
Arrival and a Dragon egg

Valyria, 270

Nathan POV

When the light eventually fades, I glance around and see forests that spread for miles and mountains that may hold supplies for me. Well, it's not as horrible as I expected, but it's not exactly ideal either. First, I glance down and notice my dragon egg with a letter attached to it. I read the message, "Here's the Egg, and also I changed your appearance because why not-God."

I'll see what I look like later, I think as I glance down at my future Dragon kid, whose egg was dark crimson with white swirls. I think the colour was rather good. I then lift my right palm and focus on bringing forth my magic; I start by trying to put a strength charm on myself as I feel my body getting hot and energy shooting through me, I spot a tree in the distance and i walk to the tree and prepare myself I punch the tree and my whole body shook along with the tree and while my hand hurts but not as bad as i expected, as i see to look at the damage theres a four inch dent into the tree. While it could be better but it could also be worse off, so I'll continue to practice my charm magic for a later date. Then I test out my creative magic, and dammit, I may have gone overboard.

The first thing that came to me was a basic carry bag to keep my egg in, and then I created simple attire such as breeches, a black shirt, and grey boots to go with it; I'll try to stay with the clothing style for now. But then I attempt to make more difficult things to help me get started on reconstructing Valyria; I collect my ideas on what to make, and then it clicks, so I just extend out my hand and try to create what I envisioned, and when I close my eyes, I can see my handy work.

"Ahhhhh shit what the hell," I speak it aloud In front of me is a guy, but instead of what I imagined, it turns out to be a little off. Standing before me is a behemoth of man, about 7ft tall, but what's worrisome is that he only has one enormous eye and two right arms and only one left. A shockingly high-pitched voice interrupts my thoughts, "Hello Father, what would you like for me to do?" I was dumbfounded, Father? I can't be a parent right now because I'm broke!

I break free from my thoughts and respond, attempting to sound like my father. "Yes my child I have tasks for you, this is the start of our new home and kingdom but first we need resources so it will be up to you to mine these resources and first you'll chop as much as these trees you see before you." I respond as I fashion a massive Axe to match his stature. "Well, it's not Valyrian steel but it will have to do for now." I add that my "son" offers me a huge grin and answers, "It shall be done Father," as he turns to walk into the thick trees; I pray he doesn't be devoured by anything out here.

I then take a look about and investigate my surroundings; I know there are vaults and mines someplace nearby, but I can explore for them later. I need to figure out where the heart of my kingdom should be, ideally someplace with easy access to the sea and where I can construct ports and ships for commerce and conflict. Also, a location for my kingdom, but that shouldn't be too difficult, I reasoned.

But I didn't have to search far since I had only been walking for about 20 minutes. "There is easy access to the sea and ports for ships and I could build my castle and a port city but I have to people for that as I plan on creating bots instead of another "son" to work and gather resources for me while I'm creating my new kingdom."

What should my castle be like? I think of castles I've seen in movies and even ones here in this reality. But then an idea strikes me, and I hold out my hand, feeling power coursing through me, praying that I don't fuck this up. I picture the structure of the castle, the walls, the towers it should have, and the interior, leaving plenty of room for defense capabilities just in case someone wants to fuck around and find out.

As I close my eyes, they widen even more as I see a magnificent beast in front of me; the castle is about 1,800 feet high and four miles long from south to west. "Wow, I'm going to need a lot more bots to keep this beast running." As I approach my new Kingdom, I see that the material I envisaged for my castle's coloration was solely white and red high walls.

I thought the materials building my castle were diamonds; I realize it's probably cheating, but I'm here to be king, and I intend to live like one. As I approach the gates, I can immediately see the possibilities and rapidly make my way to the third gate. I built the castles for defense, so someone would have to lead their army through three well guarded gates just to get to the main entrance, but as I reach my halls. I imagine decorations hanging from the ceilings, lovely colored walls, and a drawing of what my own home sigil would look like in the middle.

"Well, that's badass, would definitely intimidate people," I exclaim. The flag is black, but the dragon is deep red with white lines running down its back as the dragon breathes fire on a castle. It might send mix signals but eh whatever. As I continue to tour my home, I catch my reflection in a mirror. Mirrors would be extremely lucrative in trade, but I notice my new looks and I'm pleased. In my former life, I wasn't the most gorgeous person around, but now, if I do say so myself, I'm fairly good looking. My hair is blood red, and my eyes are practically golden yellow.

Along with that, I can see a strong jawline concealed under my still growing face, and as far as I can tell, I'm roughly 5'6" tall, which isn't terrible for a ten-year-old. As I continue walking, I appear in front of my throne room, with two dragons carved into the large double doors, which I push open to reveal a large open throne with four large pillars holding up a second level for where I would put extra guards to oversee the room, and standing big and proud is a White Dragon head with its mouth open, and inside the mouth is a Large Red chair standing proud. "A throne fit for a king, with room for smaller thrones for my future wife or wives," I grin. As I sit and contemplate my next move, I mount these massive six stairs and seize my throne.

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