
A Talk on The Bench

Austin and Ingrid found themselves seated on a bench in the palace garden, surrounded by a sea of vibrant and enchanting flowers, their colors dancing in the gentle breeze. The lush greenery enveloped them, creating an atmosphere that was both romantic and serene, offering a tranquil respite from the chaos of battle.

Suddenly, small green lights began to flicker and dance around them, casting a mesmerizing glow that illuminated the area, enhancing the beauty of the surroundings. The enchanting spectacle created a breathtaking and alluring ambiance, transforming the garden into a magical haven of light and wonder.

"So beautiful, isn't it?" Ingrid muttered making Austin look at her and see her who was smiling beautifully making her more attractive.

"But you are more beautiful~" Austin teased gaining a blush from her.

"D-don't tease me," She said while looking away to hide her blush.

"Well, now what are you going to do? You have lost your purpose and you can't just train aimlessly. You need a purpose or a goal to reach, a reason for you to fight for and train for, a dream to achieve, anything."

Ingrid listened to what he said and didn't say anything, just looking around her watching the small green lights lighting the surroundings.

Austin knew or guessed that she was thinking about her future and what she was going to do from now on.

It might be hard for her to continue her life like that as a lifeless doll living to entertain the audience.

Sometimes when people seemed lost, they look for a lighthouse to guide them, and when they find themselves in the deepest darkness, they look for the light to lead them.

Our lives are based on a purpose, like why do you live? To eat? To play? Marry? Enjoy what life offers to you? Have a happy family?

All of these are purposes that made people continue to live and struggle to survive in a world where strength speak the strongest.

The weak dies and the strong live, that's how the world was being built.

It's so cold yet warm, so bad yet good, so difficult yet somehow simple. Everything had two faces opposite to each other like a coin.

But tell me, how the strong became like that? How he reached the peak defeating all of those who stood against him mercilessly without any care.

A purpose. What motivated them was what they would achieve at the end, the glorious purpose that they fight for and struggle for.

Skills, talents, experience, education, health, etc, all of that is important but being without a purpose, then they are useless because you simply lack the purpose that gives you the motivation to move on and struggle for your life.

That was what Austin was thinking until he noticed Ingrid looked at him with eyes filled with conviction and determination.

'Seems she finally decided, huh. It took some time but it was okay, it's not something you could decide in just a whim even if the purpose was something simple and normal, as long as it existed then it's okay.'

"Although it's just a simple goal but it can help me reach my purpose."


"I have decided, I want you."

Hearing that Austin looked confused as he raised his eyes brows. He didn't think that he would receive a confession so suddenly, even in his wildest dreams.

Realizing what she had just said, Ingrid blushed hard like a tomato before she corrected herself with nervous voice.

"I-i didn't mean it like that, f-forget what you heard."


Looking at her expression right now, Austin found her so cute and wondered why mature women when they blush or pout they look so cute.

It was the question of millennia and it needed an answer.

Anyway, Austin faked a cough to lighten the mood a little.

"Cough* then what did you mean by that?"

"I want you to be my purpose." She said without any nervousness in her voice.


"I... don't know, it just looked so good when I put you as my purpose and goal and will train and struggle to reach you."

"Well that's weird, you didn't see me fighting or anything so how could you put me as a goal to reach?"

"This is my soul space and I can see everything happening in it if I want to."

"So you saw me fighting in the throne room?"

"Exactly, and I want to say, you are so strong though you can't use anything here but brute force and spiritual energy."

"You just saw me getting my ass kicked left and right," Although Ingrid saw the fight from the beginning to end but she couldn't do anything to help him as the corruption was still affecting her.

"Anyway, do what you want but I have something better than you putting me as your purpose."

"What is it?"

Austin without saying, pulled Ingrid to his lap by her waist making her so surprised by the sudden act, she unconsciously put her hands on his shoulders for support.

Then their eyes met, both of them looked at each other feeling something tingling inside them.

Then suddenly Austin said surprising her more.

"How about you becoming mine and seek to get stronger to become the strongest knight in all times with me accompanying you in your journey. How about that, although it's a simple goal but it's hard to achieve considering there are much stronger beings out there but I know you can do it if it's you."

Ingrid was so surprised by his offer that was a propose to her.

Yes, he literally asked her to become his wife which was so sudden.

She became nervous and ignored the fact that she was sitting on his lap at the moment.

It was so sudden that she couldn't think properly, and anyone would become like that if was being proposed to so suddenly without any introductions or anything.

"No need to take it so seriously, just think about it as long as you like, I'm not pressuring you to accept at all. Just think about it for some time then give me your answer later no matter the time I will be waiting.

I know it's so sudden but my time is limited in this world so I just took the chance. If you accepted me then I will open my arms for you but if you rejected just consider what I said just a passing joke from a clown like me."

Ingrid felt relieved when she heard that but at the same time disappointed with her herself.

Anyway, with the things concluded, Austin decided to go back to his wives and enjoy his time with them.

So he put Ingrid at the bench before he said goodbye and got out of the soul space returning to his inner dimension, Avalon.


Note: Some of you might find what I wrote in the chapter contradicted with others perspectives but this is my opinion and that's what I believe. So don't come later and complain to me. If you have another opinion just say it in comments or if you agree with my opinionm or anything else but don't complain about my opinion.

Note end.

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