
Chapter 209: The First Battle (Please Subscribe)

The main peak of Hero Mountain, bathed in sunlight.

Amidst the countless excited voices, four hundred and thirty-two contestants take turns to draw lots, choosing their representative numbers.

In every Hero Contest held in the past, to select the best eighty-one warriors in the entire region, the contestants were often divided into nine groups.

For instance, with four hundred and thirty-two participants this time, each group would have forty-eight people. Theoretically, these forty-eight people would go through forty-seven rounds of matches, but for efficiency, only twenty-four rounds were actually held.

Win a match, gain a point, lose a match, lose a point, and a draw is counted as zero. In the end, the top nine contestants in each group with the highest points become the acclaimed masters on the Hero Ranking.

Of course, this method inevitably includes some element of luck, resulting in unjust rankings.
