
Chapter 170

There were two wizards, a crazy vampire, and a talking crow who continued the journey together in the middle of Cain's endless talking.

At least, Matthew was quite normal compared to the other two, which made their communication easier.

"I was a human, you know, until I messed up a lot in life, ended up dying, then came back to life and messed up again. I died again and ended up here, where the Dream turned me into a crow, a significant position from what I've heard."

Matthew recounted his story to them.

They were walking in a long desert of yellow sands, with the sun high in the sky.

Constantine was the only one affected by the heat and finally took off his raincoat, which he now carries on his arm.

He also unbuttoned his clothes and removed his tie.

"What's your position then?"

Dio asked Matthew, who was flying close to them.

"Well, I like to think of myself as an advisor, but I'm more of a support animal. He likes company, so I occasionally manage to get a talking crow for him. Why crows? Who knows what goes on in the mind of an immortal entity!"

Matthew replied.

"Don't talk like that, Matthew or our friend will think you're being forced into your role."

Cain approached him while walking under the sun, with the dignity of a lord.

"I'm not being forced, actually. I'm starting to enjoy being a crow. It's less work, you know, and there are also some unique benefits, like being able to enter any dream and explore any reality. Last week, I took a look at New Genesis City, an incredible place."

Matthew said.

"I don't want to interrupt your pleasant conversation, but are we almost there?"

Constantine asked while panting.

"Another half-hour at most in this dream, and then two more."

Matthew replied.

"Blooody Helll!!"

Constantine cursed and took a sip from his silver flask.

Dio offered him the water he was carrying, but he refused, even though he told him he could go much longer than an ordinary human without water.

This temperature means nothing to him.

Matthew told them that with the return of the Dream, he changed some things in this place and made the Ghost Castle a little further away.

Fortunately, Cain was smart enough to find it and not try to go alone since the crow has a natural compass that points to any place in the dream he wants to go.

This dream has been the hardest for Constantine.

The dunes were very high, combined with the high temperature courtesy of the sun above us in a cloudless sky.

This place is perfect for killing ordinary humans.

"Is this not working, Matthew? Do we just have to go straight here?"

Dio asked the crow.

Constantine was sweating a lot, and his steps began to slow down.

"Yes, why?"

Matthew asked while flying in circles around them.

"I'll go ahead with Constantine; he's no help if he gets sunstroke."

Dio explained while walking over to him and putting his arm around his body.


Dio jumped while holding him, and they both flew over the dunes until they fell.


Dio increased again and held Constantine when his feet hit the ground.

Cain and Matthew said that it's easier to get lost flying up there than down here.


Dio had to deal with Constantine's screams with each jump, which he was clearly faking and doing just to annoy him.

Five minutes later.

They entered another dream, one with a nearby lake, where he threw Constantine so he could drink a little.

The dream they were in was a swamp, and they stood still where we appeared while waiting for Cain and Matthew.


"What do you guys think? It's pretty incredible, isn't it?"

Matthew asked while looking at their astonished faces.

Dio's expression is certainly justified now because he was facing the largest building he had ever seen in his two lives.

The Egyptian pyramids might be the only thing that comes close to this height, but they're not even close.

The Ghost Castle is located in the center of a black forest, where all the trees are dead and dry.

The only area free of them is the mound of earth where the castle was built.

The mound of earth is nothing more than a natural design to make the castle more prominent, high above the haunted forest.

There was only one stone path passing through the forest to climb the small hill up to the castle, which was out of their sight for now.

The walls surrounding the entire construction were solid and made of black stones, like everything in the castle.

There were countless windows, each with a light on, illuminating the night.

"I also had the same expression when I first saw the castle."

Cain asked Matthew, who was now resting on a branch.

"Age is finally catching up with you, old man. How the hell would you have such a face if you were here when the Boss started building the castle?"

"Oh, right, I remember now. I spent almost the whole construction thinking about how to kill my brother using the nearby tools and stones. It really was a good day."

Cain muttered.

"I'm kind of new to this, Constantine. So, do we just knock on the door now?"

Dio asked.

"I don't see why not since it's certain that he already knows we're in his realm."

Constantine replied.

"That's true. In the Dream, the Boss is omniscient."

Matthew agreed.

"So why didn't he just open a portal for us?"

Dio asked him, already knowing the answer.

"He knows what's going on in the Dream, but that doesn't mean he's completely omniscient to know who you are or what you want, at least I think."

"Let's keep going, gentlemen. Just a short walk to the final destination."

Cain's words were a poor choice.

They began to walk slowly along the path that passed through the forest.

They saw red eyes watching them from the shadows of the trees as they went through it.

These eyes belonged to hidden predators, but none of them emerged from the shadows.

They might have been created or taught not to attack people on the road.

They passed the forest and began to climb the hill, and with each step, they took towards the entrance of the castle.

After slowly climbing the stairs of the hill, they reached the top, the entrance of the Ghost Castle.

A small staircase leads directly to a ten-meter-high door made of pure wood with an iron grate for defense.

On the sides of the staircase, there are two statues of lying dragons looking down.

"We've arrived, who's going to knock?"

Cain asked.


It was low, but Dio could hear a growl coming from the side of the statue in their blind spot.

Dio already had a feeling about something, so he gently reached for his sword.

"I'll do it."

Constantine volunteered.

He took two steps forward, and on the third, the being hidden in the darkness jumped towards him over the dragon statue.

Constantine really didn't see the being, and to prevent him from accidentally killing someone important.

Dio appeared in front of him and hit the being with his shield in the face, causing it to fall and roll on the ground towards the stairs.

It wasn't a strong hit, and the figure got up quickly.

It was wearing an old dress shirt and blue pants that were torn in several places.

A body covered in black fur like a dog's, with long ears pointed upwards, a stretched jaw with visible canines, and finally a tail.


It growled louder and looked at him with its yellow eyes.

"Great, a werewolf, just what I love, killing werewolves!"

Constantine said this while stepping away from his side with a silver dagger in hand.

"Don't hurt him!"

Matthew warned them and flew above them.


There was someone shouting.

Behind the werewolf, the dragon statues opened their eyes, which glowed red and rose.

The stone statues were four meters tall with reptilian bodies, four legs, a long neck, and two wings.

A good example of a Western dragon from children's books.

"They attacked Rover, just burn them!"

The voice spoke again.

Their voices were strange and similar to the point where he couldn't determine which of the statues spoke.

The now-called Rover attacked them again.

Then Dio raised his shield and stood in front of Constantine.


Matthew shouted, this time standing between me and the werewolf, who indeed stopped in the middle of his attack.

"Matthew was kidnapped, we have to save him!"

The dragon shouted again, clearly not understanding anything.

"They are my guests, you idiots!"

Matthew shouted again.

"The guests attacked, Rover!"

"No, crazy idiots, it was Rover who attacked first. You don't know how territorial he is; just call Lucien already; he'll handle this mess!"


Rover growled but didn't attack.

"Call Lucien now, brother, he will immediately give us the order to attack!"

Dio didn't know what happened, but the eyes of one of the statues dimmed.

"What a mess."

Cain spoke quietly while looking at them without saying anything. He was sipping something from a cup he must have conjured out of thin air.



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