
Change in Tactics

Passion Princess stared at the wooden person-shaped target around 300 meters away from her and as her eyes glowed a brilliant blue, shot a solid, icy beam of light towards it. The wooden dummy was encased in solid ice within a second, steaming as the subzero temperature reacted to the warmer temperature of the shooting range.

"Nice shot, but I bet that you could hit that thing from thousands of feet away," an equally-towering superheroine smirked as she twirled a revolver in her gloved hand. "Haven't see you around in these parts for a while now, PP."

This was Captain Nevada, a hero that dressed like a gun-slinging cowgirl, with a wide-brimmed hat atop her straight, sand-colored hair and a tight-fitting blue and white plaid shirt beneath her leather vest. Although her costume was cute, what was striking about the 35-year-old woman was the fact that as a cowgirl, she was her own steed. During the advent of superpowers, her lower half had mutated into that of a horse's, where she now resembled a towering centaur with her human legs being replaced with a brown-furred equine body.

"Yeah, I'm usually pretty busy these days, plus no offense to the other heroes, but a lot of them are creeps," Passion Princess replied with a shake of her long blonde locks, before pressing a button on a control panel nearby. Her frozen target was replaced with a fresh one. "I mean you know I work alone anyway, and partnering with other heroes slows me down more than anything. I just like doing my own thing."

"Fair enough, I mean I figured that this place would bore you anyway," Nevada shrugged as she took aim at her own target and rapidly fired off the whole magazine of her revolver. All 6 shots penetrated various vital organs on the wooden dummy.

The two superheroes were at The Range, a large, fortified facility that was intended to provide heroes and super powered individuals with a place to freely use their powers, train, and socialize with one another. Passion Princess seldom visited it, although she did get along with a few of her fellow heroes there, Captain Nevada included. With her mind in turmoil over her recent "interest" in young Asher Avril, the world's strongest hero sought console from her peers.

"Nevada, what would you do if you really wanted a particular guy, but he had a girlfriend?" she asked while firing another frost-beam at her fresh target. "Is it wrong to pursue him anyway?"

"Normally, yes," the centaur girl replied as she reloaded. "But I wouldn't say it's bad under certain circumstances. Like if the girl sucks and is treating him wrong, then she has it coming. In your case, I'm shocked that any man wouldn't leave their woman at the drop of a hat for you."

"I know, but it's because he has such a pure heart," Passion Princess sighed as she leaned against the wall. "His woman is HORRIBLE though. She doesn't treat him the way I would."

"Well then do you, I'm not about to get between you and something that you want," Captain Nevada smirked as she fired another volley, utterly destroying her target. "I mean I can't even talk. Men forget that my horse-half is 800 pounds, I can't get laid without sending someone to the ICU."

"You're right, if love is a contest, then I can still win," Passion Princess declared as she cracked her knuckles. "Thanks, girl, I needed the advice. I'm going to try to stop being so passive about this guy."

"That's…that's not what I said," the centaur hero chuckled nervously as her friend's eyes went wide and determined.


The next day was a busy one for Asher. Iron Core, a villain who had the power to turn non-living things into solid iron, had turned the tires of an armored cash-transport into metal and proceeded to rob it. This caused a crash on the interstate, leading to a 20-car pileup. His ambulance carrying a trauma patient, the young paramedic was relieved as his partner managed to stabilize them and wheel them inside the hospital in a timely manner.

"Every day it's something," Asher sighed as he looked at his bloodied hands. He might not have had superpowers, but saving people was the motivating behind his high-stress job.

"Go home, buddy, our shift ends in 25 minutes anyway," his partner said as he glanced at his watch. 

Normally a by-the-rules guy, Asher accepted the invitation to dip early and was behind the wheel of his own car back at the EMS dispatch center within minutes. Pulling away, his stomach rumbled, prompting him to pull into the first drive through that he could find.

