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Inside the secret underground training area, Kisuke, Tessai and Yoruichi are preparing for what to do next. 


"Now Kisuke get started on the Gigai. From the moment you heard about this incident from Hirako, you envisioned the worst-case scenario. And you also came up with the best solution to counter that."

"Hm. You saw through everything I see. You are a nasty one."

"Look who's talking."

"Tessai put a Time Stop on Hirako and the others. Then place a double and triple barrier around this place. Starting now, for the next 20 hours, you and I will build a total of ten Gigai built with Spiritual Pressure masking function for the two of us, and Hirako and the others."

"What about you, Yoruichi?", Tessai asked.

"Don't worry about me. I can always manage to get away.", she told him.

"We'll lay low in the World of the Living and take our time to solve this mystery. We will, without fail find a way to undo this Hollowfication.", Kisuke said.

"Well said Kisuke!!", a voice said behind them.


All three of them turned around and saw Toji standing over the eight Shinigami that had been Hollowfied. 

Toji touched Rojuro's mask and sighed.

"Oh, Rojuro. See why I said you weren't ready to be a Captain? This is why. You are simply ... too weak."

The others were alert and Tessai was ready to cast a Kido at any time. 

"Now would you look at this? The fugitives standing there and preparing to fight me. The most friendly and fun Captain of all the Gotei 13. Now this wounds me."

"What are you doing here? And how did you find this place?", Yoruichi asked him.

"Well ... connections, my dear fellow Captains. You see if you know the right people ... you can get out of almost any situation.", Toji told them.

He claimed to have gotten out of the situation through his connections, something that was spoken about behind his back. Why did he say this and not the truth? ... We might never know. 


"Of course you did. What did I expect? Then what are you doing here? And how did you find this place?", Yoruichi asked him.

"Well, I simply watched you and saw where you were going. As for why I'm here ... I wanted to see Rose one more time ... he was dear to me.", Toji said.

"Yeah as the one who does all your work for you...", Yoruichi spat.

"Hehehe, guilty as charged. Oh well ... now that I have seen him and heard your plan ... I guess that is fine.", Toji said and walked away. 

"That's it? That's all you are going to say? Your Lieutenant could have died and you might never see him again and all you have to say to him is ... oh well?", Yoruichi was angry.

"... yes? Personally, I don't understand your anger. It all seems pretty self-explanatory."

"Y-you ... disgust me."

"Hehe, then you're not the first one ... oh well. See you around.", Toji said and then Shunpo'ed away. 



(Urahara POV)

This was something. I had not expected this. I am sure that no matter who you are, as long as you are not a noble of the 4 noble clans, you will be punished no matter what.

This would mean that he lied. But why would he lie? Is there more to his story? He was called there because they thought he was lying about not seeing Aizen and tried to help us.

But what if that wasn't true? What if he truly didn't see Aizen and everybody did see him? What if he was telling the truth the entire time? Could there be more to this then ...

No matter what ... I will find out the truth. Aizen did something and it would seem that the rumoured 'worst' Captain is not what he appears to be. That is something I always believed but didn't know how to prove. 

In the end, it didn't matter to me whether he was stronger than he showed. But now ... now it could be essential to finding out what Aizen did.

He let Yoruichi and us believe that he was someone who only got his position as Captain through his contacts and because he was the student of Head Captain Yamamoto. He doesn't care about what she believes and even seems to want others to believe the rumours. 

Is he the same as Aizen? Does he also have a plan or goal that no one should know? But then why did he say that he didn't see Aizen? He could have lied and be done with it. 

By saying that he didn't see Aizen, he will only gather the attention of Aizen and make him more wary of him. That was not the play of someone who wanted to achieve something by staying unseen. 

I will find out what his true motives were.



(Aizen POV)

Toji Fushiguro ... so he didn't see me. Or at least he claimed not to see me. What an interesting development. 

So what was it? did you truly not see me? Or are you lying because you wanted something from Kisuke Urahara? Are you also after the Hogyoku? Do you potentially have your own? 

Finally, it got a bit interesting. The worst and weakest Captain has entered the game and I can not wait to see what you will try and how you will fail. 

You have seen Kyoka Suigetsu, so you are under my complete hypnosis no matter what you say. I should prepare though, for the off chance that the good Captain truly didn't see me and didn't look at my release when I showed him the first time.



(3rd Person POV)

Things changed after this incident. Five Captain spots were now vacant. FIVE... all at once. It was something that had never been seen since the founding of the Gotei 13, by Yamamoto. 

This was an astounding number of 'powerful' Shinigami that left the Gotei 13 and left it weakened. 

Captain of Squad 12, Kisuke Urahara had fled Soul Society after experimenting on eight fellow Shinigami Captain and Lieutenants. 

