

WONHEE felt refreshed when she woke up that morning.

Even without looking at the time or the date, she could tell that she had slept for a very long time.

The room that she woke up to was also familiar.

[This is my bedroom in Semi Unnie's house.]

"Wonhee-ya, you're awake?"

"Mm," Wonhee answered sleepily, her mood instantly got better when she saw Yejun's handsome face first thing in the morning. "Why are you naked so early in the morning, though?"

Yejun laughed out loud.

Well, he wasn't really naked completely. He didn't have a shirt, but he had his boxers on while his white robe was barely clinging to his (sinful) body.

"I'm seducing you, Wonhee-ya."

It was working, but…

"Wear your robe properly, Hwang Yejun."

"Yes, ma'am."

Wonhee slowly got up while Yejun was wearing his white robe properly. "How long was I asleep?"

"Two days."

She let out a gasp. "I was knocked out for that long?"

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