
Chapter 404 – Heartless? It's the Law of Jungle!

"Hah? Fire Weasel?" Max narrowed his eyes questionably. "Don't tell me that there is a Water Weasel or Rock Weasel too?"

— There is

— You guessed correctly

— Magical creatures are magical by nature. Of course they follow the four basic elements too!

"Damn it! That yapper is useless! Why did he keep this information hidden from me?!" He growled and lowered his sword. "And water magic? Dude, I have no water magic! Does this mean that I am fucked? I don't think my Wind Slash will do anything to this guy."

And his earth sword was too fragile. He would get burned if he got close. Even from 5 meters away, he could feel the heat.

'Thankfully the fire didn't spread. It disappeared as soon as it appeared. I guess that's because it's caused by a magical creature.'

Now, that wasn't the main problem. The main question was…

'How do I defeat this little shit?'

If there was one way, that was to learn water magic.

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