Captain of Squad 5, Shinji Hirako, Captain of Squad 9, Kensei Muguruma and Captain of Squad 7, Love Aikawa have been Hollowfied and were to be treated as Hollows, but they have fled the Soul Society.

Lieutenant of Squad 12, Hiyori Sarugaki. Lieutenant of Squad 9, Mashiro Kuna. Lieutenant of Squad 8, Lisa Yadomaru and Lieutenant of Squad 3, Rojuro Otoribashi as well as Lieutenant of the Kido corps, Hachigen Ushoda have also been Hollowfied and are also to be treated as Hollows. They have fled the Soul Society as well.

And lastly, we have the Commander of the Kido Corps Tessai Tsukabishi who has also fled the Soul Society together with Urahara Kisuke. 

The last Captain gone missing or fleeing was the Captain of Squad 2, Yoruichi Shihoin. It is assumed that she helped the two suspects Kisuke Urahara and Tessai Tsukabishi to flee.

There had to be changes made that affected the entire upper echelon of the Gotei 13. For Squad 2, Lieutenant Soi Fon stepped up and took the position after being tested.

For Squad 5, the current Lieutenant Sosuke Aizen was more than competent enough to fill the position of Captain. He made the young prodigy Gin Ichimaru who was still very young his Lieutenant. 

For Squad 7 a mysterious Shinigami by the name of Sajin Komamura took over the position. His Lieutenant became Tetsuzaemon Iba a promising Shinigami.

For Squad 9 the young and only survivor of the investigation group Kaname Tosen took the position of Captian after being tested as well. He would eventually take the young man who was also present during this time, Shuhei Hisagi as hit Lieutenant. 

As for Squad 12 ... well Mayuri Kurotsuchi was more than willing to become Captain of the squad after only 9 years of being a third seat. 


Shunsui Kyoraku was very sad for a while and both of his friends Jushrio Ukitake and Toji Fushiguro spent a lot of time with him to take his mind off of things. But after a couple of drinks for a few weeks, he was back to normal. 

Toji Fushiguro also took care of Nanao Ise after that night. She was very sad about the disappearance of Lisa Yadomaru and he helped her get over it as well. He read her stories and taught her many things, mostly Kido as she liked when he showed her those. 

He also taught her the basics of Zanjutsu Hakuda and Hoho. She wasn't very enthusiastic about those but since she told Toji that she wanted to become a Lieutenant he told her that she needed to know this. 


Soi Fon was by far the one who took it the worst ... apart from Toji of course. But we'll talk about that later.

Soi Fon had a very ... unhealthy ... obsession with Yoruichi Shihoin and after she 'left' it made Soi Fon's character weird. She closed herself off and became unfriendly towards almost anyone. 

She focused almost entirely on her training and her work. She wanted to surpass her 'idol' Yoruichi and make her answer her questions of why she left her. A very self-centred girl this Soi Fon.


Captain Aizen was born for the position of Captain. He fulfilled his work splendidly and perfectly. 

He always smiled no matter what happened and was always happy to help others.

This was of course abused by Toji. He asked Aizen whether he could help him with soehting and ... that's how it went.


"So what can I help you with Captain Fushiguro.", Aizen asked with his usual gentle smile.

"Oh well you see, I got a new Lieutenant recently.", Toji began.


"And now there is a problem with the paperwork. Oi Kira comes here real quick.", Toji said to a young man standing to the side. 

The young boy was fresh out of the Academy and had a bit of a melancholic vibe to him. 

"Yes, Captian Fushiguro?", he said.

"Kira as you know you are to be my Lieutenant in the future. I know you can do it. But there is one slight problem... You need to learn how to do paperwork. It is the bane of the Shinigami existence. But I believe you can win this fight. 

So I have brought you here to learn from someone who is not only the most perfect Captain ... he might also be the best looking one ... except me of course. I mean look at him everything is perfect, that smile and the hair ... I guess the glasses are a bit of a problem but I'm sure he'll get rid of them in the future or something.", Toji said.

"Anyway Captain Aizen has volunteered to teach you, right Captain Aizen?", Toji asked and looked at Aizen.

"Well-", Aizen just wanted to say something when Toji interrupted him.

"See he agrees. Thank you, Captain Aizen. You are a lifesafer ... have fun you two ...", Toji said and then ran out of the room.



"I apologise for him, Captian Aizen. I won't take any of your time.", Kira said with a sigh.

"Haha, nonsense. Captain Fushiguro is as lively as always. Come I will show you how to do paperwork.", Aizen said.

And that was how Toji managed to put all of his work on Aizen. And everyone says he is incompetent... well he showed them right?

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