
chapter 21 : Reunion

When they reached the area of ​​ancient Valyria, they preferred to bypass the ruins and encountered pirate ships.

 At first, Zuleha was a little scared, but as soon as the pirates saw the black ships, they immediately changed course and fled far away.

 These ships have been known for years and pirates had tried to attack them before, with a crew full of mutants on each ship, there was only death awaiting the poor pirates.

 The Night's Watch Navy had a double reputation: Fast ships and formidable, very formidable sailors.

 Jon was drinking a glass of liquor when they reached Meereen and he saw the place's iconic great pyramid in the distance.

 In no time they arrived at the landing and Jon left 50 men on each ship to watch them, they had gold for supplies or fun.

 With 100 men, Jon traveled through the city with Zuleha as his guide, the woman had repeatedly slept with Jon during the journey as she was under his charm from the start.

 Now she kept smiling as she spoke to him. Jon for his part appreciated this melanin jewelry, his horizons in terms of women were broadened and that was an excellent thing.

 Once at the palace, they were welcomed by unsullied people and Jon asked his men to wait outside so as not to offend his host.

 Zuleha went ahead to announce his arrival and upon entering the large outer room, Jon saw there Oberyn sitting, flirting with a servant girl sitting on his lap. He quickly stood up when he saw Jon.

 Oberyn: Through the seven hells!! Did you arrive so quickly?!

 Jon: The reputation of our ships is not unfounded.

 " AH AH AH AH ! How are you my young friend?! What does that do?! 5 years ?" Oberyn said coming to hug Jon.

 Jon: 4 years and 11 months.

 Oberyn: How time flies. You have become a very handsome man, I will hardly be able to resist the urge to invite myself to your bed.

 Jon: No thanks, you and I in a brothel why not but homosexual relationships are not my inclination.

 Oberyn: What a shame, you are by far the most beautiful boy I have ever known, his long wavy hair, his sapphire eyes and that face of an angel. You don't know how unhappy your rejection makes me.

 Jon: Have you tried this with this queen ? It seems that she is very beautiful.

 Oberyn: She threatened to feed me to her dragons. You have to believe that my snake is one reptile too many...



 Both: Ahahahah!

 Oberyn: Where have you been all these years?

 Jon: Observing for over three years beyond the wall. I was told that I was thought to be dead.

 Oberyn: It's true and my daughter Tyene even cried for you. You have to go see her, Jon. When a girl from Dorne is in love, she is in love body and soul.

 Jon: We'll see. How did you know I was alive and well?

 "We didn't know that..." Tyrion said as he entered the room, Jon looked at him smiling.

 Tyrion: All this time, Prince Doran was strangely convinced that you were alive so we bet on it and sent Zuleha to get you first And it's a real chance that you're here as we bet. 

 Jon: Tyrion Lannister, how are you finding life away from your family?!

 Tyrion: Fortunately, here I am free to marry whoever I want. Please remember, my young friend, that I am sincerely sorry for everything that happened to your family. Ned Stark was a man of honor like no other.

 Jon: Thank you.

 Tyrion: Let's hurry, let's not keep the queen waiting.

 Jon: Why did you bring me all the way here?

 Tyrion: Daenerys has a great army, she has dragons and she will soon be in Westeros reconquering her family's throne. The Starks were one of the two main houses to overthrow the Targaryens so-(interrupted)

 Jon: So out of friendship for me you made me come here and bend the knee so that when he arrives the north will not burn under the fire of its dragons? (to Oberyn) Is that what you did too?

 Oberyn: Not really, I came to give her the support of Dorne because she's my best chance of bringing down the Lannisters and making them pay for what they did to Elia.

 "It's legit. Let's go see your queen…" Jon said smiling before following them and they happily chatted along the way.

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