
chapter 34 : Anissa

Allen so high in the sky very quickly stabilized but Lucas was already in front of him and he immediately charged again wanting to attack Lucas with a full power punch but the latter caught his fist with frightening ease while the impact generated an immense shock wave.

 The shock on Allen's face was evident, he had put all his power into this blow. With his other hand he tried to grab Lucas but his arm got grabbed too. He tried with all his strength to free himself but it was hopeless, Lucas' strength was much greater than his.


 Lucas, without even hesitating, delivered another knee strike to Allen's stomach, who this time vomited a large quantity of saliva and digestive fluid before losing consciousness, thus losing the fight.

 Allen now had almost every bone in his face cracked, several ribs broken, and organs damaged from a fight with Lucas who had held back.

 Allen regained consciousness in a recovery pod filled with a green, slightly sticky liquid, it was an invention of Lucas and Art that was intended to heal someone's physical damage as quickly as possible by stimulating their regenerative cells .

 As soon as he woke up, the capsule emptied of its liquid and it opened so that he found himself in a glass room with Lucas outside sitting on an armchair with a white coat and a holographic tablet on which he seemed to be writing something down.

 Lucas: 2 hours, 19 minutes and 03 seconds, that's the time you took to fully recover. Today's experience is quite interesting and it looks like you got slightly stronger as a bonus.

 Allen: Experience?! What experience ?

 Lucas: None, don't worry. I just beat you up to test something buddy, I hope you don't blame me. Anyway, I'm going to get you out of there.

 Allen: What are we doing here ? What happened ?!

 Lucas: You challenged me to a duel and you lost miserably with several big wounds that I treated because I'm cool.

 They talked a little more and joined the others before Allen left for Talescria. Lucas asked him to leave him a communicator to contact him later if he changes his mind and decides to meet Thaedus. 

 Lucas then returned to his laboratory because he was very interested in science and all its possibilities, much like those in this family who took the power pill, because yes, Lucas had also taken the pill.

 A little over a month ago, Lucas wanted to test if it was possible for a Viltrumite to take the pill and obtain additional powers.

 First he tried to take one in his normal state but nothing happened, success came later when he drank the pill while under the influence of Amber's power which negated his Viltrumite abilities and constitution.

 As a result, Lucas saw his basic human abilities increased tenfold, this was the peak of what the power pill could offer and this was thanks to his permanently overactive cells.

 Only, the problem was that he hadn't discovered any special powers like those of the others so far and only Amber knew about the fact that he had taken the pill as well.

 Lucas was already very intelligent to begin with because of his double soul and already had a lot of computer and physics knowledge but now, in just one month, he had absorbed even more knowledge and was helping Art in his experiments and in improving the hero costumes.

 He wanted to be a man of science because he knew that there were certainly things about which his physical power could do absolutely nothing.

Luckily, he had already analyzed the pills and was able to reproduce them later for Mark or Olivier because if he didn't have any additional powers, it won't really be the case for his brothers with an improved version of the serum especially if he adapts it to Viltrumite DNA. 

 While one morning Deborah and her three children were having breakfast outside the mansion without the others busy elsewhere, a person quickly descended from the sky and it was a short-haired brunette woman with a pretty angry and authoritarian face.

with a muscular but very sexy and feminine body in tight white clothing that Mark recognized was the clothing of the Viltrumites.

 At the second, everyone besides Lucas went on guard and the woman looked at Saeko and Lucas in a slightly confused manner before returning her eyes to Mark and pointing her finger at him.

 Woman: Mark Grayson, you have to follow me now or I will kill your mother and your friends here.

 Following his words, the Graysons remained silent for a while before Lucas spoke up.

 "Madam, maybe where you come from it's normal to threaten people and you're clearly not from this planet but now, just now, you've just threatened to kill the woman who gave me life . I'm in a pretty good mood now so I'll let you excuse yourself to leave here alive."

 The woman looked at him in great astonishment before her face became full of anger and she would have charged at the small family if Lucas wasn't quick enough to move at insane speed towards her and grab her neck without the woman being able to do anything because of her surprise .

 As the woman tried to free herself from Lucas's left hand without any success, Lucas as if his right hand was a spear thrust it into the woman's chest and literally grabbed her heart, he wanted to tear it out when Deborah screamed for him to stop.


 Mark: Lucas, mom isn't wrong.

 Saeko: She threatened to kill our mother for nothing, she deserves to die.

 Lucas looked at the woman whose expression was still fierce but in pain with a hint of fear in her eyes.

 "I intended not to get involved in your troubles with Mark because I want nothing to do with Viltrum but now you have just made a big mistake, a very big mistake that will cost you your life."

 The woman: Sorry (coughs blood)…Sorry…

 Lucas: (presses his hand over his heart) His lack of conviction all that.

 "I'M...ah...SINCERELY SORRY...my...(cough) introduction was pretty bad...and contrary to what I was supposed to talk about with Mark Grayson." She said painfully before Lucas dropped her on the floor.

 Lucas: Well, we're listening.

 Woman: I am Anissa, a proud warrior of Viltrum. My people and I know that Mark and probably all of you here have a very bad impression of the empire from Nowl-han's words and deeds but I have come to tell you that we are not the cruel, destructive and enemy people that you think.

 Mark: And it is by threatening my family with death that you come to shed light on the subject ?

 Anissa: I'm sorry, my people quickly turn to verbal and physical violence and it's an automatism engraved in us (looks at Lucas) we didn't know that Nowl-han had another boy and a girl with his… (looks at Deborah ) partner on this planet but I can see our wild and violent nature in you even more easily than in Mark.

 Lucas: I was born and raised on earth, I may have a little bit of your genes in me because of Nolan but i'm not one of your barbaric people.

 Anissa: Oh yes?! Tell me, how much life have you already taken since your powers were revealed ? How many times have you resorted to massacres to do what you judged to be in the order of things ? Hmm ?


 The others looked at Lucas as well, FEAR was a being of death and a savage and brutal mass murderer whose victims numbered in the thousands across the world even if they were all murderers in one way or another.

 Anissa: That's what I thought, your prodigious strength and extraordinary speed show how exceptional you are even among our people. You didn't even hesitate to attack me mortally even though I am older than you and violently after I threatened your mother, you are even more Viltrumite than your brother.

 Our race is not totally the evil as you think, we have also been able to observe Earth from afar and know that humans are not saints. They are divided and despised for their skin colors, they wage war for ideologies or pieces of land without taking into account the misery caused and they are gradually destroying the nature of this planet.

 Deborah : And so what role do your people play ? Saviors ? Nolan showed us how manipulative and liar you can be and everything you say is bullshit.

 Anissa: No, when we'll take possession of this world, we'll bring absolute order to human society, we'll share our knowledge and technologies to help humanity evolve and even solve its problems in exchange for your resources and a absolute obedience to the empire.

 Lucas: And when there are no more ressources ?


 Just when Lucas wanted to talk again, they received an emergency call from Cecil for a rescue mission.

 A cruise ship was attacked by a sea monster and there are already many deaths. He gave them the geographical position of the boat and they looked at each other to see who was going to stay to watch Anissa.

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