
An Eye for An Eye

[Third Person's PoV]

"The fuck did you do to my fucking brother, you fucking piece of shit?" asked Raiun looking like the definition of enraged.

Ash just casually shrugged his shoulder not looking bothered by Raiun's rage and just said "Discipline"

Which just caused Raiun's lightning to uncontrollably shoot out from his body. "Die then" Raiun's said as the lightning in the clouds above them started to rumble and crackle with more and more might.

Raiun waved his hand downward in a commanding motion, making the lightning start gathering together in the clouds and shoot a beam of concentrated lightning towards Ash.

Seeing the beam coming straight at him Ash used TSTP, Ash concentrated his fire at the tip of his fingers and made it condense. The more the fire at his finger tips condensed the brighter it got, it was to the point that it looked like Ash plucked a star from the very night sky itself.

A beam of fire shot right from Ash's finger when he lifted it up to the sky, Ash's fire beam quickly cut through the sky and met with the concentrated lightning in the middle.

Both fire and lightning fought each other trying to gain superiority over thee other. After a few seconds of their fight Ash's fire broke through the lightning and reached the clouds dispersing them.

"Will you look at that you're attack lasted a few seconds against mine, that's some real achievement, you should be proud" Ash's said looking impressed.

But to Raiun, Ash was just mocking him. He know he had to get back at him but that had to wait, his brother is more important.

With a clicked of whatever tongue he had, Raiun coated his entire body with wind and shot past Ash, Ash just followed his movement carefully. Ash realized that Raiun wasn't planning on attacking, he was regrouping with Hanami to get away.

Ash just sighed "Aww is the fun all over already it was getting fun too"

Ash grew wings and flew towards Gojo's direction. When he arrived he saw Yuji punching the wooden puppet that Hanami created to distract Gojo and steal Jogo's head from under Gojo's feet.

Raiun quickly arrived infront of Hanami and formed clouds under their feet from his body and lifted them up and flew towards the rest of the clouds.

Seeing the four quickly fly away and completely erased their presence Gojo just put on a pondering expression "It looks like the curses are forming their own factions now, how fascinating"

Gojo then turned to Ash, Ash conjured a bow made out of flames and made 5 arrows out of fire.

"You're going to kill them all?" Gojo asked curiously.

"Nahhh, but I will take something off each of them"

"5? I thought there were only 4 curses why did you add the fifth one" Yuji intervened between the conversation between Ash and Gojo

Ash turned to Yuji and said with a smile "This is a gift for the person I hate most in this world"

Ash aimed his bow a bit more upwards and released the arrows after a few more seconds. Ash then sighed regrettably "If only I've been able to see his expression when he received my gift to him."


While flying away on the cloud Kenjaku was sitting down in the middle of both Hanami and Jogo, and Raiun and Jishin.

They were discussing what they learned about their opponents. The only thing the curses said that Gojo and Ash had in common was their annoyingly arrogance expression when dealing with them.

While they were happy to get away, Kenjaku looked back as something has grabbed his attention. An arrow made out of flames came from out of nowhere and plunged itself right onto his eye, completely destroying it.


Kenjaku screamed having his eye melted off. The rest of them weren't safe anyways, rach arrow completely destroyed off a limb for each curse. Even for those that didn't have limbs had gotten a part of them burnt.

The arrow hit Raiun's left arm, Hanami's right leg and Jogo's volcanic top.

As for Jishin, when the arrow destroyed Raiun's arm he couldn't hold on to Jishin's body causing him to drop him.

While he dropped him and arrow came and pierced him the middle of his body completely destroying and burning his bottom half causing him to wake up and scream in agonizing pain.

Kenjaku was panting heavily while taking a hold of his face looking enraged. "I see... so this is your message, this is how you want to play. An eye for an eye. what a message if I do say so myself.

Fine if you want to play like this, let's play but don't come begging for mercy when I'm done with you. You asked for this"

.... Ash using his senses smirked once again and let go of the breath he was holding on to. 'That should teach that bastard for a while' Ash thought

And with that their little battle with the disaster type curses came to an end.


When Ash teleported, he found Maki was already in bed waiting for him to arrive. When Ash saw this he gave a lustful smirk.

With that Ash and Maki spent the entire night unable to keep their hands off each other. Enjoying their bodies together.


Everyone else at Tokyo Jujutsu High were relaxing waiting for the Kyoto school to arrive for the next Goodwill event.

While waiting for them to arrive they heard the shout of someone sounding pretty excited.

"ANIKI" Shouted Todo as he started running towards Ash's direction with his arms spread wide open, wanting to pull him into a big hug.

When Todo got too close, Ash simply grabbed his arm and casually lifted him up in the air where he proceeded to slam him back down on the floor. Causing cracks to appear due to Todo's weight and the force Ash used.

Todo just got up and dusted himsel clean. He nodded his head as expecting this result and said "As expected of my brother, he still hasn't lost his edge or grown weaker"

"Todo we talked about you touching me" Ash said

They then heard the sigh of a woman come a few feet behind Todo "You should have slammed him harder maybe that would have fixed him. Sorry about that, it appears he still has a bit of his screw loose"

"Mai!" Maki said as she went and enveloped her in a hugged.

Ash just smiled as he said "If it isn't my beautiful sister in law" while wiggling his finger at her in a wave.

Next chapter