motion," Xion said to Teal'c.

"Soon, mine will be free from the false gods," declared Teal'c. Xion nodded.

"That's good, but remember what I've taught you. Keep your guard up and don't act like a plush toy in front of a venomous snake," Xion reminded him.

"Cunning against cunning," said Teal'c to indicate that he remembered.

"Well said, my young padawan," Xion said proudly.

"Daniel, how are you? Have you tried to kill the team recently?" Xion asked.


"He has tried, Xion, but now it's difficult for him because our plasma shield technology prevents projectiles from penetrating," explained Teal'c. Daniel choked. Xion frowned; it sounded really strange for them to call him Xion. He had already gotten used to being called Jack, but he supposed it would be the same for them.

"I'm glad, I was somewhat worried about that," Xion said sincerely, then looked at Carter. "Carter, do you remember I told you I'd gather the Ancients for you to talk to them as much as you want?" Xion asked, and Carter opened her eyes wide and nodded hastily. Xion looked at the Ancients who were observing their conversation with interest. "Do you mind if I include them in the image?" Xion asked.

"Go ahead," Captain Helia said with a smile. Xion expanded the reach of the holographic transmission, including all the Ancients around. Carter and Daniel were astonished.

"They are…"

"Ancients?" Xion asked. "Yes, Daniel, they are the Ancients. And they are here in Atlantis, the city mentioned in the tablet. If you and Carter get their permission, you can come and visit them, but I warn you, they are tree-huggers, so activate the protocol for dealing with tree-huggers and also bring the Nox and the Tollan.

"By the way, don't inform Thor about this. I haven't finished my work here yet, and I want to surprise him later. By the way, has he asked about me?" Xion asked.

"Every day for the last two months, we've been on the verge of destroying that white stone," General Hammond said, shaking his head. Xion smiled. He knew he had won the favor of the little gray troll.

"I'll finish up here soon. I'm just calling to greet you and ask for my things. The ones I left in my room… In O'Neill's room. You know, send them in a sealed black box, and don't forget the capsule; I have important plans for it," Xion said. Everyone looked at him strangely.

"Of course, Xion, we'll send your game console along with all the games and movies you had in your room. The cleaning crew told me they don't understand how you managed to fit so many games and movies into such a small room," General Hammond said kindly. Daniel and Carter laughed.

The Ancients, seemingly expectant about the most valued possessions of an ancient ascended being, blinked at General Hammond's statements. Xion made a face.

"Sir, you are an evil being. Couldn't you let me maintain my dignity? These people admire me," Xion accused with dejection.

"Relax, Xion. Tell them a joke; I'm sure you'll get along with them," General Hammond said, brushing off his obvious teasing.

"Sir, they are tree-huggers. I've told them many jokes, but they don't laugh. I don't think they have personalities; they're like the Tollan," Xion complained.

"I think if you stop calling them personality-less tree-huggers, you'll get along better with them," General Hammond advised. Some of the Ancients present nodded at General Hammond's words, even Captain Pylos, before realizing and feigning ignorance. Xion sighed.

"Sir, when will you send my games? I have a lot of work here and need to leave soon," Xion explained.

"Didn't you say you could handle the life-sucking bugs without any difficulty? Why do you have to leave?" Daniel asked innocently. Some of the Ancients caught his veiled implication and frowned.

"Daniel, don't talk nonsense," Xion reprimanded, then looked at General Hammond. "General Hammond, I await my shipment," Xion said and cut the communication. Xion looked at the Ancients.

"I need to go meditate; let me know when my things arrive," he said and went to sleep, thinking about the cruel prank he would play on General Hammond for insinuating that he was lazy.

Six hours later, Xion got up and stretched. Dealing with tree-huggers was one of the most exhausting things for him…

"Hello, Xion," said a soft voice behind him.

Xion jumped up and turned to see Lira greeting him, raising an eyebrow as she looked at the bed.

"I thought you were in an important meditation," Lira said.

"Girl, who are you? Do we know each other from somewhere? I want you to know that it's not appropriate to barge into someone else's room like this because with your appearance, someone might mistake you for a broom and use you to sweep the floor," Xion threatened. This girl had no respect for him. Lira smiled and approached to hug him.

