
Chapter 136 : Masked Men In Ginza

Ever since they started living in Ginza, Mai developed a peculiar habit.

Whenever she heard the sound of a rickshaw's wheels approaching, she would quickly abandon whatever job she was doing and rush to the front yard to welcome her Ojou-sama back home.

Today too, she abandoned cutting the green onions and ran toward the entrance door like a child expecting a basket of sweets.

"Mai-chan, the knife!!!" Yuri shouted after her in horror. Approaching a pregnant woman with a knife was dangerous.

"Oh, right, sorry, Yuri-chan..."

Mai hastily put down the big knife she used to cut onions back on the kitchen counter.

Yuri shook her head, but she couldn't keep herself from smiling.

Mai was simply too attached to her Ojou-sama.

So attached was she, that she didn't bother coming back to resume cutting the onions.


Yuri eyed the half-cut onions and winced.

She hated cutting onions.

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