
Cracks and Patience

A bright flash moved away from Adam. Rosalind prepared to repel the energy clots, Silvana stood behind her since it was the safest place.

However... Franz was in no hurry to do anything. He didn't need Rosalind's help to deal with Adam's energy clots, but his arms were still folded into his sleeves, a slight smile on his face.

"What...? Nothing's going on?" Rosalind frowned, staring intently at Adam whose eyes were still closed.

Franz threw his head back slightly, throwing Rosalind an arrogant look.

"Hah, Rosalind, did you think I was wrong? I thought your faith in me was much greater."

It was just a joke, but Rosalind took everything seriously, she was like that at work and in everyday life.

"My apologies sir, but the chances that Adam could overcome the last 0.7% in one hit were too slim for me to put Silvana in danger."

Franz rolled his eyes and shook his head.

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