
Chapter 215: Simon Base Assualt (9)

Saphir, Rubis and Emeraude all came together. "Sis are you okay?" Rubis asked Emeraude. She looked a bit tired. 

"I am fine," Emeraude replied. She was breathing heavily. 

"Are you sure?" Saphir added. She knew her sister did not like to fight but pushed herself. She wondered if she was doing it for Ben. Saphir thought she might need to talk to Ben. 

"I am," Emeraude said. They were all running towards the sea. The Mech was a bit behind them. Saphir, Rubis and Emeraude got near the coast. They saw the Miss Love Duck. She was taking cannon fire from three ships. The three ships were similar.. It was large, with two masts, and a figurehead of an animal skull that had large horns. The animals looked like an ox, and two cows' skulls. The lead ship had a large cannon on the bow. 

The lead ship was firing the large cannon on the front and it hit the Miss Love Duck square on the bow. There was a small explosion and some minor damage. "We need to go," Saphir shouted. Rubis and Emeraude smiled. 

They all jumped into the ocean and swam towards the first ship. They torpedo themself to the ship. As they got closer they jumped onto the bow of the ship. Rubis, Emeraude and Saphir landed on the deck. "Lets secure the cannon," Rubis said. The other two nodded. 

Saphir ran up to two pirates. She raised her spear and slashed them. She hit the first one across the chest and stabbed the second one. They both went down. Saphir jumped in the air and used her spear to slash another pirate. The spear went through his upper body downwards. The wound was deep and blood leaked out. He fell to the ground. 

"Intruders," a Simon pirate shouted. Emeraude came behind him and slashed his back. The pirate screamed as he went down. 

Several pirates looked at them. They picked up their cutlass and ran towards the three girls. "Rouge devastating," Rubis said as she ran up and launched a powerful stab that pierced the body of a pirate. He screamed in pain. He was bleeding rapidly and went down. Rubis took her spear out. 

"Shoryo no Mizu," Saphir said as she took some water from her hand and threw it at the few pirates in front of them. The four pirates got hit by the water droplets. Saphir aimed for their neck. The force was like getting hit by a bullet. The four of them choked and collapsed to the ground.

Emeraude was surrounded by a group of three pirates. "Simon wanted you three to live," one pirate said.

"We will be rewarded handsomely for it," another pirate added. 

"I will never come back," Emeraude replied back. 

"Who said you had a choice," the first pirate said. They all had a sinister smile. 

"Vert Whirlwind Slash," Emeraude said as she held her spear out and spun in a spot. Her spear cut the three pirates. They all went down. 

They all ran to the cannon. "The cannon is about to fire again," Rubis said. 

"We can turn it," Emeraude said. 

"Let's push it then," Saphir said. Emeraude, Saphir and Rubis all pushed the cannon and aimed it at the other ship. The cannon fired. The huge cannon ball went through the air and hit the second Simon Pirate ship. It impacted the hull of the ship and exploded. There was a loud dark smoke. A secondary explosion could be seen. 

"Looks like we hit the muniation room," Emeraude said. 

"Lucky shot," Saphir said. 

"Get them," another pirate said. He was fuming. 

"Looks like we have more company," Rubis said. 

"Rubis, Emeraude, Saphir jump off the ship, HQ about to make her move," BM said over the Den Den Mushi.

"Okay," Saphir said as she picked up her Den Den Mushi and responded. "Let go," Saphir added. They all nodded. The Simon Pirates started shooting them. Rubis, Emeraude and Saphir dodged the bullets and jumped into the water. As they were diving down they saw a bright light in the ocean. They looked closely and saw the head of the Mech. Its arms were stretched up. 

The Mech pushed the ship from the bottom, lifting it above the water. The three girls surfaced. They saw the Mech holding the ship over its head. It then threw it towards the third ship. The two ships collided and exploded in a giant fireball. 

The second ship which was on fire fired at the Mech. There were a few explosions on its body. However there was no damage. HQ used the hydraulic arm to punch the ship. The hull cracked in half by the impact.

"Wow," Saphir said.

"It is very impressive," Emeraude said. 

