
Chapter 511: The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind

From any normal person's perspective, choosing to wage a decisive battle is not feasible. It benefits no one and risks offending all the elite forces in Xuanwu State.

However, Xiahou Jinlun is not a normal person.

Yu He knew too well that this man was a madman, always acting unexpectedly. Caution was necessary.

"You guys just wait, I'll go rest now. Kuangyun City's array system isn't so easily broken, I reckon they wouldn't dare act rashly."

Laughing coldly, Ye Lanzhi floated away leisurely, seemingly at ease, causing Ai Wenqian to frown.

Yu He and Mo Changqing remained on the city wall, on the alert for any movement from the enemy.

Night fell.

There was a sudden rumble in the distance.

"No good, the City Protection Array at the North Gate has been breached!"

Yu He was the first to open his eyes, and upon seeing the disturbance at the rear, his pupils contracted sharply.


He and Mo Changqing rushed out immediately.
