

"Choi choi choi! The both of you stop making such wild guesses!" With a flick on the forehead, Li Xian chased away their false accusations. 

"But, mum! You never know what Li Tian may be thinking! He has always been like this ever since he was a baby!" Li Xi rubbed his forehead. 

"Even so, your brother is probably during his training course and cannot leave until he reaches a checkpoint. Haven't you seen how hardworking he had been since he was a baby?" Ming Guang Rong replied to his son. Just as Ming Guang Rong was about to say a line, Li Xi cut him off. 

"I know, I know… Just like you have said for the thousandth time, 'if only you were a tenth as hardworking as your little brother…'" 

Li Xi made a mocking face as he repeated condescendingly. This earns him a hard smack on the head. 

"Dad's not wrong," Li Mei added on, "In school you are always fooling around and getting in trouble. If only I had chosen a different school from you… I wouldn't have to be recognized as your sister." 

"Why am I always the one targeted? Sometimes, I wonder if I'm truly a part of this family or am I adopted…" Li Xi lamented under his breath. 

"Oh? How come you all have not started dinner?" Just when the conversation started to die down, a voice from the doorway travelled in. Li Tian stepped into the room with a tired look on his face. Unbeknownst to everyone, the boy had been up for close to 36 hours, binging anime. To them, Li Tian looked that way because he was busy studying. 

"Ah, Tian Er. I was just about to get your father to call you over. We were just waiting for you to start dinner." Li Xian replied adoringly. 

"Mum, next time you all do not need to wait for me to have dinner. I would come out and eat when I reached a checkpoint." It was a lie. Li Tian needed to finish the episode before eating his dinner. 

"It's okay, it's okay. We are not that hungry anyways." Li Xian waved her hand. 

"I am hungry…" Beside Li Tian, Li Xi muttered in dejection. 

"Sorry, big brother. Next time you have my permission to eat first." Li Tian smiled at Li Xi, to which Li Xi was happy with his brother's support. 

"You don't have my permission though." Ming Guang Rong added on with a smirk. Over the years, the father of three started to have more white hair appearing on his forehead. He still looked very youthful even though he was over forty. The same could be said about Li Xian who could pass off as the twin's elder sister. 

With the light bantering session over, the family of five began their meal. While eating, Ming Guang Rong asked his youngest son a question. 

"Tian Er. Your CPT is coming up, correct? Would you mind if mum and dad come along?" When Ming Guang Rong asked that question, his eyes shown signs of worry that Li Tian may reject his request. The reason he phrased it in such a way was because when the twins had their Cultivation Proficiency Test, Li Xi and Li Mei had strongly declined as they wanted to go with their friends from the Li Clan Private School. To the twins, they started to find their parents were uncool at the age of 11. He was worried Li Tian may feel the same way. 

"Ah? Its almost here? Sure, why not?" When Ming Guang Rong heard Li Tian reply, the older man sighed in relief quietly. Li Xian's face also leaked a look of happiness even though she already knew that her youngest son was very different from her twins. 

Unlike Li Xi and Li Mei who went to the Li Clan private school until high school, Li Tian's intellect far exceeded everyone else's. As a result, Li Kui had prepared private tutors for him, which eventually became redundant too. Because of this homeschooling, Li Tian never mingled around people his age and was usually around adults for most of his childhood. The exceptions would be his twin siblings. In addition, Li Tian does not seem to mind his parent's presence in his life and appreciates them. This resulted in Li Xian and Ming Guang Rong further doting on Li Tian. 

What everyone doesn't know was that in the past life, Li Tian did not get to spend much time with his family. So, in this life, Li Tian did not want to waste this opportunity. Many days when his parents were free, he would either find his mother to head to the library together or would find his father to do some light sparring. It was fun quality time to him. 

"Oh what? I want to come too!" 

"Me too! Me too!" Li Xi and Li Mei quickly joined in. Both had great relationships with their brother too. Whenever they couldn't do a question or the whole homework for Li Xi's case, Li Tian was always more than willing to help them out. In fact, they were extremely proud to say that they have such a genius brother. 

"No, the both of you still need to go to school that day." Ming Guang Rong dismissed the idea immediately. 

"What, but…" 

"No buts!" Ming Guang Rong shooed off Li Xi pleas. 

Both the twins had received an A tier for their CPT, which was a great score for the most part. A coincidental part about the twins that was known even before the CPT was that Li Xi had Fire and Earth affinity, while Li Mei had Water and Wind affinity. Together, they encompassed the four basic elements. In terms of body type, both had normal bodies. Over 99% of cultivators had a normal body type. If a child had a unique body type, it was noted that their element affinity would always pair well with their body type. 

However, Li Tian's score was what got them curious. In their minds, it was impossible for their son to get anything below an S tier. Just his cultivation speed was a good testament of his cultivation proficiency, and this was not even considering his intellect. In addition, Li Tian spoke about how he was able to perceive three different elements, notably, Fire, Wind and Light. Not only did Li Tian have three elements, but he also had the super rare Light element. 

"When is my CPT again?" 

"It's this coming Thursday." That gave Li Tian another three days to carry on with his anime. The man did not care about the CPT and was just going through with it for his parent's sake. 

When the family finished their meals, Li Tian headed back to his room. Before he started the next episode, he asked the system a question. 

'Is there a way to hide my cultivation proficiency from the machine?' 

[Yes. There is. The system can disguise your body's energy levels from the machine.] 

'Alright, sweet. On the day itself, only reveal my Fire, Wind and Light element affinity. In addition, adjust my proficiency to the S tier. For my body type, disguise it as normal.' 


With that problem settled, Li Tian went back to his favourite routine of watching anime. He has considered before whether or not to replicate his old world's animes and bring it over to this world. Even though he had already transmigrated onto Terra for twelve years, the memories of his pasts were crystal clear, and it wouldn't be a problem to replicate it. The only difference was that the people on this planet lived under the threat of both humans and Demonic Beasts. Entertainment was a luxury good and wasn't something that could be enjoyed by everyone. After all, more than 60% of the population hold some form of combat job. Many times, they cannot afford to rest as they are posted outside of their country. 

'Ah… I'll just keep this idea of mine under wraps for now…' 

Thursday came very quickly. Li Tian and his parents woke up early, earlier than when Li Tian would've gone to sleep. Li Xi and Li Mei had already left for school reluctantly. The twins had a chauffeur that would drive the pair to their high school. As both had a strong martial foundation, it was easy for them to enrol into the best high school in Ningguo, Ningguo High School No. 1. Close to 98% of students that enrolled in Ninnguo High School No. 1 would get an offer from a University in the Land of Hua. The reason for this is because one of their enrolment requirements was to have a B tier or higher CPT, showing the importance of having a good CPT. Sadly, things like these were not controllable and was granted to an individual at birth. 

At eight in the morning, the personal chauffeur for Li Xian arrived at their family's home. For the Cultivation Proficiency Test, two months before a child's 12th birthday, the Government of Hua would send a mail to the child's home, stating that they would have to come down to the testing institute to conduct their CPT. Even those coming from the four major clans had to follow this rule and would not receive backdoor. Although there were such rules that limit the clans, those born into wealth already wield enough power to help their children begin their cultivation journey earlier. 

Hey guys! As today I had more time to write, I'll be posting three chapters today at separate times! Enjoy! Do add the book to your collection if you enjoy my story!

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