


Philip had called Magedelene that Morning, if he could come over and pick her up, but She told him she would be coming over with Amanda.

But before all that, He has called his friends if they can all meet up.

" Bro, you are looking better than the last few times we saw you." Sunny says he grabs Philip into a Hug.

Philip smiles, and goes over to hug Maya, who hugs him warmly and says "Everything is going to be okay soon."

Jay did their little code handshake and hugs him as they both laugh.

"You know, I jusy wanna say thanks for checking up on me and all, These past few days has been rough." Philip says looking at them all emotionally.

"I mean we just better you're getting back on your feet, We've gat some catching up to do you know." Jay says as he directs his words to them all.

" You know,I miss those moment where we all sit together, and really talk about our emotions." Maya added as she clungs onto Jay arms.

"Now, We're all just scattered, We only communicate through Phone, it ain't right though." Sunny also chip in sadly.

" I get y'all, it not we've been distancing ourselves intentionally, Life has been really lifing." Philip who has been nodding to what they all said, chips in.

"You know we should fix a time, where we can all just be vulnerable with ourselves." Maya concludes, while the boys nods their heads in agreement.

"Guys I have a morning class, catch y'all later." Sunny says as he hugs his friends once more.

Jay and Maya leaves after chatting a little bit with Philip.

Later on, Philip finds his way to the Class, He looks around looking for Magedelene, no trace of her, He brings out his Phone

"Magedelene, Just stepping into the Class, Can't find you anywhere." Philip types into his Phone.

Still Standing there, trying to fish her out, he gets a tap behind him, he turns backwards it's Magedelene smiling at him,

"I saw you enter, Just thought of giving you a surprise." Magedelene says still smiling. She looks at her Phone, Philip message just coming in now.

" Wow, that's new." Philip says as he brings her towards him and hugs her " I didn't know I was missed this much." He tells her in her eyes.

Magedelene gives into the Hug smiling, They let go of eachother simultaneously, Magedelene rolls her eyes.

"I suspected you would do that." He says laughing, She leads him to where she was sitted.

On the table, Philip saw her sketches, Paint, scattered on the table.

"Hey what's wrong." Philip sits besides her,

Now he was getting a better view of her face

" You look beautiful as usual but looked stressed." This time Magedelene looks over at her sketches, analyzing them.

" Do you think anything's wrong with the paint I used in this sketches." Magedelene says as she hands him different sketches to look at."

Philip looks at the sketches, and the paint she used on them

"You know to me, I really can't figure out, or can't tell what's wrong here, Because they all seem alright."

"Alright !." Magedelene exclaims "My works are never alright, no wonder he says it doesn't meet his taste." She murmurs to herself, but Philip heards her.

Philip looks at her and asks "What doesn't meet Who's taste?"

"Have been meeting up with Sam about all these." Magedelene says as she points at the sketch. "Sam says the sketches are alright, But the Painting doesn't meet the Company's or his requirement."

Philip goes over the sketches again, "Aren't this the sketches I saw at your place and I remember saying they were mind blowing." Magedelene nods her head , while Philip gives it another look

" I don't think Sam really knows what he's talking about."

" I think I agree with you on that, I emailed the company later that day and sent them this particular Paintings, but they replied me back with Since Sam was the one who brought me in,

They would like for it to go through him, Incase there are any lapses, he would put me through,

Since he's one of the best they got, Then they can give him their take on it." Magedelene explains it to him.

"I really don't understand, Is that part of their Company's Policy?" Philip is surprised. Magedelene nods her "It seems so."

"So what is Sam saying about it?" Philip asks. " He wants me to come see his Paint, maybe I could learn a few from him." Magedelene replies still looking at the paintings, looking for any clue for what might have gone wrong.

Philip goes silent, "I think that's a good idea, I mean y'all are both artsy." Philip trying so hard not to sound Jealous, that Magedelene would be sharing her time with another Guy, when they haven't really had any foundation.

Philip looks at her, Magedelene was still eye fixated on the art, he grabs her hand, faces her " Hey, don't overthink this, I mean you know, We learn everyday right?"

Magedelene brings her eyes to his "I guess so, but I just don't feel alright with all these." Magedelene says, She didnt know how to express herself.

Philip wants to hug her right there, He just tightens his fingers around his "Change is constant, I can go with you, everytime you go to see him, just so you can feel a familiar presence around you."

Magedelene looks at him and smiles warmly at Philp this time, "That's so considerate of you, it just my first time, I just need to stop being so comfortable in my net."

"And at the same time, Please listen to your intuition, it has saved me a lot." He says to Magedelene, Who flashes a warm smile at him and puts all her stuff inside her bag.

"I have an English class any minute from now." Magedelene looks at me , as She looks at him

Philip looks at the time, "I also have Counseling Class, Are you going my way?" He points towards the walkway.

Magedelene nods as she says, " let's walk together."

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