

Chapter 51

"BABY, aren't you coming down here yet? I'm waiting!" Lux called out his woman while he stood by the stairs and checked his wristwatch.

He held a paper bag containing a smartphone, which he had purposely bought for her. She had requested a used phone to make video calls to her siblings and parents, as her older ones were prone to glitches, so he had bought it as a gift for her. She deserved it. She sacrificed everything for her family, even setting aside her own needs.

It's about time she got what she needed.

"I'm coming down," she replied, and he heard the flip-flop of her slippers as she descended the stairs.

He greeted her with a smile when he saw her.

"What's the rush?" she asked.

"Come here," he said, stepping in front of her.

"Hmm?" Heart raised her eyebrows and smiled, "What? I thought you had already left. You came back."

"I'm giving you this. For you. You deserve it," he said, revealing the bag.

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