
Odin's summon

Swain's days in Asgard are going well. During the day, he is mostly at Royal Library researching and searching for new magic. He has studied the Runic magic. Although he tried to do it many times but his success rate was really low. In Asgard, after Father, only he and Thor are capable of using it. But Thor doesn't like magic, so he didn't learned it. So now the only person left is him, so he is learning it because it can be a huge boost to his power.

At night, he absorbs the Ice casket and Rubik cube. It has been just about more than 10 years since he got them but now, his divine power increase has reached about 100 years more in just ten years. It really is a blessing because not only the quantity of his divine power is increasing but also quality. Maybe, at this pace, someday, he will reach the level of Law.

After his first visit to Earth, he has now visited the Earth quite a few times. He likes seeing the development of mankind with his own eyes and their evolution. Sometimes, he will help some people in need to relieve his time.

Swain was sitting in his bedroom absorbing the energy of Rubik cube and Ice box. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

" Your Highness, Your Majesty has summoned you in the Golden Palace."

Swain was surprised that Father called him because he hasn't recieved an official summon in the last ten years. Even the summon ten years age was for his coming of age ceremony. So he replied:

" I will be their in a while."

The servant left after his words. He stopped the absorption and got ready for going. He teleported outside the Golden Palace as teleportation is not allowed here inside the Palace. He stepped into the Hall and there were many people present there. Swain greeted King Odin and mother Friga.

Seeing Swain coming in and greeting, Odin also greeted him back but was surprised observing the amount of Swain's divine power. Although his third son, didn't inherit super physical talent like Thor but in magic, he can say that no one is like his this son. And seeing his divine power today, it seems that Swain is the most talented in this field even more than magic. But he didn't asked Swain about this matter and said to him :

"Come here my son, there is a task for you. You have really grown well."

Swain straightened his back and made the posture of listening carefully.

" There is a attack on Nidavellir. As a subsidiary kingdom of Asgard, it is Asgard's duty as the head of nine realms to protect them. Your brothers are not present here and are stopping the rebellion in Muspelheim. So now it's your duty to protect Nidavellir. Although some of Asgardian troops are present there for help but you have to go there for support. "

Swain was not surprised by the words of Odin. After all, as Asgard rules the nine realms, it also has the duty to protect those who submitted to it and Dwarves are the most important allies of Asgard, so there is no way that Aagard won't help them.

Now it seems that it is time for him to start doing his duties as a Royal Prince. So he immediately said :

" I will immediately go to Nidavellir and stop the intruders and show those who harbor ill that Aagard is still strong as the past. "

Odin was satisfied with Swain words. He knew exactly the need of the task. Neither arrogant like his brothers and neither humble. It would be just great if he didn't inherited the Ocean and storm divine power and was like Thor. But anyway, if Thor and Loki still doesn't get better. Then there is no problem for him in giving Asgard to Swain. As for his strength, if Thor keep neglecting himself like this, then Swain can grow past him in just a century or two.

Swain can be said to be ideal heir for the throne among his four children till now.

Swain didn't know that Odin was considering himself for the throne, otherwise ho doesn't know wheter to be happy or sad because becoming the king of Asgard can be called one of the most dangerous jobs.But Swain didn't knew this and was going to Rainbow bridge to teleport to Nidavellir.

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