
Incoming (Part 1)

Adam's tips of black hair fluttered, an excited smile was on his face and a bright fire burned in his eyes.

He hadn't realized it before, but having a doctor like Dahla being a K2-Phantom meant that he was limited by nothing but his own will.

'Hah, against Damien things were a little different. He's a real monster, Tron is much weaker, though... in front of both of them I'm a weakling.' Adam said to himself, clenching his folded fists tighter.

He kept his hands over his head, about to bring his fists down on Tron like hammers.

'Back then, I was just learning my new abilities, the Evolution Tree was slowly telling me about them, but now, I know what I'm capable of.' Adam's mind filled with confidence as the muscles in his arms tensed.

Tron watched his actions carefully. He watched Adam fight against Damien, so he knew of all of Adam's abilities.

His amethyst eyes observed Adam's hands intently, the air around them trembling.

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