
Element poisoning

Everyone in the room focused on Sir Minza at the mention of element poisoning. They knew it was a deadly condition. If nothing was done, all three kids would die.

Sir Minza turned to the staff. "Chamber Status."

"Power is at 75%, and consumption is less than one percent."

"Maintain that."

"Yes, sir," the staff nodded.

He snapped his fingers, and a box of potions appeared in his hand. With a slight push, he sent the box floating toward the second staff standing next to the right wall with many mechanisms on the wall. "Start injecting one potion per minute."

The second staff took out a potion and emptied it into a glass tube that connected to the mana chamber. "Done, sir."

Sir Minza nodded and focused inside the mana chamber. A few seconds passed, and this time, two of the kids fell onto their backs, and their bodies started shaking.

Their natural glow increased and started expanding, while the spots of element poisoning decreased. Sir Minza relaxed for these two, as it was only a matter of time before they recovered and finished their spirit egg formation.

But the moment he turned to Drake, a big frown appeared on his face. Unlike the other two, Drake was still sitting. The red stripes on his body were still increasing. It had reached the point that the original black glow now looked like element poison.

He turned to the staff with the mana controller. "What is the mana consumption?"

"It went to 2 percent, sir."

He nodded his head. The increase in mana consumption signifies that these kids started consuming the mana to reform their bodies; it's a good sign.

One instructor shouted while pointing toward Drake, "Sir, look at that kid!"

Minza stared back at Drake, the scene in from made his wide eyes. Until this point, there were only the red stripes, but now even the original black glow started blinking with another shade of black glow mixed with it. 

If for one second a greyish-black glow came, then the next second the darker black glow replaced it. Everyone in the room had their mouths wide open to see so much element poisoning in one kid.

This was the first time Sir Minza saw this kind of anomaly. He was already skeptical about the large number of red stripes, but now, with this additional element poisoning, he was sure that someone did it on purpose.

One instructor asked loudly, "Sir, someone is surely trying their best to kill this kid."

Sir Minza said nothing and tapped on his wrist. A screen made of water appeared in front of him. Scrolling through the screen, he opened the details of Drake.

One look at the information made him clench his fist, and he closed the screen and shouted to the second staff, "Wait until those two kids get out, and then dump all the potion inside the chamber at once."

Except for one instructor, this decision made everyone in the room confused and stunned. Not caring about them, Sir Minza continued to observe Drake.

Element poison was the case that happened in those with no spirit. It was the condition where the foreign element mana entered into a normal person's body and got left dormant inside the person's body.

It most happened when non-mana wielder came in prolonged contact with the element energy. Now on its own, Element poisoning was not life-threatening, but things changed when a person with Element poisoning tried to form their spirit egg.

The process of spirit egg formation would reactivate this foreign mana that would try to invade the soul space and harm the newly formed spirit egg.

In the Drake body, the second deeper black shade that rose at this time was from Kane.

His body was treating the mana coming from the 2nd soul seed as the foreign mana, but as the soul seeds merged, instead of going toward the soul space, this mana wanted to move out of the body.

The red strips were the element poison that was left from the years of abuse by the pauper healer. This red mana wanted to go inside the soul space.

Finally, Drake's own greyish-black mana was condensing and changing to become pure dark black. His body became the battlefield of all three kinds of mana.

He was in this equilibrium where if any of the mana dominate he would meet his end. 

A few more minutes passed and one after the other two kids got up and walked out of the mana chamber. Now, only Drake remained in the mana chamber.

The second staff started emptying one potion after another into the tube and soon the box full of potions emptied. Everyone held their breath to notice any changes to Drake's body.

Drake fell to the ground at this moment and started shaking. Many cracks appeared on his skin and blood started seeping out of his skin.

Sir Minza asked while staring at the Drake. "Mana consumption."

The loud voice of the staff came, "It's one percent, sir."

One instructor said while shaking his head, "It's over. The kid's body is unable to handle the stress."

 The second instructor added, "I am surprised that he survived for that long, and what with his body even in so much stress it not showing any sign of evolution."

Sir Minza said nothing as he continued observing the mana chamber.

The third instructor even turned to walk out while saying, "It's better if we stop wasting time on this kid."

All other instructors nodded at this, but a low voice came from the last instructor, "This kid is from seat holders."

This caused them to pause, but the last instructor had not finished. "An inner family member of Duisberg and one of the new candidates that participated in their race to the leader."

All the instructors and even the staff that heard this just turned back their focus on Drake. Each of them had a different expression on their face.

"A Duisberg in this condition?"

"Are they planning something?"

"Those greedy bastards just want to create some additional trouble?"

"No, maybe they just wanted to get rid of this kid."

 "It doesn't matter if this kid dies later on, but he needs to come out of the chamber alive at all costs."

"But what can we do in this case? Should we force some healing?"

"Nah, the external mana from the healing will only make the thing worse."

"What about increasing the quantity of natural mana potion?"

"It could work if the kid started evolving."

All the instructors looked at the back of Sir Minza, who was staring at the Drake without making any move.

This made them quiet as they realized the situation in not that simple. They had multiple questions in their mind, but none dared to disturb Sir Minza.

Suddenly, Drake's body stopped moving. The staff said in a panic, "Sir, the consumption dropped to 0."

The instructors in the rooms had frowns on their faces, but Sir Minza calmly said, "Max power this instant."

Not wasting time, staff instantly increases the power to the max.

Creak! A crunching sound came from the mana chamber as everyone saw Drake's body sink. The red skin on his face started melting. Even the muscles in his face started melting to the point that everyone could see a little of his white bones.

Sir Minza closed his eyes in disappointment. Everything seemed to be over when the staff shouted, "One percent!"

Before anyone could react, Sir Minza appeared next to the second staff. There was a golden potion in his hand and he poured it into the tube connected to the chamber.

The moment others saw the potion, they had their mouth wide open. They could not believe Sir Minza to use that kind of potion. All of them looked at the almost-dead Drake in envy.

Sir Minza came back to the window as the staff shouted once again, "Five percent!" He sighed in relief. Finally, the kid started his evolution. 

Guys need some help here. I will be happy if u can give me a minute or 2 to read the synopsis of the novel and tell me if it is interesting or should i do some rework on it.

Feel free to point out my mistake, as I am here to improve myself.

Ty for all to read my work.

Champsingcreators' thoughts