
Kobe actively challenging Carlos!

In response to Bosh's question, Wade fell into silence, his thoughts a bit confused. However, LeBron's eyes revealed a firm determination. He earnestly said, "Indeed, Carlos is an extremely challenging opponent. Currently...

we haven't truly found his weakness.

But, I'm not afraid of him. I won't fear any player. No matter who we face, I am confident we can defeat him, even if it's Carlos.

Furthermore... the Suns' Nash and Carter are getting older, and Curry's abilities aren't outstanding yet. It can be said that Carlos is the truly formidable player in the Suns.

But basketball isn't a one-person game.

Our Miami Heat has the three strongest players in the league. We can easily defeat the Suns with Carlos and any other team. This year...

we only have one goal.

That is the championship!"

LeBron's words ignited a fiery passion in Wade and Bosh's eyes. The three of them exchanged determined looks, filled with confidence about the future.


In the commentary box...

Van Gundy looked at the final red light, saying, "The game is over, and the Suns won against the Hornets on the road, completing a season sweep. They now have a glorious 9-game winning streak. Tonight...

Carlos scored 51 points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists, 2 steals, and 4 blocks, achieving a splendid '50+ triple-double.' Moreover...

he also made 5 three-pointers.

Consecutively achieving two triple-doubles.

And... with the '50+ triple-double,' Carlos has become the youngest '50+ triple-double' holder in NBA history, as well as the first rookie to achieve a '50+ triple-double' in their debut season.

Impressive, truly impressive!"

Van Gundy was at a loss for words to describe Carlos's strength, repeatedly emphasizing how "impressive" it was.

Mark Jackson took over, smiling and saying, "Crucially... achieving a '50+ triple-double' and continuously breaking records, Carlos is still a center. And...

he's an all-around center with three-point shooting ability.

Looking at the entire league right now, I can't find a center that can be compared to him.

Perhaps... only someone like Durant or Nowitzki, who has the height of a center but plays as a power forward, can barely stand at the same level as Carlos.

But no matter what. Carlos, the center from Mexico, has already demonstrated extraordinary talent to the entire league, along with a unique offensive style. His future is limitless!"


The words of the two commentators stirred up the arena. Countless Suns fans waved their arms, cheering for tonight's 'MVP' Carlos.

"Haha, Carlos has three-point shooting ability too?!"

This was an unexpected joy.

Coach Gentry, sitting on the bench, was overjoyed. He was well aware that Carlos, who now possessed three-point shooting ability, would instantly elevate the team's strength by a level.

Nash patted Carlos and laughed, saying, "You clearly had a three-pointer; why were you hiding it before? Were you planning to save it for the playoffs, as a secret weapon?!"


Carlos smiled and said, "Of course not. Before, the opportunity wasn't right. Tonight, the opportunity was good, plus a bit of luck, and that's why I hit consecutive shots."

The real reason was not easy to explain, so Carlos could only casually find a reason to brush it off.

"You, always so modest."

Nash shook his head, and Curry joined in, congratulating, "Carlos's jump shot from the outside already made a bunch of people complain, and now you have three-point ability too. I guess there aren't many people in the league who can defend against you."

"Not many people?!"

Carter, with an expression implying that Wade was overestimating Carlos, quickly changed the topic and said, "It's not just that there aren't many people; there's absolutely no one who can defend against Carlos. His one-on-one offense and defense, no one can stop it."

"Hey, it's just like what I thought."

Curry pursed his lips, looking like a primary school student who had just been startled, making everyone laugh. Even the usually easygoing Nash couldn't help but smile.

Winning the game...

Everyone's mood is happy.




In the battle against the Hornets, Carlos's impeccable offense once again landed him in the headlines of major newspapers and became a regular on the Twitter trend list.

"WTF? A center, still a rookie, scoring a '50+ triple-double' in a single game, and hitting 5 three-pointers? Are you sure this isn't fake news?!"

"My god, I heard a terrible piece of news. A center actually shoots three-pointers from the outside and can organize the team's offense. It's truly unbelievable."

"Center Carlos, his ability to attack from the outside is too strong."

"Hey, wasn't it said that Carlos doesn't have three-pointers? What's the situation with these 5 three-pointers in a single game, hitting 4 in a row against the Hornets? What happened?!"


"Seeing everyone so unbelieving, that's right, it further proves Carlos's strength, strong to the point of being unstoppable, strong to the point where it's unbelievable."

"Yeah, Carlos is a center, a center with a phenomenal offensive ability, a technical flow center who doesn't rely entirely on his physique! Carlos will shock the entire league." No! He has already astonished the entire league with his magnificent performance. Carlos is a super rookie, the strongest center!"

"A 'technical flow' center, although this adjective is not quite suitable for a center. However, it seems appropriate to describe Carlos."

"Way to go, Carlos!"

"Carlos, keep it up! From today, I'm your loyal fan, always supporting you!"

"And me!"

"Count me in!"

"Wait, there's me too, and me!"

Another splendid performance has caused Carlos, a rookie, to rapidly gain popularity in the league, like a rocket soaring into the sky.

And during the fans' discussions...

Two-time Finals MVP, the current 'First Man of the League,' Kobe Bryant, commented on Twitter: "Carlos, congratulations on becoming the youngest 50-point triple-double gentleman. You are an outstanding rookie center. Any player facing a 'technical flow' center of your height will find it quite a headache. However, I hope to have a battle with you. Let me experience your headache-inducing offense."


Kobe's remarks, resembling a one-on-one challenge, instantly stirred the internet.

"What? Kobe actively challenging Carlos, challenging a rookie?!"

"Oh my god, according to Kobe, does this mean he sees Carlos as formidable? My god, Carlos, a rookie, is actually compared to the basketball god?!"

"Kobe challenging Carlos, Kobe is the 'First Man of the League.' So... Kobe = Carlos = First Man of the League?!"

"This is unbelievable, completely outrageous!"

"Haha, coming from Kobe Bryant, from the 'First Man of the League,' praise and a challenge, does it also indicate that Carlos already possesses the strength of a superstar?!"

TheRace,DaoistBGgAkd 3 power stones!

Inkybear 2 power stones!

Noname101,LordHelowilson,Davd_Catalyst 1 power stone!

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