"Hey, I'm not a tree," Xion complained with a sigh but returned the hug. He couldn't hide from this young woman with psychic powers.

"Your wound has already healed," Lira said joyfully. It hadn't healed; he had used the time ship to correct his mistake, but he didn't say so.

"Lira, what are you doing here? Have you come to greet the Ancients? I inform you that they are also tree-huggers. You're too cheerful to deal with them," Xion said sincerely.

"Lya and Anteaus came to talk with them," Lira said. "I am here for you," she added and took his hand.

The world blurred, and they appeared in front of a gathering of certified tree-huggers. The Nox, the Tollan, and the Ancients were there. The Tok'ra and General Hammond with his former team were also present, although they were in the minority.

"I found him," Lira said satisfied.

"Yes, she interrupted my meditation, but it's fine. It's always good to meet old friends," Xion said.

"I was sleeping," Lira said with a smile.

Daniel rolled his eyes, Carter shook her head, Teal'c smiled, and General Hammond sighed helplessly. The Ancients, Tollan, Nox, and Tok'ra observed them.

"This girl's species lives in a forest and usually eats poisonous mushrooms. Most of the time, they're hallucinating and saying nonsense, so don't pay attention to her," Xion said cheekily as he approached his former team and pretended to help Lira walk, emphasizing his point.

"Xion, I don't eat poisonous mushrooms, and I wasn't hallucinating. Your lies are evident to us; I don't understand why you try," Lira reprimanded. Xion smiled.

"This girl confessed to me that she's as silly as a cabbage and can't use her species' abilities because of it. And don't deny it because I have witnesses," Xion said, looking at Carter. Lira seemed surprised before bursting into laughter.

"You've taken everything out of context, but all your words are true, that's what I said," Lira said, laughing. Xion sat next to Teal'c, and Lira sat beside him.

"Hello, everyone," Xion said. "Omoc, constipation pills have already been invented even on Earth; you don't have to suffer out of pride," Xion said. "Lya, we're still at odds, so don't smile at me and don't play dumb after throwing this stalker on me," Xion scolded, pointing at Lira.

"Xion!" reprimanded General Hammond, somewhat scandalized.

"Yes, sir!" Xion said dejectedly. With them here, he felt like his vacation was over.

"Apologies, ladies and gentlemen, it's a habit," General Hammond apologized. "I think we should continue with this meeting," he said, looking at Lya; it seemed she was about to speak when he arrived.

"Thank you, General Hammond," Lya said, looking towards the group of the Ancients, which was the most numerous with ten of them, including Captain Helia, Captain Pylos, and Sira. "As I was saying before, the Nox are delighted with your return…"

The meeting progressed slowly for an hour, as everyone was an admirer of the Ancients and praised them so much that their composed faces began to blush. Daniel and Carter were the most fervent followers and didn't stop asking them questions about their life on Earth.

Xion observed without interrupting. The Ancients were on the verge of extinction, and with their recent catastrophe, they needed to know that they were not alone and that there were people who supported them. The Tollan even invited them to live with them. Of course, the Ancients politely declined their offer.

While everyone was talking, Xion had disconnected his brain from the topic and was thinking about more important things, like whether he should take some recreation time and return to the Milky Way. He was contemplating starting his own video game company, but Earth's technology would take years to adapt to what he wanted.

Also, due to their government system and economic interests there, it would take years to update the technology, despite having all the means to do it all in one year. It was a bad deal, but outside of Earth, they wouldn't appreciate his way of being and what he liked for fun. He would have to explain to a bunch of cavemen what the internet was and why it was of vital importance. That was a problem.

Xion sighed in his mind, realizing that his work was only halfway done, as he already had the technology and weapons to liberate the galaxy, but he still needed to fix the mess that would remain after the fall of the Goa'uld empire. If he left the Jaffa without a purpose and a way to subsist, there would be thugs everywhere. He also didn't forget about the Lucian Alliance and all the people who would fall into their hands. It would be anarchy, and one day there would be war again, putting Earth back in danger.

