
Island home

Claire returned home, while Caspian remained on the watch in the dungeon. 

Sharp at three fifty nine, he kept himself awake, to see if he could remain inside the dungeon while it resets. The answer is … ' yes '. 

He watched as the 89's hunters poured into the field as soon as the clock struck four. 

They formed teams of two, one cut the corn, Other looked for rats, They worked in tandem, cutting off the corn, and searching for the rats in the dungeon. 

When the rats reached ten percent, they exited the dungeon completely, save for one person, who floated in the air, just like Claire. However, he can not go up or down, he could only stand in place and watch. 

In an hour, the crops replenished once more. At this time, the man retrieved a ball with bells from his bag, threw it out. 

Once again, the hunters entered, clearing till ten percent. 

Caspian watched in fascination, as the crops replenished. 

' Maybe I scolded Claire unnecessarily. I must apologize. ' he thought absentmindedly. 

Claire had asked him to remember features and conversations of these people as much as possible. Caspian wondered why he had to do that … 

" So that we can steal their identities, silly ! " Claire said at that time. 

Caspian knew that they needed at least one base with whom they could do some sort of trade. The goods of base 89 are most in demand, and food, which they can get easily, is most in demand inside base 89. As long as they could do it, it's the best deal. 

He shook off those thoughts, and concentrated on observing the dungeon, hoping he could identify the area through which the team might appear. 

If only he knew … his hopes will be in vain. 


Today is a weekend. On top of that, Caspian was in the dungeon, so there's no need to be shy about exploring the islands. The first thing she did after breakfast was to bring Zayne here, along with the children. They are left on the beach of the shorter island, on the other side from where Caspian's pet turtle feeds. 

She found the foundation of the light house in no time. 

All the cement walls are completely broken down, but the stones survived, given they are granite. 

She cleared the site of all debris first. Then, she smoothed down the edges of the foundation made with stone, forming a perfectly level surface. The foundation was made of six rows of eight inch stones. These are roughly hewn stone, which were used to construct castles in the old time. 

In the outermost layer of stones, she made shallow holes like lego blocks. In the second row, she made deep holes of about two feet, fitting the bamboo poles she has perfectly. For the square parts, she made a square frame, for the round part of the foundation, she made a yurt like woven fences. 

On the square parts of the house, she secured the framing bamboo by using the mouse jaw tendon as the tie. When the structure was finished, she secured the split bamboo as tiles, using brass nails. On top of these, she applied plain slime jelly, which is the gummy innards of the slimes she left in her water tank. 

When it's done, she retrieved the granite stone from the debris. She ground their bottoms like lego blocks, set them on the first row, to secure the bamboo poles. 

Now that she finished the exterior, she created wooden flooring from the bamboo poles. Ofcourse, the flooring was created at a height of two feet, following the height of the foundation. Claire filled the space with rubble left over from the previous lighthouse, as well as stacked stone, at least in places where she could. This way, she could bury a fire crystal deep in the rubble, then the entire area will be heated to room temperature. 

She laid wooden flooring on top of the rubble columns, then brushed the entire floor with varnish. Left the area open for the varnish to dry. In the night, they can return straight to this area to sleep. 

Now that her work is finished, it's time for her to return to Zayne. 

The children are still having immense fun running around on the beach. 

Claire did her morning check, at which time Caspian was still alright. He apologized for freaking out on her about the burnt crops. Gave her vital information, about the dungeon reset, as well as corn being the new crop in the mouse field. He returned to the watch in the mouse field, while Claire returned to build the house. Now that the house is built, it's just the right time to check on him. 

She went to the Slime dungeon to look for him, and Caspian was already there. He looked anxious, as if the things were not working out the way he expected them to. 

" Caspian ! Are you okay ? Did the party you were expecting come by ? " she asked him. 

He shook his head in a no. 

" Perhaps if not today, they will come some other day. Now that we can keep watch so easily, we only need to wait for them. " she said encouragingly. 

He did not look better for her words. 

" If push comes to shove, then we will just go through all the dungeons you know, get out that base, and see if the person you are looking for was in that base. Though it is a bit hard to do this, it's not impossible with our abilities. " Claire said as a last resort. She does not have that sort of time to waste on another person, but as long as he takes her to those dungeons, she could totally do a little bit of legwork to look for whoever. 

Yes, she is selfish that way. 

Caspian cheered up at these words. There's once again that feeling of her words coming across as something different than what she wanted to say. She just pushed aside that feeling. 

If he becomes that sort of one track mind, all she has to do is limit her help. As long as he doesn't hurt her, she will not harm him. 

She returned, so did Caspian. 

By the time she came to the beach, Zayne and Robin had filled up the entire beach with glass sculptures. 

There was even a gigantic umbrella made entirely of obsidian. 

Claire watched in fascination as Robin raised sand and glass into the air. Brea heated the rock with her moderately hot fire. Once brea heats it to hot, Zayne extends his hands, melting the rocks away. 

After the rock melted, Robin added smaller rocks to the mixture, making more and more hot mixture. 

When it's all done, Robin molds the mixture in the air to any shape imagined by the twins, then, Zayne slowly lowers the temperature, while Robin maintains the shape. Once it's done, Brea takes over, cooling slowly. By the time it's normal temperature, Robin slowly sets it down on the beach. 

Currently, they are making a godzilla. 

" you lot are having fun. " she teased them. 

" Sister! " Robin ran to her, setting down Godzilla on the beach. 

The statue fell right into the sea, the sea water hissed where it fell. Inside of Godzilla is hollow. As soon as the water went in, they evaporated due to heat. 

Steam came out of godzilla's well crafted butt hole, with the same sound as popcorn exploding. 

' plop ' ' tik' ' tink ' ' puff ' 

.. the godzilla kept farting… 

" Oh ! Godzilla's pooping ! " Credence shouted, pointing at the head in the water, butt in the air godzilla. 

Claire broke down into giggles at the picture. 

" Well done, Robin. " She praised her little brother. 

Robin smiled at her like a sunflower. 

" Unless your life is in danger, do not do this without me or Zayne watching over you. It's dangerous. Alright ? " she asked. 

" Yes, Sister. " Robin agreed happily. 

" Alright. How about we catch our food for today now ? " she asked, smiling down at him. 

She looked over with mirror eyes. Like before, she levitated a fish out, however, this time, instead of Zayne, Robin was the one to take it down with the metal balls. He only stunned the fish, he did not kill them. 

Claire cleaned the fish the old fashioned way, with a little bit of help from her magic. In no time at all, they have fish and vegetable skewers ready to grill. 

" Sister ! Can we have super powers too ? " the twins asked eagerly. 

" Sure, you can. In fact, your brother has agreed to let you awaken your powers. I will take you to the altars tonight " 

The powers of the twins are once again different from Zayne. 

Thus, she took them to the Earth Dragon altar, rather than the Ifrit's altar. 

The twins both fainted upon putting mana in. 

She left them there, and returned to the house. Only Dolce was looking at her eagerly. 

With Zayne's nod, she took him to the sky dragon altar. 

Check out my other book Teahouse on mount Tai , If you like a mix of romance and farming, with a hint of video gaming.

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