
41:She is a born leader

"What the hell is that moron thinking?" shouted Rimuru as she watched Anos throwing the castle to the side like a basketball on one of the many screens showing the one-sided beatdown Anos was delivering.

During the strategy meeting, Anos had announced that he would be the main attacker while Rimuru and Misha dealt with any enemies that managed to sneak past him. Since Anos didn't need any backup, Rimuru suggested they create a distraction to focus the enemy's attention, reducing the likelihood of the enemy team dividing their forces.

First, they constructed three Demon King Castles with Misha's help to attract attention. Then, Rimuru used her self-created magic spell to further make them wary. As the saying goes, "The most terrifying is the unknown," and the enemy regrouped to receive further instructions, not daring to venture into unknown territory.

Once most of their members were gathered, Anos directly teleported near them, preventing the enemy from analyzing the situation and making suitable countermeasures. This strategy worked only because the enemies were rookies with no battlefield experience. If it were a more experienced government camp, they would send attackers to buy time for a counterattack or wait for reinforcements.

As Rimuru expected, Anos went on his quest of destroying the enemies' morale. In the early days when Anos had just become king, he went from one enemy camp to another like taking a walk in the park. That's why everyone called him the Demon King of Tyranny, as everything in his eyes did not meet his standards.

Despite his notorious actions, Anos would never kill an innocent who didn't come for his life specifically. So why did Anos throw a bunch of students trapped in a castle into mortal danger? The answer was simple. They were protected by the magic circle that Rimuru created.

Rimuru's magic spell had four main uses. One, it isolated the space, freeing it from the laws of the world. Two, it acted as a surveillance network, projecting everything on screens from different angles as the user desired. Three, it served as a wide-area buff zone where the user could apply various buffs and debuffs to any target inside the zone. And lastly, it functioned as an illusion zone where one could create various illusions to their liking. Rimuru called this spell <Domain of the Empress> as she could heal, protect, and monitor within the range her spell was active.

Now, she was healing and protecting the students who were about to get seriously injured during the fall. Using the illusion field, she showed the teachers that the students survived the fall with minimal injuries, preventing the parents from coming to their doorstep for an explanation. With Sasha's group being Royals, things could escalate to the point where Anos would be marked as a traitor.

"Hey Misha, how is the situation inside the castle?" asked Rimuru, sipping some tea to relieve her mental fatigue from saving so many students at once.

Both of them were now sitting at a round table on the balcony of one of the castles Misha created. As Sasha deduced, Misha couldn't create three complete Demon King Castles at once, so she created two fakes and one real one. Like Rimuru, Misha could also monitor the Demon King Castle as its creator, so she was in charge of defending the castle.

Since both could remotely perform their duties, they opted to stay together in case of unforeseen events, which proved useful when some enemy team members attempted to take hostages to restrict Anos's moves.

"Ten out of thirteen members have been captured. The rest are slowly walking towards the maze where we put those illusions," answered Misha, looking at one of the screens showing a group of students carefully walking in a dimly lit corridor.

"Hmm, Anos should be done with the others, so these guys may run out of time before they even reach the next floor," said Rimuru as she saw Anos moving towards where he had thrown the castle.


*Cough cough* "Is everyone all right?" asked Sasha as she crawled away from the now-destroyed castle. Slowly, the others came out one by one, strangely enough, none of them were seriously injured. Sasha looked at her team, feeling their situation worsening by the second.

Although none were hurt, they were all mentally exhausted. Even if they retreated now and created a better Demon King Castle, she was sure they would have no morale or mana to contest against that monster. Thinking for a bit, Sasha made up her mind. She then shouted, "Everyone gather around me, we are going to use <Geo Greys> as our last resort."

"But Sasha-sama, none of us have the necessary magic power to power up the spell," said one of her assistants.

"That may be so, but what if you all transfer your remaining magic power to me? Then we have a better chance at casting the spell," said Sasha.

"But even so, casting <Geo Greys> only has a 20% chance of success. Is it really worth the risk?" asked another.

"Of course it is. Even 20% is better than 0, right? Do you really want the shame of being defeated this easily? We are Royals; we carry the pride of our founder. We will not give up this easily. We will show that mongrel what we Royals can do. Are you with me, everyone?"

"Yes, Sasha-sama!" shouted everyone in unison.

Watching this, both Rimuru and Anos thought, 'She has wonderful charisma.'












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