The situation would be a thousand times worse than with the Goa'uld because they wouldn't have a single enemy, and they couldn't disrupt their plans by getting rid of their leaders since it would be anarchy, and where one fell, a hundred more would rise, making the situation even more complicated. If he didn't act now, disaster awaited the galaxy…

"From here," General Hammond concluded, interrupting his thoughts. His brain had sent a general alert at his words, so Xion hurried to rewind the conversation to see what he had missed. Upon listening to the last interventions in full, he opened his eyes wide.

"That's impossible!" Xion declared emphatically.

"Why?" Lira asked beside him. Her tone was one of curiosity and innocence. Xion looked at her accusingly. No matter how she acted, he knew she was pretending.

"Didn't you catch the tone of my words? Didn't you hear that it was a verdict? Something definitive?" Xion asked irritably.

"Why?" she asked again with an innocent tone. Xion understood that she wouldn't leave him alone and sighed dejectedly.

"Fine, the operation will take place at this location. I'll start the preparations immediately," Xion said, getting up from the table before they could come up with anything else. "This is the initial plan; check that everything is in order. I'll send the signal to wake up the Wraith," Xion said, sending his plan through his connection with the nanites of his former team and the computers of Atlantis.

"Do you plan to put them to sleep just like that?" Daniel asked.

"Daniel, the Wraith are too aggressive a species to give them a window of opportunity. In a few hundred years, when this galaxy has recovered from its devastation, we can release them and try to make peace with them. If they don't accept it, then we can put them to sleep again and ask them a thousand years later," Xion said. He already had enough concerns to also worry about the Wraith.

"Prudent," Pylos said.

"Too prudent for my liking," the Tok'ra leader said. "This species sees humans as food, even though with their technology, they should be able to procure another food source. Their attitude shows that they simply don't care," she added.

Xion, who had already created a viable food source, knew this was true, but he still planned to give the Wraith a path to life. However, he wouldn't ask a third time if they opposed living in peace twice.

"Executing this plan won't put us at a disadvantage because I don't plan to leave behind their ships," Xion said, as his plan was to store all the biomatter they were made of as resources for his own ship. This would be useful now that he had to organize a war and find some form of alternative organization or civilization to control the anarchy in the Milky Way. Xion sighed.

"My vacation will be postponed for a long time," Xion complained bitterly. Those present looked at him. "You make the preparations; I need to think about some things I've realized in this conversation," Xion explained. "Teal'c, I may need to talk to you later," Xion said, thinking that the Jaffa could be part of the solution and not the problem. Teal'c nodded. Also, as he needed to think, he handed over the command of the operation to put the Wraith to sleep.

Three days later, Atlantis's command room had turned into a military operations center, with General Hammond in charge. The radical pacifists, who were the Nox, weren't sure whether to leave or not, as although this was a military action involving the use of force, no lives would be lost. Nevertheless, in the end, they decided to leave. Those who stayed were the Tollan and, of course, the Ancients, who had already fought a war against the Wraith. The Tok'ra watched everything and assisted in the operation.

"This is brilliant," Pylos said helplessly, as they too had faced the Wraith with the same technology that Xion was now using and could never defeat them.

Xion's plan was simple, as he knew everything about the Wraith and had infiltrated bio-spheres into all their dormant hives. These bio-spheres would capture the Wraith after putting their queens to sleep, who were responsible for waking up and sounding the alarm in case of any attack. Since the Wraith's psychic network covered the entire galaxy, their sudden disappearance from the network would also cause problems, so this had to be a total attack.

Besides, it wasn't complicated, as by infiltrating their psychic network, Xion knew the location of all their ships and outposts. It could be said that all the Wraith were within his sight thanks to his network of bio-nanites, which linked with the bio-spheres and extended their own psychic network throughout the galaxy.

"It's not just the strategy; their weapons were also garbage, and their ships a complete waste. Anyone would give them a beating in a war," Xion said, watching as the last bio-spheres took position on a map of the galaxy, where Wraith ships and a few outposts were marked, as the Wraith didn't like to be on the ground. Pylos and Helia grimaced.

"Xion!" General Hammond warned.