"Been a while since I had Basic Burger," the paramedic chuckled as he pulled up to the nofrills burger chain. "Let's see, double cheeseburger or a—

The entire car shook as it slammed into something hard. Rattled, Asher's door flew open as he leapt from the vehicle and ran to investigate what he'd just collided with. He was mortified to see a person lying on the ground before his now-dented hood, but upon closer inspection, realized that it wasn't just anyone, but someone that he already knew.

"P-Passion Princess!?" he stammered in disbelief, crouching down next to her and quickly surveying her body for injury. "Are you okay!? What are you doing here?"

"Mmmm come closer," the costumed heroine moaned, her eyes closed.

"Y-yes, yes what do you need?" the concerned paramedic cried as he leaned down to her face.

Asher was caught off guard when the downed superhero suddenly reached up, grabbed his uniform, and pulled him against her. His eyes widened in shock as the stalwart woman pressed her plump lips into his, kissing him deeply as her brilliant blue eyes opened gently.

"I'm fine, but thank you for your concern," she smirked as she sat up, with the Asher falling onto his butt. "You know I've punched clean through a speeding meteorite before, right? A little ding from your sedan here isn't going to do much."

"Then what are you doing here?" the young man asked as he smacked his lips. "And why did you kiss me? I told you, ma'am, I have a girlfriend."

"I was getting something to eat, same as you," Passion Princess replied with a smile as she stood up, looming over him. "And I kissed you because I refuse to accept defeat. I think I want you, Asher Avril, so I'm going to fight for you if I have to."

"Y-you were right in front of my car! This is a drive through!" Asher stammered as he clutched his head. "And what do you mean you refuse to accept defeat? Look, again, I'm very flattered, but I am committed to my beautiful girlfriend."

The paramedic's blood turned to ice as he tasted something very familiar on his lips after the forceful kiss.

"Spearmint…I taste spearmint," he began.

"Do you like it? It's my favorite flavor of gum," Passion Princess replied, beaming.

"W-were you in my room a few nights ago!?" Asher asked nervously, his voice going shaky.

"Maybe. Why, is that something you'd like?" the red-caped hero replied as she floated right over to him. 

"NO! That's so friggin creepy!" 

Crawling away, his limbs trembling, Asher could hardly believe what was happening. Passion Princess had immediately gone from a playful crush to a weird stalker in his eyes, where he felt like he was losing his mind as he came to the realization that he'd been unwittingly fondling and making out with the bulletproof woman days ago.

"P-Priya was right, there was something really weird about you," the paramedic muttered as he stood up, leaning against his car. "Me bumping into you isn't a coincidence, is it? Again, flattered, but this is going to far."

"Priya? Mmm that's the name of my competition, eh?" the stalwart heroine asked with a smirk.

"No! There is no competition!" Asher cried, his lower lip quivering. "Please, Miss Princess, unless this whole thing has been some kind of elaborate prank, please leave me and my girlfriend alone."

"Hahahahaha," Passion Princess chuckled innocently, before suddenly leaning against Asher as she flew over to him at super speed, pressing her taller figure into his trembling body as her deep blue eyes stared into his soul. "You know, if I wanted to, I could take you now and fly you to the most remote place in the world and have my way with you."

"W-what...?" he whimpered.

"Hehehe I'm just messing with you," the heroine sighed as she backed off, throwing her arms into the air. "Geez, of course I'll leave you guys alone, I'm not some creep. I'm so busy with hero work that this was a pretty low priority anyway. I'm sorry if I scared you, Asher, I was just trying to have a little fun. I guess I'll see you around."

With that, Passion Princess blasted off into the sky, creating a sonic boom as she flew far over the horizon.

Climbing back into his car, Asher gripped his steering wheel as he sat back, looking ahead blankly.

"…What the fuck is going on?!" I exclaimed to himself, now having to process the strange interaction.

Already thousands of miles away, over the Atlantic ocean, Passion Princess cried in frustration as she shuddered in repressed anger.

"DAMMIT! He thinks I'm some kind of creep now! Why is he playing so hard to get!? Millions of guys wish they could be him! PRIYA! That's her name, it's all her fault! She's the one that preventing him from being MINE!"

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