
Chapter 99

After passing through the gate, the tunnel began to widen more and more, and now there was enough space for ten people to walk side by side.

The place was still dirty and crumbling; there were almost always holes in the walls, and it would not take much to bring them down.

Then a natural light that Dio couldn't identify where it came from became clearer as they approached the exit.

"Watch out!"

Robin warned him.

They were hit with two weapons. When Dio lifted his arm, the scythe-shaped weapon with a chain linked to it wrapped around his wrist.

There was a red assassin who came running toward Dio when he grabbed the chain and pulled with all his strength.

He trained very well, and halfway through, he pulled out his sword and tried to cut him.

Dio dove and punched his chest while pushing him upward.

He hit the ceiling and then fell to the ground, followed by several bricks and dust that fell on his body.

Dio looked to his side and saw Robin fighting another assassin.

They approached each other at the same time, and when they were halfway there, they threw shurikens and batarangs at each other that collided in the air.

The assassin tried to cut him with his katana, but Robin held it with his palms, twisted it to the side, and stepped on his foot.

After pulling the sword from the assassin's hands, Robin held the blade with both hands and struck with the hilt while hitting the ninja's chin.

He spat blood on the ground and passed out.

"That was more violent than usual."

Dio remarked and pointed out Robin's more brutal style.

"It's orders from Batman. We can't give the League of Shadows any chance; otherwise, they will surely rise and stab us in the back."

Robin explained while keeping the katana.

They continued walking without further interruptions until they reached the exit.

The view was truly incredible.

When Robin mentioned a city of legends, and when he heard these legends as a child, he never imagined that there really was a city of this size here—a city with a hundred buildings side by side.

An underground city, despite all being in terrible condition.

"The Wonder City was once the jewel of Gotham for some time until suddenly, a wave of violence and madness took over the city. It was the bloodiest event in Gotham's history, with thousands dead and injured. In the end, they decided to close everything and build above it."

"It was simply to hide the history."

Dio said.

"No, they did it because they didn't know what caused the madness and were afraid that it might happen again."

The innocent Robin told him.

"Robin, if that were the case, why the hell wouldn't an event of such importance be in history, and why is there no new research data since a small city going mad is not a small event?"

Dio opened Robin's eyes, who now looked at the city entrance with a different expression.

They approach the entrance gate of the city with the gigantic name written above it.

Wonder City.

The above was full of pipes, and the ground was solid rock, but the buildings on both sides of the street in front of him were all very fancy and beautiful, much nicer than what would have been normal many years ago.

The entire street was well-lit by strong green lights and positioned on various posts around the street.

An interesting thing caught Dio's attention as they got close to the first post, so he went up to it and put his hand on it to feel it.

"What's wrong?"

Robin asked curiously.

"I can't explain, but there is magic in this light."

Dio told him what he felt.

He was sure it was magic, even though the magical energy he felt was very weak and mixed with technology.

The feeling it gives him is familiar, but he can't remember why.

"An ancient city far ahead of its time, with energy generated by magic and science, is impressive."

"We have company."

Robin whispered while looking around.

"Yes. They may be more trained in the art of stealth than you, but they don't have the same equipment."

Dio also replied in a low tone.

For this reason, Dio can clearly hear the heartbeats ahead; they are all in a position on both sides of the street.

"How many?"

Robin asked as he was well aware of Dio's hearing.

"Twenty or so; it's hard to count with them so close to each other."

"What's the plan?"

Dio asked in a low voice.

Robin furrowed his brows and thought. He stayed like that for a few seconds and then looked at him.

"You have to go ahead."

"Do you want to fight alone against an army of assassins?"

"I'll play cat and mouse with them. Meanwhile, you save Batman. Your chances are better, especially now that they've alerted their leader to our presence."

Robin's right, but Dio was not comfortable leaving him to fight all these guys alone.

"Do you still have thermal vision?"

"Yes, why?"

Robin asked curiously.

"The weather forecast mentioned fog today."

Dio answered with a smile at him, and Robin quickly understood his idea and smiled too.

They walked calmly with Robin on the side and gave him a small nod.

Dio took in as much air as he could from his lungs, and he exhaled dense and dark smoke from his mouth.

Suddenly, the smoke covers the whole ground and starts to spread while hiding them both.

It gets even bigger and covers the buildings around them.

It's not hard for him to summon smoke, and because this smoke was conjured with his powers, it can hide and be blind like normal smoke without harming the air.



The second spell followed, and two skeletons rose from the ground.

The two that Dio summoned had gray flames in their eyes instead of the normal ones he always summoned.

They were enhanced using a bit of ectoplasm to infuse a bit of "soul" into them to increase their power.

Dio hasn't tested how much this improvement is; their strength should surpass that of an ordinary human a bit, and their resistance as well.

Robin wasted no time, and when everything was shrouded in fog, he ran towards the first building, with the two skeletons following behind.

Robin's too fast for the skeleton to help him, but maybe it can be useful to draw the assassin's attention and protect him in case something goes wrong.

With Robin doing his job, Dio also ran to do his own.

The Wonder City certainly lives up to its name.

Dio had no idea that the technology of a few decades ago could make what he was seeing possible.

The water and sewage filter systems, all buildings made of a material that wasn't usual at the time, and electricity to light up the whole city.

This kind of scene makes him wonder what happened here.

It didn't take long to reach the center of the city while flying over the fog that was expanding there.

Dio stopped the fog from moving toward the city center a few meters away because he didn't know what was waiting for him there.

He then went into the fog and tried his best to hide himself.

Dio went to the roof of a building right in front of the place and crouched down to observe the situation.

The city's center was distinct from the rest of it; even though time has essentially destroyed it, it is still possible to see what the city once looked like at its height.

The entire ground was dug out, and a hole eight meters deep and ten meters wide took the spot where the street should have been.

In the middle of the hole, there are several thick pipes and wires that plunge below while connecting to the bottom of the hole, where luminescent green bubbling water is present—a Lazarus Pit.

What kind of insane idiot uses the Lazarus Pit as a power source?

It all makes sense now.

Dio recognized the sensation from the lights instantly because it was identical to what he felt in the Lazarus Pit last time but much weaker.

Anyway, only a madman would think of doing something like this.

Dio refocused his attention on what was in front of the hole in the ground.

A destroyed tower made of black stones was four meters tall and wide enough to fit hundreds of people inside it.

The top part is destroyed, perhaps after the city was buried.

In front of the entrance to the tower, there's a wooden stake driven into the ground, and on each side of it two people are tied with thick chains.

One of them is Batman, wearing his gray suit with a black bat on his chest and a black mask.

It's likely that his captors took his belt and cape off of him.

On the other side of the stake is a woman Dio can't see very well, except for her tight black leather outfit and short black hair.

Their kidnapper is walking around them.

A man wearing a long green cape, black pants, a golden belt, and a black shirt open at his chest in the shape of a "V"

He moves with the grace of a dancer, but Dio can see that he has a sword around his waist.

He doesn't look old at all with his goatee and straight-combed white hair giving him the aura of an eighteenth-century man.

However, Dio could recognize danger when he saw it without needing his memories from a past life.

Ra's al Ghul, the Head of the Demon, and the leader of the League of Assassins.



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