"I'm afraid I have to agree," the Tok'ra leader said. "I don't see why they couldn't use a similar strategy. The Tok'ra have survived for hundreds of years thanks to our knowledge of the Goa'uld. In their place, we would undoubtedly have prioritized obtaining information about the enemy, a vital strategy in any war," she concluded. General Hammond grimaced in frustration.

"Bio-spheres in position," Carter hurriedly said to break the awkwardness. "Initiating psychic blockade," now-Colonel Carter said, following standard protocol for any military attack, which involved disrupting enemy communications. The bio-nanites in the spheres followed the order, and the Wraith queens were isolated.

Then, the different stations gave the attack order, ensuring that the Wraith who managed to wake up with the queens' alarm did not escape. Xion just observed everything, as he had used the last few days to outline an action plan for the Milky Way galaxy, where there were no Ancients taking care of everything.

"Teal'c, I have a proposal for you, for the future of the Jaffa, but there are some things you need to know," Xion said, and Teal'c nodded with his usual stoicism.

The others looked with curiosity, but a burst of energy transported them to his ship. This burst of energy was not Asgard technology; Xion always kept three bio-spheres with him, allowing him to return to his ship at any time.

Xion and Teal'c were now in an empty room with black walls and a polished black floor, featuring a ten by ten view of the planet, as one of the walls was transparent. They stood facing this view, observing the planet.

"Teal'c, the Goa'uld are finished; they have no way of facing modern warfare and maintaining the faith of the Jaffa in them.

"That said, soon you and your kind will have to make a decision, and that decision is to stop being a Jaffa or continue being one. Ceasing to be a Jaffa won't have many consequences, but continuing to be a warrior will have repercussions throughout our galaxy. Whether this is good or bad depends on you and the other Jaffa. That's why we're having this conversation now because if your decision is the second, I have a proposal for you," Xion said. Teal'c didn't need to think too much and responded just a few seconds later.

"Xion," he said as if his name sounded strange to him. "I can't see myself being anything other than a Jaffa, so I would like to hear your proposal," Teal'c said. Xion smiled; he also couldn't imagine Teal'c being anything different; he was born to be a warrior. Xion raised his hand, and his blood seeped, then crystallized into a small pill.

"These are bio-nanites; I've created them based on nanites, but they are especially useful for modifying biological organisms. For the last three days, I've been studying the Jaffa to undo or complete the hybridization process initiated by the Goa'uld.

"Since you've already made your decision, taking these bio-nanites will complete your mutation process, which means you will no longer need the Goa'uld larva. I've also included regular nanites containing vital knowledge so you can understand my proposal for you and the other Jaffa, as well as some additional tactics and strategies for technological warfare," Xion explained, and Teal'c took the bio-nanite pill without hesitating for a second.

Immediately, the bio-nanites took control of his body, and Teal'c became a motionless statue while the bio-nanites modified his body and deposited some knowledge in his mind, enough to match a general with human historical knowledge and a technological knowledge base at the level of the Goa'uld.

Xion didn't plan to leave that knowledge in everyone's hands; he only gave it to Teal'c because he trusted his judgment.

Teal'c's transformation process lasted an hour, and when it finished, he didn't look different on the outside. Even the seal of Apophis was still on his forehead, but inside, he was completely different, and the gleam in his eyes upon waking was a clear sign of that. Teal'c realized this and brought his hand to his eyes.

"The Goa'uld used their own genetics to create the Jaffa," Teal'c said, now understanding his entire transformation process. Xion nodded.

"It could be said that the Jaffa were an artificial hybrid species. Now that doesn't include you, because now you're a natural hybrid, and so will your offspring be," Xion explained.

Teal'c nodded and opened his tunic to look at his abdomen, which was now smooth and without any pouch. The Goa'uld larva had also been recycled by the bio-nanites during Teal'c's transformation process. Teal'c smiled.

"I am free," Teal'c said, as although the Jaffa got rid of the Goa'uld, they would always need their larvae to keep living if they wanted to continue being Jaffa. Xion nodded.

"So it's time to talk about the future of the Jaffa," Xion said, regaining his seriousness. "Teal'c, have you thought about what the Jaffa will do after the Goa'uld fall and how they will relate to the rest of the galaxy?

