
Chapter 1042: Rest Period Ends (Part 1)

Shi Xiaole was still unclear about Shi Xuanzhong's affairs when Ling Jingsi came to inform him that he planned to return to Qin Building. Remaining any longer wouldn't yield any discoveries, so Shi Xiaole decided to go with them immediately.

With the scream of an eagle, three men and one eagle vanished from the Thousand Darkness Poison Palace.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Then, as if by a tacit agreement, within less than three days, about seventy percent of the people in the Thousand Darkness Poison Palace had quietly dispersed.

The remaining thirty percent initially didn't dare to move, but then someone spread the news that both the Thousand Ghosts Poison Emperor and the Holy Elephant Poison Emperor had also disappeared. Finally, those people panicked; some fled, others escaped, and even a few, in their scramble to seize resources and treasures upon their departure, broke out into violent skirmishes.
