
04: Home

No one's POV:

It has been 2 weeks since the sibling duo started their playtime. By this time neither of them had been bored or should I say won,but they were literally having the fun of their lives.

Thank goodness the Void is vaste or else they would have destroyed many planets and galaxies because of their fight. And what's more, due to Ciel's curiosity she devoured all the magicules in the air making the slim chance of some poor soul dying of magicule poisoning is none. 

Rimuru's POV:

Damn this is fun ,I might have actually become a battle junkie, but this is way better than doing some damn paperwork. I'm starting liking my vacation already.Anyways since I'm actually starting to getting tired let's end this shall we "big brother I want to sleep"

Can't have both of us vulnerable to any outside threats after all. 

Veldanava POV :

Wow, my little sis actually better than I thought she even showed me how to make use of my powers in more interesting ways.

 There was just one time that my sister coated her tail with stardust energy in the outer form and inside she added a layer of Turn Null energy which made it even sturdier. What's more, even if I managed to chip off the outer layer the turn null energy would attack me. This is a very good technique for Defence and Surprise attacks. 

Putting my sister's genius aside I gotta say this fight is actually quite fun. And from the looks she is giving me the feeling is mutual. I mean there is a wide toothy grin plastered all over her face.

But this sister of mine is really full of surprises. Just when I was about to start attacking her again she suddenly transformed back to her human form. Curious I stopped what I was about to do and asked her, " why did you transform back Rimuru" 

She then looked at me adorably and said, " Big brother I am tired " while yawning.

I was momentarily at a lost for words but that's when I just remembered she was actually just born "ok we can stop to get some sleep, since we are far away from any planets I'll just create a small house for the both of us , got any ideas for your room Rimuru " 

Although I said those words I can't really make anything too grand. The most I can do is make a simple house. And it's not because of a lack of trying you see. It's just that my understanding of creation is quite limited.

Hearing my words she took a cute but serious thinking pose and thought for a while, And after a while she finally said "can I make the house I want to surprise big brother"

oh she wants to surprise me well if my Little sister says it who am I say no "ok you do it sis but if you have any problem ask your big brother for help because we are family remember"

Hearing my words she beamed with happiness said loudly "yes big brother "

Rimuru POV:

Yosh with my big brother's approval, I could go wild.' Hehe it certainly is nice to be on the side of chaos. SayCiel why don't show off for a bit. We haven't been able to do many things related to Creation for a while now' 

Almost immediately Ciel with excitement dripping from her replied [ yes master ] and soon went to do her job.

Black smoke began to come out of my body. First it gathered near my hands then moved forward. Soon the smoke began to take the shape of a house. After everything was done the smoke dissipated revealing a medieval japanese house. 

The house has three floors and at the entrance door there is the tempest logo .Since the house was made out of my own magicules so it had black oriented material in most places.

Using < Universal detection> to scan the house I was satisfied at the results. On the first floor there is a Hall , a dining room and kitchen and a bathroom with a hot spring . On the second floor there are five rooms, four of them being bedrooms while the other being a storage room. On the third floor there is a massive library with cupboards full of manga. 

wow I gotta say Ciel really went all out in this one not that I'm complaining. I look at my elder brother to see him flabbergasted. Wait there is also a look of inspiration. 

'oh look like he finally got the concept of houses ,I can't wait to create the heavenly palace with him but first things first it's time to sleep.' thinking so i walked towards the house to get some well earned rest. 

Veldanava POV:

What the hell ! How did she create something so complex as this within a few minutes? And where the hell did she get that material from? From what my analytical skills could deduce this house could withstand a breath attack from me and still be unharmed. 

Dang it better not let her know that my understanding over creation is far lagging compared to her. OK calm down first you gotta analyse this structure and improve your understanding over creation. Then sneak somewhere to practise and perfect it .

Wait if it was about perfection why don't I create a few planets and create beings in them and observe them to further improve them. Yes this would be perfect. Not only would it help me improve my understanding over creation, I would also be able to have some entertainment. Hahaha this is wonderful with this idea i can hit two birds with one stone. Truly my genius sometimes frightens me . 

" big brother stop laughing weirdly and come inside I wanna sleep already."

Oh crap i must have shown my thoughts in my face gotta keep this under control. First let's go inside and put my little sister to sleep. How did you turn human again, Oh right here we go.

no one's POV:

Soon Veldanava began to glow brightly. Slowly his massive form began to shrink and changed into that of a human. When the light dies down his humanoid appearance was shown to all. There stood a man with the appearance of an androgynous man of modest stature with Black hair and Blue eyes. His long hair is littered with white specks that make it resemble the night sky.

" Hmm it feels weird having this form instead of my dragon form"Veldanava mumbled as he clenched and unclenched his fists. 

" brother hurry up I'm sleepy" shouted Rimuru from inside

"Oh right I'm coming" shouted Veldanva back as he ran inside the house.

As the two beings went inside the house that in the future will be called the home of choes due to the fact that in this very home the choes creator lives, the fun fact is that the being herself has no one idea how he got that title again .






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