"The Jaffa will control the Goa'uld planets and will also be able to create ships since the Goa'uld have made their technology user-friendly, and you are already familiar with it. This technology is also extremely reliable, and it will be thousands of years before it starts to fail. That's why the Jaffa will only have to deal with basic matters like food, clothing, among others," Xion said. Teal'c pondered.

"The Goa'uld will no longer be here, and unless we want to follow their example and enslave peoples to produce food for us, we will have to take care of this.

"We could also offer our services in exchange for food, but that would turn us into mercenaries, and soon we'll be fighting against our own brothers just for money. It would be a dishonor for the Jaffa," Teal'c declared with displeasure, as he now understood that the Jaffa would only face disaster once the Goa'uld fell, losing their purpose as an army.

"Teal'c, the Jaffa are not the only ones who will have problems when the Goa'uld fall. Even the personal slaves of the Goa'uld and the common people who were associated with them will be left helpless. Everything will turn from an absolute theocratic regime to an anarchic regime, where those who manage to obtain a privileged position will rule over others, causing chaos, thousands of wars, and endless conflicts.

"On Earth, we've witnessed this hundreds of times, and the consequences are always terrible. Thanks to this, and as I reflected, I've understood what will happen once the Goa'uld fall. That's why, in these last three days, I've been thinking of a solution.

"My solution is to create an order that replaces that of the Goa'uld and, at the same time, provides a purpose for the Jaffa," Xion said and sent all his plans to Teal'c using the nanites.

Teal'c received the information. His idea was to create an empire, a civilization where all species would be accepted. This empire would have many laws similar to those of Earth regarding civil rights and would be partly democratic. However, it would be divided into two independent administrative parts. The civil part would govern the political, social, economic, and administrative life of the empire, while the military part would consist of the Jaffa, who would have their own planets, laws, and administration. The Jaffa would have the duty to protect the empire, its citizens, and its laws, and the empire would provide them with a salary and corresponding honors.

Regarding their work, the empire would not be a peaceful civilization that avoids conflict, as Xion hoped that, due to its civil laws, it would have enemies everywhere.

A few minutes later, Teal'c blinked and looked Xion up and down.

"Are you going to be the emperor of this Galactic Empire?" Teal'c asked with many doubts. Xion looked at him threateningly.

"Teal'c, I am offended," Xion scolded. "I want you to know that I would be a great emperor for this empire, as its main function is to ensure that things get done, and no one slacks off at their job. Without a doubt, it's a job made for me; I am good at making others work and not afraid to make drastic decisions," Xion said.

"That's true," Teal'c said, nodding. Xion looked at him with doubts, not knowing if that was a criticism or a compliment.

"Teal'c, all the principles of the empire are based on freedom of choice, and while others may change, the principles of freedom can never be altered. Neither can the division between the civil and the military be altered, its structure, and the fundamental laws, both internal and external. This will ensure that in the future, even if we are not present, no one can destroy what we have created," Xion explained. Teal'c nodded in agreement.

"I will speak with Master Bra'tac," Teal'c said. "When will you return to our galaxy?" he asked Xion. Xion turned around, and a very lifelike hologram of the Milky Way galaxy appeared in the room.

"In three days, I will have finished my business in this place. For the foundation of the Empire, I am thinking of conquering the territories that belong to the current Goa'uld empire, although I haven't decided on a name yet. 'Galactic Empire' will sound threatening to many, and we don't want to be seen as a threat. We want people to see us as a hope for order and peace," Xion explained. Teal'c nodded and thought for a few seconds.

"Xion, if our intention is to convey hope, then 'Rising Empire' should be our statement of intent. For a newborn in freedom, all paths are open.

"Then, once it has been created, and the different peoples of the galaxy have joined, together we can decide on a name that truly represents us; that will create more unity," Teal'c explained. Xion smiled in agreement. "Rising Empire" was an appropriate statement of intent, while choosing a definitive name at this moment might make people joining the empire feel like they don't belong or haven't created it.

"Well, now we need to coordinate our first attack in a place that will give us a decisive victory," Xion said.

"Is that possible?" Teal'c asked, seemingly unable to believe it would be so easy.

