
Chapter 343 Finally Graduated!

Dwarves love to be praised, even more than most sentient beings.

If you compliment an elf and they agree with your praise, they will simply say thank you. If they disagree, they will straightforwardly tell you that you've praised them wrongly.

This is one of the reasons why most people regard elves as difficult to get along with.

However, dwarves are different, they will accept a compliment with glee at any time.

Truthfully, when Long Yi appeared, the dwarves were quite worried. Although Long Yi had always been helping the dwarves and even held the position of a dwarven elder, his true nature was still that of a human. If Long Yi really took the side of the humans, the dwarves could only listen. Regardless of whether as a dwarf elder or purely from a human perspective, in regards to the recent upheaval, the humans didn't really do anything wrong fundamentally, the dwarves were merely discontented.

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