
“do you really hate me?”

"This is stress itself" Mia complained, stretching "I think I need a full body massage" she chuckled.

They had just finished the assignment. Ella yawned, it's understandable why the teacher made this a group assignment. One person would have died before finishing this whole damn assignment thing.

"I'm hungry. we should head home, dinner must be ready" Ellison said to her brother

Ella just realized herself and Blue were the only students living in the school dorm in this group. Well supposedly, Blue always slept out so it was more like she was the only dorm room owner in this group, the rest had their own apartments, how wonderful…..

"I think after submitting this shitty assignment, we should throw a party. You know, to relieve stress" Dean commented

"Yeah, a pool party on Friday. Who's in?" Lucy asked

"Everyone's in" Mia said excitedly

"You in?" Dean asked Ella

Hell yeah!

"Yup" Ella smiled earning a glare from Blue. God knows what was in her sick head. She must really think she was a spoilt thing….

"I think we should keep the group, we'll need it" Lucy said, she was referring to the group chat that was created for the assignment.

"Yea, we should" Ellison said with a nod

The thought of attending a pool party made Ella grin widely. She had attended a few back home with Whitney. It would be her first pool party alone, Whitney didn't let her drink, dance or swim. How awful!!

Well…. She'd enjoy this one to the fullest, to make up for all the fun she had missed.

Imagine attending a pool party and you have to stay away from everything that makes it fun,a really horrible experience!

"Catch y'all later" Lucy waved walking out with her mini backpack.

"Hey" it took everything in Ella to gather everything in her to talk to Blue. She had to apologize…..

"Can we talk?" She asked calmly, biting her bottom lip nervously

"About?" Blue raised a brow


"About the other day" Ella cleared her throat "I'm sorry for what I said. All I wanted was for you to stay with me" okay...

"You seem fine to me. I mean, you've been sleeping alone haven't you? Still scared?" Blue asked

Ella shrugged, she was never scared….

"Well….. ion know" she said like a child hiding the fact that she was bullied at school

Blue kept quiet for awhile "I'll stay" she said as Ella's eyes widened in excitement "two nights, just two nights " she chuckled

Hell! Blue was one hell of a beautiful soul. Those dimples and dark brown eyes contrasting her beautiful smooth slightly exposed skin. You know, the baggy clothes hardly exposed skin but she was wearing a handless anime designed shirt today.

"Hey, want me to drop you off?" Dean asked, interrupting Ella's thoughts

Hell no!!!

"Nope, you don't have to. We'll go together" Ella said excitedly referring to herself and Blue

Dean gave them the 'what's up with you two' look before giving a single nod


"Would it be considered showing off and acting spoilt if I get snacks for us?" Ella asked as they walked past a supermarket

Blue seemed cool right now and for the last few minutes they'd been strolling, they had not argued, not like they had a conversation though. Both had been awfully quiet.

"I don't think I want one, you can get one for yourself" Blue replied

Ella kept quiet, she had to carefully pick her words. The last thing she wanted right now was angering Blue.

"You seem to like anime" Ella said recalling the time she went through Blue's stuff, the sketch book and all.

"Just the character design" Blue shrugged, pulling open the door to the supermarket

"Oh" was all Ella could say

Just the character design!

"they feel ethereal" Blue said smiling

Ethereal? Really? Didn't the word mean extremely delicate and light in a way that seems out of this world? Was that how anime characters were portrayed? Delicate and light?

"Which do you want? Potato chips?" Blue's voice brought Ella back.

Blue was currently holding two bags of chips, different types.

"Anyone would do" Ella shrugged

Blue grabbed a few before walking to the front counter to pay.

Oh so it's okay if you get something for me but it's not if I get something for you!

"Here" Blue passed the plastic bag to Ella

Ella muttered a 'thank you' before asking what she had been dying to ask

"Ummm" she cleared her throat "when you told me you hated me the other day, did you mean it? Do you really hate me?" Ella asked with expectant eyes.

'I didn't want to tell you this but I will, I hate you' these words had been eating Ella up. The thought of Blue thinking of her as a spoilt brat didn't sit well with her.

what do you think?

Rosiest_bluecreators' thoughts
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