
Secret Base

Panting as he caught his breath, exhausted from being forced into sex by his captor, Asher stared blankly at the plain, featureless ceiling above him as he slowly pulled his boxers back up. Lying down next to him now, Passion Princess cuddled up to the young man, before gently stroking his chest with her hand as she teasingly kissed at his neck.

"So? What do you think?" she eventually asked. "Best lover you've ever been with or what?"

"F-fuck," Asher muttered to himself, ignoring her as he sat up slowly. "I-I told you no. I didn't want to do that."

"You were hard as a rock. That means yes, not no." Passion Princess scoffed with a smirk. "Now rest up, I'm probably going to do that 2 or 3 more times tonight. Did you want to take a nap, or did you want to be a good boy and cooperate? We can head to the kitchen and you can let me feed you, or I can give you the grand tour of your new home."

"We're at your island base, I'm guessing?" Asher asked as he turned away from the heroine, hanging is legs over the edge of the bed.

"Mhmm, and you should consider yourself lucky since very few people have actually seen down here. Come, let me show you around," Passion Princess replied as she hovered off the bed and returned to the floor, where she promptly donned her bathrobe, winking as she tied it back around her waist. "We can shower later. Together."

Figuring he had little choice, Asher slowly rose to his feet and followed after her out of the room and down the hall.

"Bathroom is here, and across from it is a utility room," the heroine explained as they continued forward. "The kitchen is at the end of the hallway, of course. ANA already knows what you like, we know you pretty intimately at this point, so please feel free to ask for anything."

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Master Asher," the computer AI that controlled the base piped up.

"Wow, I forgot about ANA," Asher remarked as he stopped in the hall and looked to one of the intercom speakers. "Yeah you're famous too. You do a lot of the speaking whenever Passion Princess does a press conference. You're in her phone too, right?"

"Correct. I can interface with Miss Jan's custom smartphone," the AI replied.

"So I can ask for anything?" Asher asked, before backing away slightly. "ANA, please send this facility's GPS location to Detective Clive Rand's publicly available cell number. Send it as an urgent SOS."

"Negative, I cannot facilitate outgoing communications at the request of anyone other than Miss Jan," ANA answered.

"Asher!! Bad boy!" Passion Princess exclaimed as she crossed her arms. "This is the thanks I get for giving you the best sex of your life? I'm warning you now, if you start with the escape attempts, I will punish you."

"R-right," Asher chuckled nervously. "Ah I was just kidding anyway."

"Well, since ANA already mentioned my name, I should introduce my alias," Passion Princess continued as she led her captive into the kitchen. "My name is Jasmine January. I know, weird name, right? You can just call me Jan, but if you want to give me a sweet pet name like 'Janny', then I'll accept that too."

"That's actually a pretty name," Asher remarked, not intending to but causing the heroine to blush profusely. 

"T-thank you," Passion Princess replied as she bashfully took hold of the young man's hand and continued to lead him forward. "I tell ya, my love for you grows with every second. Anyway, attached to the kitchen is the living room. The couch is big, but perfect for cuddling…and abrupt, passionate quickies. My TV has access to all cable channels and I think I'm up to date on all streaming services."

Showing Asher the large, plush black leather couch that was situated before a massive 99 inch Television screen, Passion Princess could see that the young man was amazed to witness what looked like a luxurious living room right there in the middle of the underground facility. 

"You've seen the bedroom, of course," she continued with a wink and a kiss of her lips. "But I have 3 more guest rooms down here as well. If you follow me down the second hall, I have a gym, and a large automated storage pantry that ANA largely controls. I've charged her with inventory procurement, so we get a lot of deliveries." 

"I see…" Asher began. "Well, if you want me to make myself useful, I can always go out and pick up the deliveries. Y-you'd just need to show me how to get back to the surface and—

"Oh Sweetheart, I understand what you're trying to do," the heroine sighed as she looked down at her captive with her wide, blue eyes. "And I get it. You feel trapped, so you're trying to figure out an escape route as soon as possible. I really do get it. But you'll be safer down here with me. You belong down here with me. Maybe after a year or so, if you behave yourself, I'll let you outside, but until then, you need to earn my trust."

"I-I see," the young man whimpered, his heart sinking. "So you acknowledge that I feel trapped. So don't you think that it's wrong to keep me down here against my will?"

"Ugh, why are you trying to leave so badly?!" Passion Princess snarled as she stopped suddenly in a huff. "What are you trying to leave for, huh? I just showed you that you'll have everything that you need down here. Unless…oh my gosh, are you trying to go back to Priya? That's it, isn't it!? You two were planning on meeting up before I found you, weren't you?!"

"W-what??" Asher stammered. "No, no that's not it, I swear!"

It was too late. On the war path, Passion Princess sped over to the young man in a fraction of a second, and wrapped her arms around him tightly. Gasping as his body creaked within her crushing bear hug, Asher trembled in fear as he felt the heroine's nails tap against his bare back.

"This is a punishment, but just remember that I love you and that's why I'm doing it," Passion Princess whispered in his ear, before abruptly digging her nails into his back and using her strength to stab relatively deep into his skin.

Screaming in pain, Asher struggled in his captor's constricting embrace as she slowly dragged her hand all the way down his back, quickly drawing blood as it soon looked as though the young man had been attacked by a cougar. Releasing him after she'd finished her vicious scratch, the heroine manhandled him and forced him to turn around so that she could see his back.

"Mhmm, this is deep enough to leave a scar," she remarked as she watched blood trickling down all over Asher's back from where her nails had dug. "Good, now I've marked you. You'll always have something permanent on your body from me now, understand? I'll make as many of them as I have to in order to tell the world that you'll be mine, and all mine. Do you understand, hun?"

"F-fuck," Asher gasped in pain as he fell against the wall, tears in his eyes. It felt as though he'd had a whole set of steak knives drawn across his back.

"Awe I'm sorry, baby, but you made me do it," Passion Princess said as she kissed at her captive's trembling body, before putting an arm around his shoulders and leading him away. "Come, I'll get some gauze on these cuts and some painkillers to make you feel better. After that, let's say we finally have breakfast together, huh?"

Heart racing, Asher stared ahead wide-eyed as he was directed towards the bathroom, where it continued to sink in that he was fucked.

Extremely fucked


"Hello?" Detective Clive Rand yawned into his phone as he woke up from his nap, sitting parked in his car whilst on duty.

"Sorry to bother you, Detective, but I bring urgent news," the voice on the other end replied. "My name is Agent Christenson, and I was the agent on duty near Chickpea Junction where you had that man in witness protection. There has been an incident."

"Continue," Rand coughed, the agent's message startling him awake.

"The emergency LAN line that we had set up in the accommodations was disconnected, and we dispatched another field agent to investigate," he explained. "Both Mister Avril and the hero that you sent with him are missing, and the damage to the area suggests signs of a struggle. You might want to come over here ASAP."

"…fuck," Rand muttered as he cranked his car back up and prepared to book an immediate flight to Iowa. "Let me tell my precinct captain. I'll get the first flight out of Graveport the second I pick up an acquaintance of mine."

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