"Dakara," was Xion's response, and Teal'c opened his eyes wide.

"The Goa'uld system lords keep constant surveillance over that place, no less than eight Ha'tak, and reinforcements could come up to fifteen Ha'tak," Teal'c explained. Xion nodded.

"This ship can handle that, but I want the Jaffa to gain the glory of this victory. It's of no use if someone external does it, so I'll start the construction of fifteen Ha'tak. They will be equipped with shields and Alteran weapons similar to those we designed on Earth, so the Goa'uld Ha'tak won't be a threat," Xion explained.

"I'll go with Master Bra'tac and bring my loyal brothers to witness and participate in the first step toward the freedom of the Jaffa," declared Teal'c.

A couple of hours later, Teal'c an" Xion were transported to the command room of the Lanteans. Teal'c greeted his group, making his eyes shine, and they looked at him in horror. Xion laughed, and Teal'c, who had done it on purpose, showed his classic mischievous smile, making everyone realize they had been tricked.

"Teal'c, that's not funny!" scolded Daniel.

"Daniel Jackson, I am now a free Jaffa," said Teal'c, patting his abdomen. "The Goa'uld larva is gone, and I no longer need it to survive since my transformation into a Jaffa has been completed," explained Teal'c.

"Teal'c, do you mean you have completed the Goa'uld process that transformed yours into Jaffa?" Carter asked with interest.

"Xion did it, but yes, now I am a complete hybrid. That's why my eyes shine, as the original genetic material was Goa'uld. The false gods will strengthen the Jaffa, and soon we will also reclaim their territories for the creation of a new order," declared Teal'c proudly.

"New order?" asked Daniel, blinking. Xion connected with his nanites and transmitted the empire's foundation plans, its laws, and structure.

"Will you be the emperor?" asked Carter, stunned. Daniel was left astounded. General Hammond blinked.

"Gentlemen, you are about to be declared non-grata throughout the Rising Empire," Xion scolded indignantly.

"The emperor's main function is to ensure that the people under his charge do their job. Without a doubt, Xion is the right one for that. Our team's performance under his orders and the current Tau'ri prosperity are proof of that," said Teal'c. The others blinked and, after thinking for a few seconds, nodded with determination.

Xion frowned, unsure if they were offending him or praising his merits.

"Well, Teal'c, first Jaffa commander and imperial First Prime, go for our second commander and second First Prime, and with all the Jaffa who decide to join us, in no more than a month, we will cross to the Milky Way galaxy to begin the conquest war over the Goa'uld territories, in pursuit of the future glory of the Rising Empire and its Jaffa warriors," declared Xion. Teal'c saluted and headed to the portal, asking the Lanteans to establish a connection with Earth.

The Jaffa were now on Chulak, but the portal in this galaxy only connected to Earth. Xion planned to change this, as he intended to use the portal…

"Are you going to cross?" General Hammond asked as he watched Teal'c leave. Xion smiled.

"We need a grand entrance, so I'm going to create a super Stargate that connects the Pegasus galaxy with the Milky Way, and through which a ship can pass," said Xion, leaving everyone stunned.

Xion smiled at everyone, although he was blatantly adopting the Ori's strategy, no one knew it, and it would be a spectacular way to declare the creation of the Rising Empire and establish its future glory.

"Politicians and the powerful on Earth are going to hate you," said Daniel.

Xion grimaced because that was true. Due to the empire's laws, if Earth didn't hurry to change a large number of laws and provide numerous technological benefits to its citizens, they would soon migrate to the empire in search of those benefits, such as health and eternal youth. Therefore, many political leaders and rulers on Earth would hate him.

"I think it's a good plan; we don't want the galaxy to plunge into chaos after the fall of the Goa'uld," said Carter with a smile. "The creation of a new order will also force Earth's leaders to release technology for civilian use," she added.

"Yes, games and movies will be wonderful from now on," exclaimed Xion excitedly. Daniel rolled his eyes, Carter blinked, and General Hammond sighed.

"Hmmm…" cleared the Tok'ra leader, as there was still work to be done with the Wraiths, even if it was only in terms of recovery.

Next chapter