
Chapter 396 Eat Slowly (2)_1

"No problem," Fengzhen Wan remained unbothered.

"But you don't have to wait for me to finish eating. You can talk while eating," Nan Feng said, picking at the bones of a phoenix claw.

Something about Jiang Fengzhen, always grinning with malice, worried her.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll start talking," Jiang Fengzhen's eyes squinted in amusement. "I've always admired your Spikenard Square. Before meeting you, I really wanted to see you in person. Now that I've met you, I like you even more. How do you manage to be so likable? My daughter's the same age as you, but all she does is lie around at home, idling away. If only she could be half as dedicated as you."

Nan Feng picked up a soup dumpling and began to eat it, "Mrs Jiang, you are too kind. If I came from a family like yours, I'd be happy to lounge around at home all the time too. Unfortunately, I don't have that luxury. I need to work to stand on my own two feet in this county."

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