Meanwhile, Cherry was leading Vivi, Ivy and a group of former slaves towards a building. There was chaos everywhere. There were screams and the entire place was on fire. Buildings were completely leveled to the ground. Vivi thought about the destruction of these weapons. She thought this was not even an Ancient Weapon and the destruction was devastating. 

They got to a building which looked damaged from a shell. "They are here my princess," Cherry said. She had stars in her eyes. 

"Okay, let me lead," Vivi said. She took out her Gero Gero gun and walked in. The smell was awful. "Stay here," Vivi said as she choked. 

"But we can," Ivy tried to say. 

"No, I will check this out alone," Vivi firmly said. They all nodded. Vivi walked in and found a set of keys on the wall. It was on a notice board with paper. There was a map and it read "Mecha Island." Vivi took the papers on the board. She also took the keys and walked down the stairs slowly. She was determined to save them all. Vivi walked down and saw a line of cells. 

"I will help you," Vivi said. She got to the first cell and saw some frail men. They looked like they were beaten recently. Some were in chains. She opened the cellar with the key and let them out. "Head up the stairs," Vivi said. 

They all nodded and thanked Vivi. Some would say princess. Vivi sighed. She opened all the prison cells and let all them out. Most looked like pirates. They smelt of alcohol and had a bad attitude. They were annoyed that they got captured. However some looked like villagers. Vivi still wanted to save them all. She got them out and headed upstairs and outside. 

Some of the prison pirates were looking for a weapon, they saw Vivi with a nice gun in her hand. 

"Hand that gun over," one shouted. 

"She saved you," Ivy said. 

"I don't care," the pirate laughed. 

"Seis Fleur," Robins said as she sprouted six arms on that pirate threatening Vivi. 

"My friend can snap you in half," Honey said. 

Robin put pressure. The pirates were scared. He could feel his bones starting to crack. "I am sorry," the pirate said. He panicked. 

"Can I stab him?" Zala said who approached from the other direction. Her hand was a long single spike. 

"Robin can snap him so there would be less blood," Mikita said.

"I should," Robin said as she put more pressure. The pirate started to cry.

"No, he has learnt his lesson, please let him go," Vivi said. 

"You are too nice," Zala said. 

Kaya flew over to the crowd and most gathered. "We should go," Kaya urged. 

They all nodded. "Everyone, let's leave," Vivi said. They all nodded and rushed out. 

As they were leaving, a group of pirates blocked their path. "You are not taking them anywhere," the pirates said. There seem to be 100 pirates in front of them. 

"They never end," Mikita said. 

"Rubis did say there were around 1000 men on this crew," Robin said. 

"Thought we took out most," Zala said. 

"This place is falling apart," Kaya said. A building on fire just collapsed. 

"Get them," the pirate said. At that moment, another group of Simon pirates came towards them.

"More," Mikita said.

That group of Simon pirates slashed the other Simon Pirates. "What's going on?" Zala asked. 

"Miss, you saved us from our death on Mu and Itsu Island. Allow us to repay our debts," the pirates said. 

"Princess Vivi is so generous," Cherry said. 

"You heard that boys, she is a princess," the former Simon Pirates said. 

"Protect and help her," another one added.

"I am not a princess," Vivi said. 

The other girls laughed. Mikita aimed the Veridian Enigma. She started shooting people left and right. She reloaded the gun and fired more. The force of the bullets sent men flying back. . Robin saw a group of pirates. "Treinta Fleur ," Robin said as she spouted in total 30 arms across 5 people. "Clutch," Robin added, as she bent her arms forward and cracked their backs.

Vivi used the Gero Gero gun to fire frog shaped bullets into the crowd. There was a small explosion. The men went flying in the air and landed on the ground with a big thud. 

"Angel Barrage," Kaya said as she fired a rapid volley of small energy projectiles resembling angelic feathers towards the Simon Pirates. They got hit and got multiple cuts. The friendly pirates working with the former slaves struck them down. 

"I see a way," Zala said as she kicked a pirate in the groin. Zala saw a hole in the wall created by the shelling. 

"Okay, everyone that way," Vivi said. Everyone nodded and ran to the exit.

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